Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 933 Mo Ziqi’s Promise (5)

She specifically inquired about Fei'er's sweetheart, Mo Ziqi. This eldest son of Duke Li's mansion was of noble character and noble temperament. Apart from being a bit cold-tempered and not easy to get close to, he had nothing to criticize.

Because of this, Caiwei is relieved that Feier will stay here for a long time, so that Feier and Mo Ziqi can have regular contact, just like modern people falling in love, which will also be very beneficial to their emotional development; if there is a relationship between them If it is not appropriate, they will also be aware of this through this period of contact, which will also make it easier for them to contain their feelings in time, so as not to find out after they get married that it will be too late.


Caiwei coughed lightly.

Feier woke up from her fugue and was shocked when she saw her sister coming out of the blue. She patted her chest and said, "Sister, why are you here again?"

The corner of Caiwei's mouth twitched: "It seems I'm not popular, even the word 'again' is used."

Fei'er calmed down, stuffed the unfinished embroidered fan bag into her sleeves, and said with a smile: "Look what the eldest sister said, I'm just curious, how did the eldest sister get in? This is an extraordinary period in the Duke Liguo's Mansion. , there are guards guarding outside, and even a fly can't fly in. Why does the eldest sister come and go like nothing?"

Caiwei smiled and said, "Have you forgotten, Fei'er? My sister has learned kung fu. How can a mere courtyard wall keep me from doing so?"

"Yes, I almost forgot, the eldest sister also worshiped a very powerful master!" Feier stood up, took the pastel plum blossom teapot with a handle from the case, and picked up a chicken pot Cup, poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

"Sister, are you here to see me at night? Or is there something going on at home?"

Caiwei took the tea cup, blew it twice, took a sip, and said, "Sister, I was thinking that it's not a problem for you to live in other people's homes all the time, so I came here to take you back."

"Oh, go back----"

Feier pursed her lips and said timidly: "Sister, can I say goodbye to him before leaving?"

As he spoke, he slowly took out the fan bag from his sleeve, his cheeks red.

Her look made it clear to Caiwei what she was thinking.

Mayfair has always been gentle and timid. At this moment, although she lowered her head shyly, her determined expression was not weak at all.

"Fei'er, have you thought about it? Mo Ziqi is the eldest son of Duke Li of the State and will inherit the Duke of Li in the future. Will the Mo family dislike your background as a merchant? Or, can they allow you to do so? The position of head wife?"

Although Caiwei does not think that Feier is not worthy of Mo Ziqi, it does not mean that the Mo family can look up to Feier. Since ancient times, farmers, industry and commerce, in the eyes of high-ranking officials, businessmen are the lowest professions. Feier was born as a merchant, and the Mo family Do you really not mind?

Therefore, Caiwei had to ask these questions clearly. If Mo Ziqi was the only one who fell in love with Fei'er, but the elders in Duke Li's Mansion despised her, then it would be fine not to have this marriage, but she couldn't bear to see her Fei'er. When your son marries into someone else's family, it depends on how others look.

Hearing the eldest sister mentioning the Mo family, Feier's little face showed a hint of joy, "The old lady, the madam and the ladies are all very kind to me. No one looks down on me. Elder sister, you are worrying too much." ."

Caiwei added, "Young Master Mo is a member of the clan. He is different from a poor scholar like my father. He will inevitably take concubines in the future. Fei'er, can you accept this?"

Feier's face suddenly showed a look of pain. She bit her lip and shook her head numbly: "Sister, I don't know. I only know that I have identified him, and I can't tolerate others in my heart. If he comes in the future, I also took concubines with other men at a glance, I, I..."

She couldn't speak any more and covered her mouth with a handkerchief, her voice choked with sobs.

Caiwei held her hand and said softly: "Since you have identified him, my sister will not stop you. It's just that he will take concubines in the future. Do you have the heart and courage to bear it? If not, what will happen in the future?" How should you deal with the day when that happens?"

"I don't know, I don't know..." Mayfair shook her head in pain, her tears already falling down.

"I won't take a concubine!"

Outside the window, a cold male voice suddenly sounded, startling the two girls in the room.

The voice continued: "Since Mo has decided that Fei'er is my wife, he will put her first in everything in this life and will never take concubines!"

The sound outside the window was so loud and powerful that Fei'er was so excited that she burst into tears, crying and laughing...

Caiwei believed that if she hadn't been there as a lightbulb, that girl Fei'er would have rushed out and given Mo Ziqi a warm hug!

However, it was really touching that Mo Ziqi could say this. I'm afraid any woman wouldn't be able to bear hearing such a confession.

Caiwei was very heartbroken. She said to the hazy figure outside through the window: "Mr. Mo can say these words. Caiwei is very happy for her sister. I hope Mr. Mo can keep his word. If Mr. Mo one day If you forgot about today’s promise, Caiwei wouldn’t mind reminding you!”

"Thank you Princess Anle for your kindness, but it's not necessary. Mo has never done anything dishonest since he was born!"

The voice outside the window was still cold and had no ups and downs in tone, but the two sisters in the room felt warm in their hearts...

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