Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 962 Generous Gift (3)

"This is not a boast. "

The eldest lady said: "A few months ago, that girl Caiwei danced a dance on the Shangsi Festival. At that time, everyone was dumbfounded. No one said anything for a long time. Later, it was the boy Yi'er who stood up and applauded first. Everyone just woke up..."

The words made everyone laugh, and Dafang's family also laughed obsequiously.

The old woman said: "Speaking of which, these two children have long since refused to marry anyone who is not a prince or a prince. Look, let's call Geng Tie and check the date directly for them to get married. The two children in Ye Sheng are complaining in their hearts that we blind old people hate us, we just delay them from having sex with each other, spending time in front of and under the moon!"

As he said this, everyone laughed, and Zhongqing and his wife, who were still a little nervous at first, became more relaxed and no longer felt any uneasiness.

Before Mu Zhongqing could speak, Mu Zhongli took the lead and said: "Yes, yes, the old lady is absolutely right. Please let Wei'er marry her so that she can support the King of Qin as soon as possible, hehe..."

Mu Zhongqing glanced at Mu Zhongli and said nothing. Although he agreed with Caiwei to marry her, he did not agree with her getting pregnant and having children after marrying her. Caiwei was only fourteen years old, had not yet grown hair, and her body was still that of a child. It would be very bad for her health to be pregnant and give birth now.

However, these words pleased the old lady and the eldest lady. The old lady said: "We are also thinking about letting Mr. Yi get married and have children as soon as possible. With the great Jin Dynasty, there are only those who are as old as him and do not have a wife." He and our eldest son were the only ones left. At first, everyone thought the two brothers were the sons of a monk and were not close to women, so they were worried. But who would have expected that they all suddenly understood, and what’s more, they all fell in love with them. The girls in your family, as well as the girls in your family, are all fairies from heaven who have come down to earth, otherwise they would have subdued our two inexperienced boys!"

Fei'er's face turned red and she turned around and ran out. Behind her, everyone laughed.

Fei'er ran to Caiwei's room in one breath. Caiwei was applying powder on her face in front of the mirror.

Last night, a shameless uninvited guest sneaked into her room, told her the news that she was about to get married, and also touched her by the way. He ate all the tofu and wiped out all the oil, and left with unfulfilled feelings just before dawn...

When she got up and dressed up, she suddenly discovered that there were two neat rows of tooth marks on her tender face. This frightened her so much that she didn't even dare to go out for breakfast. She only said that she had been with the big brother last night. Fang was angry all night and needed to catch up on sleep. When her mother came to visit her, she pressed the side of her face with the teeth marks under the pillow and pretended to be too sleepy to open her eyes to cope with it.

When the old lady and the eldest lady came, she even pretended to be shy and didn't dare to see people. She hid in the house and was too embarrassed to come out. In fact, she was hiding in the house and breathing powder on her face!

Unfortunately, her skin was too white and translucent. No matter how thickly she applied powder to her face, those two rows of tooth marks were still there, so conspicuous that it was difficult for people not to notice.

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and wished she could grab the man and beat him up.

When Fei'er burst in with a blushing face, Caiwei was startled. She hurriedly covered her cheek with her hand and asked unnaturally, "What's going on? You're like a chicken, is there a wolf behind you?" "

Fortunately, Fei'er was so shy that she didn't notice anything strange about her sister. She just stamped her feet and said shyly: "It's not like they are just making fun of others..."

Caiwei smiled and joked: "Hey, you look so embarrassed. Could it be that the Mo family also mentioned your marriage?"

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