Caiwei ignored her, but her eyes turned from cell to cell. She still remembered that when she was a guest in Anguo Gongfu, Du Wanqiu, the eldest daughter of Anguo Gongfu, had a maid named Liuzhu. She was a very good girl. Caiwei was a girl who once took the risk to help Huanqiu search for Fei'er. Caiwei had always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges, so she wanted to rescue Liuzhu and give Fei'er her help.

When her eyes turned to the cell where the female relatives of Duke Li's residence were held, she saw the eldest lady who was ashen-faced, the second lady who was crying desperately, and the haggard third lady. The women were all locked up here, being picked over like goods. Some of the prostitutes and nouveau riche who usually coveted the ladies of the Duke Hou family saw this rare opportunity, so they swarmed over to pick out the beautiful women. A woman bought it, saying that she was buying it back to be a slave, but what she was buying it for, no one else knew even if she didn't say it!

The second wife, Du Wanyue and Du Wanru, were bought by a middle-aged man who was as fat as a pig and had a wretched face for three hundred taels. The second wife had always regarded these two daughters as jewels, how could she be willing to part with them? Ordinary daughters were ruined like this, so they cried and fought with others for their lives. In the end, they were severely beaten by the mother-in-law who took care of them. After all, her two daughters Robbed.....

The eldest lady's daughter Du Wanying didn't fare much better. A butcher who was familiar with Mrs. Ya took a fancy to her and borrowed a hundred taels of silver from here and there to redeem her.

The butcher was big and round, and looked at Du Wanying like a hungry wolf after seeing meat. Du Wanying had always been proud and arrogant. Seeing that the butcher was wearing shiny cloth, and hearing that she was a butcher who killed pigs, she jumped on her feet. He screamed and refused to leave, but was knocked unconscious by the butcher's punch, and walked away with a swagger on his shoulders.

The eldest lady was so heartbroken that she tried to save her daughter. Unfortunately, she was still seriously ill and was very weak. She passed out before she could fall at the butcher's feet...

Fortunately for the third lady, she only has one son, and he is not yet eighteen years old, so she survived by luck. Now she is imprisoned in who knows where, and the mother and son are connected. When she thinks of her son's future, the third lady is also filled with despair!

The three ladies are all here, and even the old lady is also there, lying dying in the corner of the cell. She can see that there is more air coming out and less air coming in. Within a day or two...

It seems that the general protecting the country and his wife are going to sever ties with these treacherous traitors and traitors. They even ignored the old mother-in-law when she was imprisoned. As long as he is willing to look after him a little bit, Duke Anguo's mansion will not fall into this trap. This is it!

Caiwei sighed. She no longer had any feelings for the people in Duke Anguo's mansion. She no longer hated them and would not retaliate against them, but she would never save them.

Her eyes were wandering, and after several searches, she finally found the unkempt Liuzhu in the crowd. Perhaps she was afraid of being picked out by the prodigal son. Liuzhu had disheveled hair and her handsome face was painted dirty. The rest looked embarrassed and slovenly. No wonder she hadn't been picked out yet for her pretty appearance.

Caiwei waved to Yapo, pointed at Liuzhu and said, "That's her."

After hearing this, Yapo immediately walked over, took the key and opened the door of the cell, and said to Liuzhu: "Girl, you are so lucky. The lady just bought you. After you go, you must serve the master well!"

Upon hearing this, Liuzhu hurriedly raised her head and looked in the direction of Caiwei. At this moment, Caiwei was standing in the shadow of the lamp, covering her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. It is enough to prove that she must be a woman from a good family.

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