Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 964 Generous Gifts (5)

However, they hate to hate, they also know that this girl's worth is not what it used to be. If they had known one day earlier that she was going to become the Princess of Qin, they would have never dared to be so presumptuous in front of her yesterday. From now on, they will only be in front of her. It’s time to be careful about saying nice things when you’re with me!

Li's mood was extremely complicated at the moment. Although she was happy that she would be able to get the favor of these two nieces in the future, she was also sad for her missing daughter. In her eyes, the two girls from the second room were not worthy of picking up Ping'er's shoes for her, but one of them became the Princess of Qin, and the other was going to be married to Duke Li's mansion, and would become the wife of Duke Li in the future. , this is too unfair. If her Ping'er were here, she would definitely not give these two foxes any advantage!

But it doesn't matter. When Ping'er is retrieved later, Ping'er will be allowed to walk around with these two lucky little bitches. She believes that with Ping'er's cleverness, she will be able to win over one of their men. !

Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu were extremely envious, especially when they saw the old lady waving and a girl holding a gold-painted jewelry box, their eyes widened.

The jewelry box was opened by the old lady. It was filled with all kinds of fashionable jewelry, gold, jade, round, flat, inlaid with gold, and dotted with emerald. It was filled to the brim. A box.

"Good boy, take it. This is the idea of ​​your grandmother, your eldest aunt, your second aunt, and your eldest sister-in-law. I don't know what you like, so I took a sample of the new jewelry in the Jiangxin Building. One piece for you to wear, you will be a member of the royal family from now on, and you have to dress appropriately!"

When Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du saw it, they quickly declined and said, "Old madam, you can't do this. It's too expensive and we can't bear it!"

The old lady took the box, stuffed it into Caiwei's arms, and said, "This is what I gave to my grandson-in-law. Is there anything I can't do about it? Is it because my in-laws dislike the simplicity and refuse to accept it?"

"No, no!" Mu Zhongqing and his wife waved their hands repeatedly, not daring to stop them anymore.

Caiwei took the box of valuable jewelry and was so moved that she got down and said, "Thank you grandma, thank you to my aunt, my second aunt, and my sister-in-law!"

The old lady said: "The whole family just said thank you and left. But Wei, grandma told you that it was not easy for Yi'er to grow up. He was almost tricked to death several times. Even now, he still has... There is no cure for the poison, so he never trusts others. It will be easy for him to trust you, so you must treat him well!"

"Also, your mother-in-law is not a person who doesn't love others, but for the sake of your grandmother and your two aunts and sisters-in-law, please treat them well. It has not been easy for her these years, and she is suffering..."

As he spoke, he burst into emotion and shed two lines of tears.

Caiwei said hurriedly: "Grandma, don't be sad. Caiwei will definitely obey her instructions, treat King Qin well, and be filial to her mother-in-law."

Just as he was talking, Huanqiu had already walked in with Fei'er. Fei'er was a thin-skinned person, and now her face was still red, as if it was dripping with blood, unlike Caiwei, who was just acting shy. With a shy expression, the old face is as white and tender as watery tofu, and the red color is not interesting at all!

"Grandma, you called me...Oh, Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

When Fei'er saw the tears in the corners of the old lady's eyes, she immediately screamed.

The old lady smiled and said: "It's okay, grandma is happy. My two stubborn boys have been subdued by you two sisters. Grandma is very happy from the bottom of her heart!"

With that said, he motioned to another maid and handed over another box of jewelry. This box is exactly the same as the one just given to Caiwei, and the jewelry inside is also exactly the same after opening it.

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