Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 941 The Prince’s Defeat (1)

At nine o'clock, the bell rang, and all the civil and military officials filed into the court. The Holy Emperor suddenly passed away. It happened suddenly. Many matters have not been decided yet and need to be discussed and decided by all the ministers. For this reason, after deliberation and decision by the ministers, Every day, according to the time of going to court in the past, they gather in the court hall to discuss matters after His Majesty's death.

The ministers filed into the court and were about to start discussing matters. King Guangling suddenly spoke loudly: "My lords, as the saying goes: a country cannot live without a king for a day. I think that since His Majesty has passed away, it is better to let the prince ascend the throne as soon as possible." , the world has been settled to comfort Your Majesty’s spirit in heaven, what do you gentlemen think?"

Prime Minister Ning said: "According to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, the crown prince's enthronement ceremony can only be carried out after the burial of the late emperor. Now that His Majesty has just passed away three days ago, and the first seven days have not even passed, why should King Guangling be anxious?"

The Marquis of Wuchang said: "The Prime Minister's words are wrong. At this time and at that time, the former emperors ascended the throne according to the law. At that time, it was a time of peace. Now our Holy One has been poisoned to death by the traitor of King Qin. The prince must hurry up as soon as possible. After ascending the throne, he made the decision to kill the traitor King Qin. Therefore, he is not the same as the previous emperors.  "

"Yes, the prince should ascend the throne as soon as possible to defeat the traitors and bring peace to the world!"

"Prince please ascend the throne as soon as possible!"

"Invite the crown prince to ascend the throne!"

In the court, a crowd of people knelt down, including the original princelings and many neutral ministers who had been coerced and lured by Jin Zhong last night. Du Ruhai, the Duke of Anguo, was among them. Everyone knelt on the ground piously. , asked the prince to put the overall situation first and ascend the throne immediately.

Prince Nangong Shi suppressed the excitement in his heart. On the surface, he still showed the same humility as before, and said modestly: "Thanks to your lords' respect, Shi will definitely live up to your expectations and will definitely promote me..." "

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

An unhurried voice came from the door of the court. From where the voice came, the King of Qin, dressed in filial piety, came gracefully. He walked slowly, his handsome face showed sharp edges and coldness, and his eyes were cold and cold. , like extremely cold ice and snow, which makes people shudder. From a distance, people can feel a powerful evil spirit approaching, full of dangerous atmosphere.

"Third brother!"

The prince was shocked, "Why are you here? Aren't you on the way?"

King Qin raised the corners of his mouth, stared at Nangong Shi with sharp eyes, and sneered: "If I am still on the road, I am afraid I will have to accept the crime of patricide assigned to me by the prince!"

A flash of panic flashed in the prince's eyes, but he quickly calmed down and said righteously: "King Qin, regardless of whether you were responsible for Jiu's murder of his father, you are now the biggest suspect. Therefore, Gu can only Follow the rules and temporarily detain you in Dali Temple for interrogation. When the truth comes to light, if you are really innocent, Guzi will clear your name!"

Nangong Shi chuckled: "What a thief, catch the thief. The prince deliberately put the crime of killing his father on my head, Nangong Yi. Isn't it just to kill two birds with one stone? How can he clear my name? I'm afraid that I will go to Dali Temple , there will be no life left!"

"How dare you, Prince Qin, dare to spray blood with your blood? It was clearly you who killed His Majesty, and yet you dared to falsely accuse the Crown Prince. You are so vicious!"

King Guangling pointed at Nangong Yi and was filled with indignation. Jin Dapeng also said with the same hatred: "Your Highness, I am asking your Highness to agree to suppress the King of Qin and interrogate him strictly. We will surely find out the details of his harm to Your Majesty."

Wu Guosheng, the Marquis of Jian'an, said loudly: "No, you can't punish a scholar-official, let alone a legitimate prince? Furthermore, under severe punishment, there must be unjust imprisonment. The death of the Holy Emperor is full of doubts. We need to investigate carefully and find more evidence." Make a conclusion."

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