Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 959 The marriage proposal is here (7)

Mu Zhongqing's tone was heavy with helplessness and pleading, and he looked at Caiwei and Du Shi eagerly.

When Caiwei saw her father's attitude, she felt a lot happy. She knew that the ancients had conservative feudal thoughts and regarded filial piety as extremely important. Filial piety is definitely the basic criterion for measuring a person's moral character, so "colorful clothes entertain relatives and bury children" Stupid things like "serving one's mother" happen from time to time.

My father is deeply poisoned by feudal ideas, and he would never dare to do something "unfilial" that would be poked in the back by the world. Therefore, he will not expel the Dafang family, but his attitude has shown that he has no feelings for the two elders of the Mu family at all. He just has to abide by the so-called filial piety due to feudal ethics!

The Dafang family saw Mu Zhongqing's attitude and stopped. Mu Zhongli took the lead and grabbed Mu Zhongqing's collar and shouted angrily: "Second brother, what do you mean? Could it be that you didn't even give birth to your own child?" You can't control this girl anymore? Or are you going to be rebellious and ignore your mother because of this girl?"

Mu Bai patted the small table on Babu's bed and shouted hysterically, "Let's go, let's go to the palace and file a complaint. He said that his son does not support his parents and wants to force them to death." !"

Mu Liankui stared at Mu Zhongqing in disbelief. They had traveled thousands of miles from Qingyun Town and gone through many hardships just to come to the second son's house to be the head of the family and enjoy happiness and retirement. In his In the imagination, when the son and daughter-in-law knew what Mu Caiwei had done, they should comfort them in every possible way, severely punish Mu Caiwei, a dead girl, and atone for what she had done. However, why did the son become so cowardly? What's up? Why was he held hostage by that dead girl?

Caiwei smiled and said, "If you want to file a complaint, go ahead. I can prepare a car to take you there. However, if you go to the palace to cause trouble, it's hard to say whether you will be treated as an assassin and killed directly by the imperial guards." !"

After finishing speaking, he said to Sister-in-law Liu: "Go and tell Head Guard Zhang to prepare a car and take their family to the palace!"

How could Mu Zhongli really ask his parents to file a petition? Let’s not talk about whether the imperial petition will be successful if he goes to the palace. Once he goes there, it will be like completely breaking up with Lao Er’s family. How can he have a chance to live in the palace? Such a decent big house, so he hurriedly supported the crying old lady and comforted him: "Mom, it's almost dark today. Where can you go to trouble yourself? Otherwise, let's listen to the old lady first." Yeah, let’s stay here first. We’ll talk about what happens tomorrow.  "

When Mu Bai was crying, she kept secretly watching Mu Zhongqing's family. When she saw the colder and colder face of her second son, she knew that she had gone too far. When Mu Zhongli came to persuade her, she hurriedly stopped. Came down the steps.

"Hey, I'm not going to file a complaint. I'm just in a panic. I'm just nagging a few words. I'm feeling miserable. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."


Caiwei shouted, interrupting Mu Bai's sobs, and whispered: "It's getting late, you go to the backyard to rest first. I will send someone to deliver dinner to you, so you don't have to come over."

Mu Bai was stopped by Caiwei. She looked at her son aggrievedly, but his son turned his face to the window without any intention of blaming her daughter.

"Mom, let's go to the backyard to rest first. Look at you crying. How can the second brother and the second brother and sister not care about you? Don't be sad!"

Mrs. Li supported Mrs. Mu Bai and walked out without her feet touching the ground. Mu Liankui and Mu Zhongli glanced at Mu Zhongqing, then looked at Caiwei who had a cold face, and left helplessly. Mu Chongfu and Mu Chongcai were originally afraid of Caiwei, so they relied on their grandparents to use their status to suppress others, so they argued with each other for a while. Now, the two elders were also involved in Caiwei's hands. Not being able to make any waves, he had no choice but to lower his head and go out dejectedly.

Du Shi sobbed and was in an extremely low mood: "It's easy to live a comfortable life for a few days, but they are making trouble again. What will happen?"

Feier said angrily: "What else can we do? We can live our own lives. Is it possible that they can still depend on us?"

Caiwei glanced at Mu Zhongqing, who looked troubled, and said quietly: "What is dad's plan?"

Mu Zhongqing said embarrassingly: "Dad wants Cai'er and Fu'er to work in our restaurant. Your uncle is literate and smart. It's better to let him take care of the cloth store's accounts. Then, your grandparents are older." Now, just stay at home and take care of yourself..."

Caiwei sneered and said, "Dad, do you want to give up the restaurant and cloth shop that I worked so hard to open? Mu Zhongli is a famous iron rooster in the village. Even the wild geese flying past his door have to pluck out a feather. When he came to Buzhuang to be the shopkeeper, didn't he put the mouse into the rice vat? And the pair of pig heads Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu, which one was a serious worker, they arrived at the restaurant in less than three days It will cause a lot of trouble, and people will be distracted. After reading books for so many years, dad can’t even think of such a thing?"

Mu Zhongqing said in embarrassment: "Other than that, Dad can't think of any other way to resettle them. We can't just kick them out and let them live on the streets!"

Caiwei held out three fingers and said: "Three thousand taels, give them three thousand taels of cash and let them leave the capital and settle down somewhere far away. If they don't leave, rent them a small house." Give them one tael of silver per month for living expenses and let them live in Beijing. There are two ways for them to choose."

"Three thousand taels!"

Du Shi exclaimed: "Where are we going to get three thousand taels for them? You are about to get married, and you don't know where to get the dowry money?"

Caiwei said coldly: "Just take it from my dowry, dad, go talk to them now!"

Mu Zhongqing nodded, lowered his head and went out.

Looking at her father's back, Caiwei sneered in her heart. She wouldn't give them three thousand taels or three copper coins!

As expected by Caiwei, Dafang's family was so happy when they heard that Caiwei was willing to pay three thousand taels of silver. They immediately agreed and promised to leave tomorrow after getting the money. After Mu Zhongqing brought the news back, he was worried She couldn't sleep all night. Du Shi was also sad all night and stayed up almost all night.

Early the next morning, several carriages bearing the markings of Duke Li Guo's Mansion, guarded by dozens of guards, stopped majestically at the gate of Zhuangzi.

When Mu Zhongqing and his wife heard the news, they were shocked. Yesterday, King Qin said that he would propose marriage within three days. They originally thought that within three days meant the third day, but they never thought that he would propose marriage within three days. I sent someone here, this is too impatient!

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