Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 950 Meeting the Father-in-law and Mother-in-law (5)

"What? She said that too?" Mu Zhongqing and Du Shi were a little confused.

"Exactly, not only that, she also doesn't allow me to have concubines, not even girls in the same room!"

Nangong Yi picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip, but his face was full of smiles.

Now, Mu Zhongqing and Du Shi were even more confused: "Then why is she still with you?"

"It's easy!"

Nangong Yi put down his tea cup and looked at Mu Zhongqing and his wife with open eyes: "She will be with me only after I agree to her request!"

"This, this is impossible, Your Highness, are you kidding me?"

No concubines, no girls in the same room, how is this possible? Not only Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du didn't believe it, but even Sister-in-law Liu who was waiting on the side didn't believe it.

However, Nangong Yi said: "Before I met her, I thought it was impossible. But after having her, I realized that all the women in this world are just her foils. If I said that I would only marry her in my life, it would be a shame." Wife, these two seniors will definitely not believe that I, Nangong Yi, am lying. In this case, I will inform my father, the emperor, and my mother to come to my house to propose marriage within three days. At that time, my father-in-law and mother-in-law will see my sincerity! "

Mu Zhongqing did not expect Nangong Yihui to say these words, nor did he expect that he would come home to propose marriage within three days. He immediately said excitedly: "In that case, I will wait at home for the arrival of King Qin. I will never break my promise, if the King of Qin really asks for my daughter as his head wife, I will marry her!"


Caiwei, who had been hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, was struck by her father's words, "Xiaomin is willing to marry." She couldn't help but laugh out loud. Mu Zhongqing blushed and immediately realized what he said. He suddenly felt awkward because of his speech problem. Fortunately, Du Shi had the quick wit and helped him out.

"Your Highness, since your relationship can be settled within three days, let's go back to our home in Zhuangzi and wait until your marriage with my daughter is settled, and you can meet each other, okay?"

Nangong Yi said humbly and politely: "But as my mother-in-law orders, my son-in-law will just obey."

At this time, Mu Zhongqing and his wife were satisfied. The worries that had been weighing on them these days were all gone. Originally, they were worried that their daughter would be a mistress, but now they learned that not only would she not be a mistress, she would become the future Prince of Qin's palace. Not even a 'little' one, King Qin was so eaten up by her that he willingly guarded his body for her like a jade.

At this moment, the couple both felt a sense of accomplishment, and even a little proud. The daughter they gave birth to was so amazing!

Nangong Yi left early and did not meet Caiwei in private at the request of Mu Zhongqing and his wife. Caiwei was moved but also a little disappointed. She wanted to share the joy of success with him!

Before leaving, the man left his carriage and ceremonial guard behind and asked Zhui Feng to escort them back to Zhuangzi. He also made an appointment with Mu Zhongqing to inform his father, the emperor and his empress when he returned today that he would propose marriage to Zhuangzi within three days!

After Nangong Yi left, Mu Zhongqing and Du took their children, contentedly embarked on their son-in-law's filial piety, and set off for their village.

The Zhuangzi where they are currently located is located in the north of the suburbs of Beijing, while the Mu family's Zhuangzi is in the southern suburbs of the capital. Therefore, if they want to return to their own Zhuangzi, they need to go through the entire capital.

The carriage with the logo of Prince Qin's Palace slowly walked into the capital and walked on the main road. Because there were people in front of it opening the way and there were soldiers holding down the formation behind, the people automatically gave way to it, with envy and worry. With respectful eyes, he watched this magnificent chariot leave.

The street outside was as lively as ever, with shouts and cries coming one after another. Wen'er and Wu'er had been holding it in for two days in the village and were already exhausted. When they heard the excitement outside, the two little guys simply knelt on their seats. He opened the curtain, stretched out his two round little heads, and looked out. From time to time, he reported what he saw to his parents in the car.

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