Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 935 King Qin returns to Beijing (2)

It didn't work!

Caiwei was a little frustrated, and what made her even more annoyed was that Nangong Shi had such an amazing master around him. It seemed that she really had to get Nangong Yi back, otherwise, the situation in the capital would soon become difficult. control.

"Brother Ying, go to the General's Mansion and keep an eye on Li Kaifeng's movements. If you have any news, report it to me immediately."

Caiwei gave an order, summoned the white-haired tiger, rode the white-haired tiger away from Duke Li's Mansion, and ran towards the outside of the city at full speed...


Early in the morning, in the military camp of the Northern Expeditionary Army of the Jin Dynasty

Nangong Yi got up early and patrolled around the camp, watching the soldiers unpack their tents and pack their luggage.

In the past two days, the army of the Northern Expedition traveled day and night, rushing on their way, sleeping only three hours a day, just to get back to the capital as soon as possible.

He started to rush on the road because Xiao Nizi promised him to come to the camp but made a mistake. He was worried that something would happen to her and missed her, so he hurried on the road and wanted to meet her as soon as possible; later, a letter was sent from the flying pigeon in the capital. , his father was actually poisoned to death by Nangong Shi, that wild and ambitious beast, and the crime of patricide was placed on his head, which made him so anxious that he wished he could get his wings and fly back to the capital immediately.

Nowadays, the prince controls the situation in the capital. His mother, Duke Li Guo's mansion, and his Xiao Nizi family are all in danger. Although they all have the ability to protect themselves, the danger still exists.

He had already made up his mind that if the prince really ascended the throne, he would use the one hundred thousand troops in his hand to fight the prince and pull him down at any cost. For the sake of his mother and his grandfather's family, he would fight tooth and nail. No matter how hard you try, you can't let the prince become the emperor!

"Your Highness King Qin, breakfast has been arranged. Please go back to your tent and have your meal." A servant of Nangong Yi came over and asked him to go back and have his breakfast.

Nangong Yi said quietly: "I'm not going back. Go and bring my king's breakfast here, and I and the soldiers will eat together!"

The attendant hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Highness, King Qin, your breakfast was made by the princess herself, and I want to eat it with you!"


A gust of wind whirled past, and the shadow of King Qin was no longer in sight.

The attendant chuckled, and he knew that when King Qin heard the word princess, he would have this reaction, which was similar to what he thought!

Nangong Yi returned to his big tent like a whirlwind, and saw Xiao Nizi, who was thinking about it day and night, setting the table in an orderly manner. On the table were two bowls of strangely colored noodles, which were actually purple and green noodles.

Although the noodles were weird, Nangong Yi had no time to care about them. He walked up to Caiwei in two steps, stretched out his hand, took her into his arms, hugged her hard, and almost kneaded her into his body.

"Why did you come here? Do you know that I miss you very much?"

Nangong Yi hugged her and complained in a low voice, his voice was a little soft, and he seemed aggrieved.

Caiwei bumped his chest lightly with her head and chuckled: "Isn't he coming? Why are you just complaining?"

"Weier, I miss you!"

"Yi, me too!"

The two of them were entangled in each other's arms, as if they had been separated for many years, not like they had just been separated for a few days.

"elder brother----"

When Nangong Yu broke in, Nangong Yi and Caiwei had not separated yet. The two hugged each other tightly, and the scene was harmonious and beautiful.

This scene happened to fall in Nangong Yu's eyes, and also in the eyes of Luo Xue who was beside Nangong Yu. Both of them were startled for a moment. Nangong Yu glared at Caiwei, while Luo Xue quickly lowered his eyes and looked at her. Emotions masked.

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