Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 931 Mo Ziqi’s Promise (3)

Caiwei wondered in her mind, would he accept Nangong Shi's temptation? If he changes sides, what should Nangong Yi do?

No, we must not let him switch sides, and we must not let Nangong Shi continue to act recklessly...

"Brother Ying, you stay in the palace and continue to monitor the prince. Who did he meet? What did he say? Tell me word for word."

After giving the instructions, Caiwei flashed out of the space. She had to take care of the men's affairs, and she couldn't abandon the family affairs. She wrapped several leek boxes with corn leaves and sent them to Du Shi's room. My mother is pregnant, so eating cold food is not good for the child.

Seeing that she had brought a box of hot leeks, Mrs. Du was surprised and asked, "Where did it come from? Isn't it forbidden to open fires during the day here?"

Caiwei said without changing her expression: "I have my own people, and they sent them to me. "

Du Shi was timid. Hearing that people picking weeds came and went here, he worriedly said: "Your people coming and going here will expose us? If there is danger, don't let them come. Anyway, it's hot now. Eat Something cold won’t hurt your stomach!"

"Mom, nothing will happen to my people. I am sensible."

Caiwei said something, then called her father and Wen'er and Wu'er and asked them to eat with their mother...

"Well, it's delicious. It's much better than the cold buns I had in the morning!"

Wen'er and Wu'er ate happily, but the little boy was too big-minded and didn't know what it meant to escape, so he just ate and drank happily.

Caiwei looked at the family eating and drinking tenderly, and her heart was full. At this time, the parrot's voice came again.

"Master, I heard it again. There is a thin and tall guy next to the prince. He persuaded the prince to capture and kill King Qin while the emperor was in funeral, so as to avoid future troubles!"

To kill her man!

Caiwei was angry.

Nangong Shi, you ungrateful patricide actually wants to ambush the man who killed her. You have had enough!

"Parrot, come back!"

Caiwei had a cold face and suddenly had an idea in her heart. Since Yingge could kill Concubine Jin, it wouldn't matter if she killed a few more. She hated conspiracies the most in her life. Since the prince and his staff liked to play dirty tricks. Yes, let them go to the underworld to have enough fun!

And that Li Kaifeng, if he dared to have a different intention towards the King of Qin, Caiwei wouldn't mind using the same method used on Concubine Jin to let him go underground to cooperate with the prince.

A few minutes later, the parrot came back.

Caiwei asked the old turtle for a pack of highly toxic and overbearing poison, and let the parrot catch it. Then she went back to the palace and waited for an opportunity to poison Nangong Shi. By the way, she also killed the evil counselor next to him. And get rid of it.

The emperor passed away. As the prince, Nangong Shi must have a lot of things to do. Therefore, he had to be busy inside and outside the palace. As long as he was outside, the parrots flew over his head and sent those If a bag of highly toxic poison is sprinkled on his body, there will be no chance of his survival!

When he dies, any conspiracy or cooperation will cease to exist, and Nangong Yi's danger will naturally be lifted.

Caiwei thought so and sent the parrot away...

East Palace, Prince's Mansion

He Lanxue was stunned when she heard the news delivered by the maid.

"You mean, Nangong Yi wants to make a deal with Li Kaifeng and use the Queen's throne to bribe Li Kaifeng?"

"That's right, Madam, when the prince told General Li about this matter, Xiaoluzi stood aside and listened very seriously. Xiaoluzi also said that although General Li did not agree immediately, he seemed to have already agreed. I'm tempted."

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