Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 934 King Qin returns to Beijing (1)

Mo Ziqi's words were enough for Caiwei to regard him as one of her own. Out of trust and gratitude, she went outside, met Mo Ziqi, informed him of the emperor's death, and gave instructions. He was more careful, lest the prince attack Duke Li's palace.

Mo Ziqi's reaction was very calm, as if he already knew about this matter. He just said lightly: "Thank you for your concern. Duke Li Guo's government is not so easy to overthrow."

Hearing what he said, Caiwei was relieved. Duke Li Guofu was a prominent family with a century-old foundation. It had its own power in the court and even in the various states below. Even if the prince wanted to deal with them, he could easily shake them. Can't.

"In that case, please take care of yourself, Mr. Mo."

Caiwei called Fei'er out and said, "I came today to pick up Fei'er. It's already very late, so I won't meet the old ladies in the house. Could you please Mr. Mo to tell me on my behalf?" Say hello to others, and then say goodbye to the ladies and ladies at home for Mayfair. These days, my little sister has been bothering the house.  "

Mo Ziqi's eyes crossed Caiwei and fell on Fei'er, saying, "You want to leave?"

Fei'er nodded and whispered, "I have been away from home for many days and I miss my parents."

The man nodded, "Okay, in that case, I'll see you off."

Mo Ziqi led Caiwei and Fei'er into the study, and stopped in front of the antique shelf in the study. The antique shelf was filled with all kinds of precious antiques, including pairs of antiques fired by the official kiln. porcelain bottles, auspicious animal ornaments carved from white jade, and coral bonsai over a foot high, all of which are priceless items.

The man raised his hand, grasped a bronze jue placed on the top desk partition, and twisted it to the left. Hearing a sound, the Bogu rack actually started to move on its own, slowly moving forward in a fan shape like a door. Come forward and move one foot away from the wall.

He walked to the bookcase again and pressed a button on a bottle on the wall. There was a "squeaking" sound, and he saw that the floor was slowly sinking where the book shelf had just been moved. , revealing a dark hole.

By the light in the room, we could see that there was a long staircase at the bottom of the hole, leading to nowhere.

Mo Ziqi casually took the lantern from the desk and said, "Let's go. This place is still some distance from the countryside. I'm afraid I have to walk for a while."

Caiwei asked: "Where does this tunnel lead?"

Mo Ziqi said: "This tunnel is originally the same as that of Prince Qin's Mansion. If we walk more than a mile away, we can merge with the tunnel of Prince Qin's Mansion and lead directly to Zhuangzi."

It turns out that Duke Li's Mansion also has a tunnel that can lead directly to the countryside. No wonder they didn't panic at all when they were surrounded!

Mo Ziqi stepped forward, took Fei'er's hand calmly, and said, "I will lead you down."

Fei'er's little face turned red and she didn't resist. She let him lead her into the tunnel. Caiwei hesitated for a moment, then stood at the door of the tunnel and said, "Master Mo, the situation is urgent. Could you please send Fei'er to Mr. Mo?" Go back, I still have some things to do."

"Princess Anle, please help yourself!"

Mo Ziqi said something, and his figure disappeared into the entrance of the tunnel. Then, the entrance of the tunnel returned to its original state, and Bo Gujiao returned to his original position as if he had become a spirit.

Caiwei watched the mechanism recover, then turned around and wanted to leave.


The parrot's voice sounded like a broken gong, and he was a bit angry.

"What's wrong?"

"It failed. As soon as I sprinkled the medicine, I was discovered by the man next to the prince. He used his internal power to fly away all the medicine powder and almost hit me. Fortunately, I flew fast, otherwise..."

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