Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 963 Generous Gifts (4)

Fei'er snorted and said, "Sister is not a good person either. I'm going to find Wen'er and Wu'er!"

After that, he ran away with a red face.

Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly got into the space, trying to find the Turtle Immortal for help. By chance, she bumped into a parrot. The guy saw the two rows of teeth marks on Caiwei's face, and laughed so hard that he was out of breath. Out of breath, she fell from the branch. Caiwei cursed angrily: "That's right!"

He covered his face and hurriedly went to find the Turtle Immortal.

The Turtle Immortal was very kind, and did not laugh at Caiwei like the parrot. He also gave her an ointment that could quickly remove the marks, but he told her in a serious tone: "Young man, you must know how to exercise restraint. Excessive indulgence will hurt your body..."

Caiwei burst into tears and ran away, and Fei Ye left the space.

Although what the old turtle said was unpleasant, there was no doubt that its ointment was very effective. Caiwei washed her face and applied the ointment within three minutes. The two purple-red tooth marks on her face were visible to the naked eye. Visible speed disappeared.

Thank God!

Caiwei breathed a long sigh of relief, tidied up a little, got up and went to the main room where she was receiving guests.

Before entering, she heard the lively discussion inside. Caiwei stepped aside and listened secretly for a while. She realized that her honest and responsible parents had been bypassed by the old lady and the eldest lady. Not only did they agree to her Even Fei'er's marriage to Nangong Yi was agreed to, and even her and Fei'er's wedding invitations were given to her!

She is fourteen years old, even if she is really married, it doesn't matter if she has sex with a man. But Fei'er is only eleven years old, she is completely a child. How can she marry and be a woman at this age?

She was worrying about her parents' honesty when she suddenly heard the old lady's hearty laughter: "Where did Wei girl hide? As a grandmother, I have never seen her once. Let her come out and meet my grandmother." , there is nothing to be shy about, otherwise my old lady would leave all her good things to Fei'er, and she would regret it!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Du hurriedly asked Huanqiu to call Caiwei. Caiwei was afraid of being seen and was embarrassed, so when her mother sent Huanqiu, she went to her room first.

Huanqiu Shi's ears were so sharp that he had already heard Caiwei eavesdropping outside, but he didn't expose her. He pretended that he didn't know anything and invited Caiwei into the hall.

Caiwei pretended to be reserved and shy like an ancient woman, walked up to the old lady with small steps, lowered her body like a candle, and said, "Greetings to the old lady!"

Seeing how beautiful Cai Wei was, the old lady liked her very much, but she said to Huanqiu with a straight face: "You girl, go and call Fei girl back, and ask her to call me for your eldest lady." Listen, what should I call my old lady?"

Everyone started laughing. Huanqiu also smiled and went out to find Miss Fei'er. Caiwei felt shy and called out in a thin voice: "Grandma!"

"Hey, that's right!"

The old lady laughed happily, "Your mother-in-law gave us all your Geng Tie. From now on, you will be the grandson-in-law of our Mo family. When you see my old lady again, you have to call me grandma. Remember." Are you on?"

"Yes, Caiwei remembered it!"

Caiwei acted extremely well-behaved, with a low eyebrow, and looked like a little daughter-in-law, which made Muliankui and his wife feel sour.

Although this damn girl is their granddaughter, she has always been scowling at them. Her nose is not a nose, and her face is not a face. She has never been so well-behaved, but when in front of others, she behaves like a cat. It is really hateful. !

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