Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 940 King Qin returns to Beijing (7)

Seeing that he was resolute, Caiwei let him go, but she still felt uneasy after all. After much thought, she transferred Ying Ge back from the General's Mansion and let him follow the man from a distance, in case something happened. She might as well be the first to know anything.


General Li has been very troubled these past two days.

It has to be said that the conditions proposed by Nangong Shi made him very tempted. It has always been his dream to let his daughter become the mother of a country. However, he was not reassured by Nangong Shi's guarantee.

Nangong Shi's current concubine is a princess of Xianbei. If he succeeds in his great career, he cannot put the princess aside and marry his daughter as his queen. Therefore, if he wants to make his daughter his daughter, the only way he can do it is if the Xianbei princess dies.

If he really killed Princess Xianbei, he was too cruel. Li Kaifeng could not trust such a person; but if he did not kill Princess Xianbei, how could he make his daughter his queen? Unless you're lying to him.

In the tangle, he told his daughter what Nangong Shi said and wanted to know what her daughter thought. As a result, he was strongly opposed by Li Ruizhu.

"Dad, the prince has always been hypocritical and immoral. He was mutilated because he supported an actor. Can you trust such a person?"

General Li said: "Dad doesn't completely believe him, but it's just that there is no chance for the King of Qin. If you miss the prince again, you will never have the chance to enter the middle palace in this life.  "

Ruizhu didn't know that Caiwei was not dead yet. She always thought that Caiwei had been eaten by a tiger. Therefore, when General Li mentioned King Qin, she said with confidence: "Didn't King Qin come back after winning the battle? My daughter." I believe that as long as dad helps him bring down the prince, he will definitely be grateful to dad, and his daughter will definitely have a chance!"

"Hi! Ruizhu----"

General Li sighed.

"You don't know yet, Princess Anle is not dead, and it's not like you don't know King Qin's thoughts about Anle. Even if dad helps him, I'm afraid he won't give in!"

"Wasn't she snatched away by a tiger? How could she escape death? Dad, did you hear wrongly?"

Li Ruizhu was so anxious that she almost cried. When she heard that Princess Anle had been snatched away by a tiger, she was so happy that she stayed up all night, thinking that if the bitch died, King Qin would change his mind and marry her sooner or later, but she didn't. Death, if she didn't die, how could King Qin marry her?

General Li said: "She is indeed not dead. Not only is she not dead, she is still alive and well. In the past two days, our Zhenbao Pavilion was taken away by her."

"How could this happen? Why didn't the tiger eat her? Why didn't she die?"

With tears streaming down her face, Li Ruizhu grabbed the handkerchief in her hand and pulled hard. A fine brocade handkerchief was almost torn by her.

General Li has always loved his daughter dearly. Seeing his daughter's despair, he couldn't help but comfort him and said, "Don't be sad, Pearl. Dad will definitely find a way to make you get what you want!"

When Li Ruizhu heard this, she burst into laughter and said coquettishly: "Daddy is so kind, but daddy still loves me..."


The light of daylight shone into the bedroom of Jade Kun Palace. Queen Mo opened her eyes, her eyes were as cool as water, calm and calm.

At this time, there was only one serving maid left in the palace, and there were not many guards guarding outside the palace. The death of the Holy Emperor in the past few days made everyone in the palace panic, and everyone was worried about who would succeed him. Datong.

If the prince ascends the throne, everything will be easy to talk about, but if the king of Qin ascends the throne, the king of Qin will not spare them for their abuse of Queen Mo. Therefore, all the maids and eunuchs are trying their best to run forward every day, trying to find out something about it. Court information.

Queen Mo sat up, and the little palace maid hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, but Queen Mo raised her hand to stop her.

"Go and get me a cup of scented tea. I want the scented tea in the green bamboo tube, brewed with boiling water!"

The little palace maid hesitated for a moment, then Empress Mo suddenly raised her eyes and shouted: "Hurry up and go!"


Not everyone can bear the majesty of the main palace empress. The little palace maid walked away staggering under Queen Mo's angry shout.

It was finally quiet. She waited all day and night in a false sleep, and finally waited until there was no one around. Queen Mo stood up and sat down, revealing the peonies on the back of the gold-inlaid couch with clusters of carved and inlaid East Sea scallops and corals. The flowers bloomed just in time, and the white butterflies were playing with each other. Queen Mo pressed the stamens, and there was a click. The stamens sank in, and a dark drawer suddenly slid out from the pillow of the couch.

The carved scrolls on the couch pillow are so ingenious that I never thought there was a secret drawer hidden inside.

But seeing a note hidden in the dark drawer, Queen Mo quickly opened it, only to see a few lines of words written on the note. After reading the note, Queen Mo turned the note over, opened her mouth, bit her finger, and used Xue quickly wrote a few lines of words and put the note back into the dark drawer.

As soon as it was closed, the little palace maid came over with scented tea and said softly: "Your Majesty, please use the tea!"

Queen Mo took the tea, with the same expressionless and cold look as before. She held the lid of the cup and stirred the scented tea in the cup. The sound of the lid hitting the cup covered up the secret guard in the collapsed secret passage trying to get the letter. sound.

After the collapse became quiet, Queen Mo also stopped playing with the tea leaves. She took a sip of the scented tea in the cup and said, "The tea you made today is very good. I like it very much!"

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