Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 939 King Qin returns to Beijing (6)

"White-haired tiger, stop!"

Caiwei stopped the white-haired tiger and told Nangong Yi everything about the Sun brothers. Of course, she didn't forget to tell where the grain and rice went!

Nangong Yi loved Caiwei very much, not to mention that the person Caiwei wanted to help was an innocent person who was imprisoned because of their dishonesty. Even if she wanted to help an unrelated person, he would do it without hesitation.

Caiwei was a little worried and said, "Nangong Yi, it's midnight, is it really okay for us to just knock on the prefect's door?"

Nangong Yi said nonchalantly: "What's the matter? If there is something else, he just invites me, and I don't mind going to his mansion!"

When approaching the residence of the governor of Lin'an Prefecture, Caiwei took the white-haired tiger into the space and followed Nangong Yi to knock on the door of Han Zhicai, the governor of Lin'an Prefecture.

When Magistrate Han heard that someone claiming to be King Qin had come outside, he immediately got up, got dressed, and ran to the door to greet him.

King Qin returned to Lingbei after his victory, and he could reach Lingbei in just a few days. Therefore, when someone reported that King Qin was outside the door and wanted to see him, he believed it without hesitation!

In fact, if we talk about it, Zhifu Han and the King of Qin are somewhat related. The eldest son of Zhifu Han married the daughter of Duke Li Guo. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Zhifu Han should be regarded as the first son of King Qin. Party people!

When he met the King of Qin, Master Han naturally had to kneel down as a monarch and his ministers. He respectfully invited the King of Qin to the flower hall and ordered him to prepare tea and serve fruits.

Nangong Yi was in a hurry and didn't care to greet him. After a few polite words, he ordered him to release Sun Long from the prison to comfort him and let him go home well.

Mr. Han did not dare to ask why. He would do whatever the King of Qin said. Therefore, he agreed with a loud voice and immediately ordered his men to go to the prison to release the person!

Nangong Yi got what he wanted, so he stopped delaying and left after saying goodbye to Master Han.

Han Zhicai originally wanted to send His Highness King Qin out in person, but King Qin sharply rejected him. He did not dare to disobey, so he gave up the idea, obediently held his hands, and sent King Qin and Princess Qin away.

As soon as King Qin left, Mrs. Han walked out from behind the screen and sighed: "Haha, no wonder the young master Huo proposed marriage to the girl from the Mu family and she refused to agree. It turns out that she and the king of Qin were in love. After all, the king of Qin is indeed more handsome than the young master Huo." Some, and his status is much higher than Mr. Huo..."

"What do you know? If she marries Mr. Huo, she will be the first wife of Ming Media. Although she is not as beautiful as a woman like King Qin, she can live a free and open life; but if she marries King Qin, based on her background, she can only be a A concubine, to put it bluntly, is just a concubine, how can she live a more magnanimous life than a main wife, hey, young people nowadays!"

"Shh, don't say this in front of others, especially our daughter-in-law. She is King Qin's cousin. If it reaches her ears, it will be spread to King Qin."

"Needless to say, I have been an official for decades. If I didn't have any moral integrity, I would have been sent back home to farm..."

The couple sighed, feeling extremely sorry for Caiwei's choice. They chatted for most of the night, and it wasn't until almost dawn that they hugged each other and fell asleep...

At dawn, Nangong Yi and Caiwei returned to the capital. Nangong Yi sent Caiwei back to Zhuangzi next to Anzhao Temple, and left on his own.

Caiwei didn't trust him alone. She originally wanted to accompany him, but Nangong Yi refused. He said that although he was not in Beijing, the situation in Beijing was always under his control. He could Facing the prince, he was confident enough to win the game.

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