Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 930 Mo Ziqi’s Promise (2)

After the stuffing was ready, she suddenly thought of a serious problem - there was no flour in the space!

She took out all the flour in the space and gave it to the sick and wounded in Lingbei, and she cooked and ate the rest for Nangong Yi. Now, except for the immature wheat, the only thing left in the space is for Nangong Yi. The hundreds of thousands of loads of spoiled grain that Yijun exchanged for him!

Seeing the reconciled stuffing, Caiwei felt depressed. Frustrated, and as if she was holding back a breath, she called Changmei and asked Changmei to search among the damaged military rations to see if there were any. Which bag of flour is less moldy and can be eaten.

Changmei took the order, and soon ran back with a bag of flour that was much heavier than it was.

"Master, these flours are all good, not spoiled!"


Caiwei took the flour bag, took out a handful of flour, put it under her nose, and sniffed hard.

As a result, there really was no moldy smell at all.

How did that happen?

She clearly remembered that she secretly exchanged this batch of military food. She also smelled a heavy musty smell. Moreover, the soldiers in the army were about to mutiny because they ate moldy food. How could they have such a musty smell? No more?

She ran to the place where the grain was piled in disbelief. As expected, she didn't smell the musty smell that choked her nose. Caiwei still couldn't believe it. She randomly pulled out a bag of rice from the rice bags piled like a hill. , opened it, and saw that the bag of rice was crystal white, plump, and not bad at all.

Smell it, it also smells of newly harvested rice, not even the slightest bit musty!

Caiwei suddenly figured out that it must be the aura of space that changed the moldy grains and restored them into edible grains.

Very good!

The space actually has this function!

Caiwei was so excited that she almost jumped up. There was so much grain and rice in Space Forest, enough for her to open a hundred rice shops!

Get rich, get rich now!

Her little heart was singing and dancing.

Looking at the dancing master with long eyebrows, he asked expectantly: "Master, do you want to make some food?" "

"Do it, of course you have to do it!"

Caiwei happily ran to the kitchen, kneading dough, rolling out cakes, and wrapping stuffings all at once, and quickly wrapped dozens of leek boxes.

"Master, is the leek box delicious?"

Changmei obediently helped Caiwei light the fire, while Caiwei bent over, holding the spatula and turning it over and over in the pot. The baked leek box is golden and oily, beautiful and delicious!

Before the meal, Caiwei asked Changmei to pick a dozen fresh fruits in the yard, squeeze them into juice, and then eat them in a leek box!

Changmei ate a lot and drank two large glasses of juice. Turtle Immortal also ate four or five leek boxes and was full of praise for Caiwei's craftsmanship.

While eating, Parrot suddenly heard news from the palace.

"Master, I saw, uh, heard..."

"What's wrong?" Caiwei put down the juice in her hand and her ears perked up.

"In order to win over the General Protector, the Crown Prince promised to make the General's daughter his queen after he ascends the throne. The General Protector seems to be tempted. Although he hasn't agreed in person yet, his expression seems to have begun to waver."

"He's shaken?"

Caiwei's heart sank immediately and she lost all her appetite.

General Li Kaifeng is in charge of the 300,000-strong army of the Jin Kingdom. He is a figure that even the emperor is afraid of. In the Jin Kingdom, General Li's words definitely carry weight. If he supports any prince, that prince In all likelihood, he will become the next emperor.

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