Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 949 Meeting the Father-in-law and Mother-in-law (4)

The corners of Caiwei's mouth twitched and she almost fell down from the stool.

Du Shi and Mu Zhongqing were stunned. In front of them, the future emperor of the Jin Dynasty, the most noble prince, was kneeling humbly in front of them, respecting them as father-in-law and mother-in-law. Did he really want to treat Wei'er as his father-in-law? As a wife? But their family’s status is not worthy of the royal family! Also, he calls himself his son-in-law, Emperor Tian Bodhisattva. How small is he? He is obviously so big that he can crush someone to death, okay?

Caiwei coughed when she saw that her parents were just stunned and forgot to ask Nangong Yi to get up.

Nangong Yi didn't look impatient at all, and still knelt there. Although his attitude was humble, he still maintained his nobility.

Du Shi and Mu Zhongqing suddenly woke up after Caiwei reminded them. Mu Zhongqing hurriedly stepped forward and personally helped Nangong Yi up.

"Your Highness, the King of Qin, the common people are not talented and dare not accept the King of Qin's great gift. "

Nangong Yi said: "You two are Caiwei's parents, so naturally they are my father-in-law and mother-in-law. It is reasonable for an elder to receive a courtesy from a younger one. How can you dare to say so?"

Mu Zhongqing smiled bitterly and said, "Your Highness, now that we have said this, Xiaomin might as well tell your Highness what is on our mind as a couple. Your Highness, please sit down first and allow Xiaomin to speak to you slowly."

After speaking, Nangong Yi was asked to sit down.

People in Dajin are very particular about where they sit. Usually the person with the highest position sits at the top, and the others sit on both sides. Nangong Yi ignored Mu Zhongqing's invitation and insisted on sitting at the bottom of the seat to the right of Mu Zhongqing. It was where Caiwei was sitting before. Mu Zhongqing and his wife were invited to sit on the two chairs at the top. The reason was that they were Caiwei's parents and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, so they should sit at the top, and he was The son-in-law is a junior, so it is reasonable to sit in the lower position.

Mu Zhongqing couldn't resist him, so he had to watch him sit down uneasily. Although the couple were moved by his attitude, their attitude would not change easily as it related to their daughter's lifelong happiness.

"Weier, go take a look at Wen'er and Wu'er. These two boys haven't moved for a long time. Let's see what they are looking for!"

Mu Zhongqing spoke and took Caiwei out. Caiwei knew what her father was thinking and walked out cooperatively.

As soon as his daughter's figure disappeared, Mu Zhongqing stood up, cupped his hands and said, "The King of Qin is busy with his affairs, and the common people will speak up if they have anything to say. I hope the King of Qin will not blame the common people for being abrupt!"

Nangong Yi gave a clear smile and said, "Father-in-law is too polite. If you have something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

Mu Zhongqing waved his hand and said: "The word father-in-law is a man's name for his wife's father. Isn't it inappropriate for the King of Qin to address the common people like this?"

Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "What's wrong?"

Mu Zhongqing said: "King Qin, with your status, when you accept a concubine in the future, you must be matched with a noble girl of the same family. My daughter is just a daughter of a scholar, and her status is considered low in the eyes of you royal nobles. Therefore, , the emperor and the queen will never allow Wei'er to be your Princess Qin. Although you and Wei'er are in love, she is willing to follow you regardless of reputation, but as parents, how can we watch our children accidentally enter the hospital? Wrong path?"

"We would rather our daughter marry a conscientious scholar, live an honest life, and be a legitimate wife, but we definitely don't want her to marry into the royal family and be a trembling concubine walking on thin ice. If you really care about my daughter , please don’t come to her again, let her go, and let her live in peace!"


Nangong Yi laughed, his handsome face shining like a fairy: "Weier is indeed a child raised by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and his thoughts are the same as those of his father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

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