Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 960 Generous Gift (1)

When Mu Zhongqing and his wife learned that someone from Duke Li Guo's palace had come to propose marriage, they hurriedly got up and went out to greet them. Before they could get out of the house, they met the Dafang family who came to ask for the three thousand taels of silver. The distinguished guests at home came to the door, and Mu Zhongqing and his wife Kouzi had no time to talk to them, so he asked his family to wait in the backyard first, and then he would collect the three thousand taels of silver for them after the guests were over.

After sending the family away, Mu Zhongqing and Du hurried out of the door. As soon as they reached the door, they saw four luxury carriages made of rosewood parked in front of their house. The carriages were exquisitely crafted, low-key and luxurious. Wearing the emblem of the Duke of Liguo.

In front of the carriage were eight handsome young men dressed exactly the same, and behind the carriage were dozens of tall and mighty guards, who looked very impressive.

After the carriage stopped, several maids dressed in silk and gold and silver came out of the fourth carriage. They walked to the carriage at the front, took the spoons and put them under the carriage, opened the curtain, and put An Guo under the carriage. Mrs. Liu invited her down, and out of the car behind her came Mrs. Wu, the wife of Mo Yuanshan, the Minister of Rites.

The two ladies were dignified, steady and kind-hearted. They looked at each other and smiled. Then, with the help of the maid, they walked towards Mu Zhongqing and his wife with a smile.

Mu Zhongqing and his wife were a little nervous. Their family had never received such a noble guest. Although King Qin had also been to his home, his former identity was Wei'er's master, and everyone was already familiar with him, so they learned that he was When the King of Qin came, he only felt surprised and not nervous. But this time, two graceful ladies came to propose marriage to their precious daughter. How could they not be nervous?

The old lady saw that the expressions of the couple at the door were awkward and embarrassed, so she said in a friendly manner: "Haha, these two look like the father-in-law and mother-in-law, right? I am Yi Xiaozi's grandmother, today. I specially roped in his aunt to propose marriage to that brat!"

The old lady was very kind. She was very different from the condescending ladies in Duke Anguo's palace who had fake smiles on their faces and didn't mean what they meant. She had a kind face and no airs, and she quickly relieved the tension between Mu Zhongqing and Du.

Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du stepped forward to greet the old lady and Mrs. Wu, and said with a smile: "The old lady and the eldest lady are very polite. Come on, please come in!"

With that said, Mrs. Du personally stepped forward and helped the old lady walk inside.

As the old lady walked, she looked at the flowers and fruit trees planted in Zhuangzi's yard, and said with a smile: "This Zhuangzi is really a good place, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and fragrant fruit trees. It's like a paradise. Living here is much more comfortable than in the city." !"

Just as he was talking, he saw a group of people coming towards him, led by an old couple, followed by a middle-aged couple, followed by two young men with sly eyebrows. This family wore tacky silk clothes and behaved vulgarly. , walking towards this side with a smile.

Mu Zhongqing and Du Shi were stunned. Didn't they send Dafang's family to the backyard? Why did it appear again?

It turns out that after Mu Zhongqing sent this family back, the more they thought about it, the more something was wrong. Yesterday they clearly agreed that they would give money this morning, but now they were rambling and refusing to give it. It was obvious that they wanted to cheat. He said he had guests at home and asked them to wait.

They want to see what kind of important guest it is? It's worth it that they can't even bother to talk to me. It would be better if they are distinguished guests. If they dare to rely on the three thousand taels of silver, let their guests make the decision for them and ask for the three thousand taels of silver!

After making up their mind, the whole family came out in a loud voice, not caring whether they could get on the stage or not, so they came out in a panic. When they saw the two elegant and elegant ladies, they were all shocked.

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