Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 929 Mo Ziqi’s Promise (1)

At noon, Caiwei woke up after a full sleep. The first thing she did when she woke up was to ask Chunliu to boil water for her. She wanted to take a bath and change clothes, and also said goodbye to her dear aunt.

Chunliu said calmly: "Miss, Guard Feng has ordered that in order to prevent outsiders from discovering it, our village cannot have a fire during the day."

Caiwei said in disbelief: "Can't we start a fire? What should we do with cooking? Is it possible that we eat raw food for three meals a day?"

Chunliu said: "Guard Feng said that our meals are cooked in the middle of the night, or when dark clouds cover the moon. At that time, no one can see even the smoke coming from the chimney, so our meals are cooked three times a day." Meals are prepared in the evening, so you can just eat them during the day."

It's good to eat ready-made food, but it's a pity that cold rice and cold soup will lose its taste no matter how good the food is after being left out overnight!

Caiwei waved her hand, "Forget it, go and clean the bathtub for me and get some water. I'd better take a bath first. "

"Miss, do you want to take a bath with cold water? Taking a bath with cold water will make you sick. Miss, you'd better be patient and wait until this matter passes before taking a bath!" Chun Liu, the person in charge, reminded her.

Caiwei also knew that women's bodies are delicate and cold showers are bad for the body, but things were urgent. At this moment, she really couldn't care whether taking a cold shower was harmful to the body. She just wanted to get clean as soon as possible and follow up. Space communication, understand the current situation as soon as possible, so as to know what to do next,

She glanced at Chunliu: "If you are nagging again, go back to Bafu Restaurant and stop waiting around me."

"Miss, I have overstepped my bounds. I will never dare to do this again. Please spare me!"

Chunliu knelt down and begged for mercy for herself.

Caiwei had no intention of punishing her, but he didn't like her nagging, so he threatened her. Seeing that she was scared, he said coldly: "Go and get ready. If there's another time, I won't be lenient."

Chunliu went down to prepare water. Caiwei called Huanqiu and asked her, "Is there any new news in the city? Has the emperor passed away? What is the situation in the Liguo Palace? Has anyone been implicated?"

Huanqiu shook his head and said frustratedly: "Miss, in order to protect your safety, Guard Feng has ordered that no one in the village is allowed to enter or exit without permission, so I don't know anything about the situation outside."

Huanqiu didn't know the situation outside, and Caiwei was not disappointed. Her dear aunt had left. As long as she took a bath, she could communicate with the space. At that time, she could send parrots to find out anything she wanted to know. The news is even more accurate than the news brought back by the hidden guards!

Chunliu quickly cleaned the tub and filled it with water.

Caiwei sent her out, closed the door, took a shower, and after her body was refreshed and clean, she entered the space smoothly.

After not seeing each other for a few days, everything was as usual in the space. Caiwei called out the parrot and asked him to go to the palace and watch the prince's every move. If there was any news, let him report it immediately.

The parrot got the order, fluttered his feathers and flew out.

It was past noon and Caiwei had not eaten yet. She did not want to eat the cold rice in the village, so she wandered around the ground in the space, picked some leeks, washed them, and then ran to the woods to pick them up. I brought back a few wild eggs, chopped the washed leeks into fillings, fried the eggs, mixed them with the leeks, and added seasonings such as oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc. I planned to make a leek box for lunch.

Leek box is a common pasta in the north. It is similar in shape to dumplings, but much larger than dumplings. It is in the shape of a pancake. Usually, a leek box can hold five to eight dumplings. The filling is made of leeks and eggs. There are also It's stuffed with leeks and meat, but it's not as delicious as the leeks and eggs stuffing. Although the leeks box looks like a dumpling. But the method is also very different from dumplings. The leek boxes are not steamed or boiled, but cooked in a pan with oil like pancakes!

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