Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 932 Mo Ziqi’s Promise (4)

He Lanxue fell down on the chair, her head buzzing. She married Nangong Shi as his wife. If Nangong Shi ascends the throne, he must make her the queen. Otherwise, he will be infamous for devaluing his wife as a concubine. There was no way to face her father and mother.

But why did he agree to make someone else his queen? Is it possible to make two queens? This is impossible?

Suddenly, she thought of another terrifying thought. It was not impossible for a man to make someone else his queen, as long as she... died!

Thinking of this, He Lanxue felt as if she had been knocked down by a bucket of ice and snow, and her heart went cold. Nangong Shi actually wanted her to die. He actually wanted to kill her?

Although she hated Nangong Shi for killing her flesh and blood, and hated him for doting on his concubines and destroying his wife, and for being unkind and unjust, she never thought of putting him to death! After all, a couple's love lasted for a hundred days. They had been in love and spent many sweet years together. However, in order to marry another woman, he actually wanted to kill her. He actually wanted to kill her... ....

He Lanxue sat in confusion on the chair, feeling that her heart was broken into pieces and all the blood was drained...

"Oh, Nangong Shi, since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous..."


At night, the villa on the outskirts of Beijing was deserted. At that moment, no one was in the mood to be alone. As soon as it got dark, everyone in the villa quietly fell asleep.

Cai Weiyue felt that her parents were both asleep, so she got up secretly and jumped out of the window.

On the roof, Zhuifeng was lying quietly on a thin blanket. Seeing Caiwei suddenly jump out, he stood up in a hurry and jumped off the roof.

Caiwei looked back at Zhui Feng and said nothing, but a giant white-haired tiger suddenly appeared out of thin air next to her. Zhui Feng had seen this giant tiger before, so she was not too frightened and only said: "Princess, I want to go out." Be careful, if something happens, His Highness King Qin will feel uncomfortable!"

Caiwei said "Yeah", jumped on the back of the tiger, and went straight to Duke Li Guo's mansion in the city.

The white-haired tiger was very fast. In a short time, he ran into the capital. After several leaps and bounds, he arrived at Duke Li Guo's Mansion.

Under the moonlight, the courtyard of Duke Li's mansion was red and tall, with its doors tightly closed and a majestic atmosphere everywhere.

The white-haired tiger jumped from outside the wall into the wall with just one leap.

Caiwei was afraid that the white-haired tiger would be seen by others, so after entering the house, she put it into the space and found Fei'er's residence based on her memory from the last time.

At this moment, Feier has not yet fallen asleep. She is sitting under the lamp, embroidering a simple and simple fan bag stitch by stitch. Outside, the little girl who is waiting for her is sitting on a spring stool and taking a nap, with her head banging. Eat.

Caiwei opened the door and walked in gently. When she walked to the little girl, she raised her hand and gave the little girl a handful of powder to fall asleep completely.

She tiptoed into the inner room, walked to Fei'er's side, stretched her neck and looked over quietly.

I saw that what Fei'er was embroidering was a fan bag for men. The fan bag was made of Shu brocade and was navy blue. It had a bat pattern embroidered on it, which represented blessing. The bat was lying on a peach, which meant It is a good omen for good fortune and longevity. The opening of the fan bag is also decorated with two small turquoise beads, making this fan bag look low-key and luxurious!

Feier was so focused on her embroidery that she didn't even notice that Feier was standing in front of her. She just smiled shyly while embroidering.

Caiwei naturally knows why her sister is so happy and happy.

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