Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 958 The marriage proposal is here (6)

Chunliu hurriedly chased him out. Mu Liankui beat his chest and stamped his feet, his eyes were red.

"Second son, look at the children your wife has raised. They regard you and me as enemies. Do you even recognize the ancestors of the Mu family? How come our Mu family has such unfilial descendants..."

Mu Bai slapped her thighs and cried: "What evil did I do in my previous life? My children and grandchildren don't want to recognize us. I might as well be killed by a headlong collision..."

After saying that, he stood up and was about to hit the wall. Mu Chongfu and Mu Chongcai hurriedly stepped forward to hug the old lady and comforted her: "Grandma, don't be sad. The second uncle is the son you and grandpa have worked hard to raise. He will definitely not be sad." You will disregard your filial piety!"

Mu Zhongli pushed Mu Zhongqing and said, "Second son, please say something quickly to persuade your parents. My mother almost died on the way here, and the doctor said she shouldn't be sad!"

Looking at Dafang's hard-working performance, Caiwei couldn't help but sarcastically said: "You keep sending my mother and us, don't you think about how you do it? Everything has a cause and an effect. How did you do it back then? We will repay you now for how you treat us. Ask me about the restaurant and New Year’s goods, I might as well tell you bluntly, yes, I did it. Who made you greedy and want to get things that do not belong to you? The punishment you deserve is the same now. I earned everything in this house. If anyone dares to use a penny without my permission, I will still not be lenient!"


Mu Zhongqing shouted, with a look of shock on his face, "What are you talking about? How could you have done those treacherous things? Don't talk nonsense. Come on, stay with your grandparents. No one will be allowed to do it in the future." Never mention this again."

Caiwei sneered, looked at her father who had a complicated and painful expression, and said coldly: "Dad, forget about apologizing. Those things were done by me. I never thought I had done anything wrong. As for me, If you are extremely treasonous, you should retaliate with tooth for tooth. The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom."

"However, what I want to say about you is that the reason why I respect you is because you are a person who can distinguish between love and hate and right from wrong. I hope you will not disappoint us mothers. If you disappoint us , if you think they are more important than your wife and children in your eyes, then I'm very sorry, just go with them. This village is mine, and everything in the house is earned by me, so it should be I have the final say, I don't welcome them, you go and be with them and see how they treat you when you have no money and no shops!"

"Hey, why? My daughter obeys her father at home. Even if the money in the family is earned by you, it is still the money of the Mu family. Whose turn does it take for you, a girl, to call the shots?"

When Mu Zhongli heard that Caiwei wanted to expel Mu Zhongqing and them, he immediately panicked. He loudly retorted to Caiwei, grabbed Mu Zhongqing's shoulders, and shouted: "Second brother, are you still not?" Are you a man? After being manipulated into such a coward by your own daughter, and watching your dear mother-in-law being fucked by a little girl, are you a descendant of the Mu family? You really need to say something, mother-in-law. !"

Mu Zhongqing pursed his lips a few times, looked at his indifferent daughter, and then at his wife who was crying silently. He knew in his heart what his attitude would mean. He hesitated again and again, and sighed heavily and said: " Wei'er, it's getting very late today, can you let your grandparents stay here first? Let dad think about it carefully tonight, and we'll discuss this matter tomorrow, okay?"

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