Liuzhu hurriedly walked out of the cell door, walked quickly to Caiwei, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, saying, "Liuzhu has met the master. Master is here. Please accept Liuzhu's worship. "

"Get up!"

Caiwei said lightly and looked at these people again.

When the women in the other cells saw that the buyer of the beauties was a decent girl, they knew that this must be a good place, so they all rushed over and shouted: "Miss, buy me, buy me, my beauties are the best." ....."

"Miss, I know how to style my hair in the latest style..."

"Miss, I'm the best at cooking..."

Among the crowded crowd, Caiwei suddenly saw the old and haggard face of Aunt Liao. She grabbed the railing and shouted loudly: "Girl, buy my daughter and granddaughter. My daughter can read and write." , I can show you the account books and calculate the accounts. My granddaughter is also a diligent and honest child. Please buy them. My old lady kowtows to you!"

After saying that, he actually knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Caiwei.

In the entire Duke Anguo's mansion, Caiwei only had some friendship with Aunt Liao's family. Although it was a mutually beneficial relationship, Aunt Liao's granddaughter really made Caiwei feel distressed.

She thought for a moment, waved her hand to summon Yapo, and ordered Yapo to bring out Aunt Liao and her family.

Aunt Liao originally thought that her daughter and granddaughter were lucky to escape from the fire pit. Unexpectedly, not only her daughter and granddaughter, but also her daughter-in-law and her grandson were also redeemed. At that moment, she took her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, knelt down in front of Caiwei with a bang, and kowtowed to Caiwei repeatedly while choking.

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss. From now on, our family will work hard to repay you..."

Caiwei nodded and motioned them to go aside. She carefully inspected and selected five girls who seemed to be down-to-earth. Counting Liuzhu from before, including the elder and the younger, there were ten people in total. .

After leaving the dungeon, Aunt Liao, Liuzhu and the others found out that the person who bought them was Caiwei. They were so surprised that they cried and laughed and recited the Buddha's name repeatedly.

The ten people spent a total of six hundred and thirty taels of silver on Caiwei. Caiwei paid the money generously, collected the ten people's deeds of sale, took them out of the tooth shop, and temporarily settled Aunt Liao's family in the old house. Inside, the remaining six girls were brought back to Zhuangzi.

Mrs. Du was also planning to buy some people over the past two days. She didn't expect Caiwei to buy them back before her. Although these girls all have ordinary looks, they look honest and responsible at first glance. Caiwei put some thought into choosing people.

Mrs. Du was also very satisfied. Caiwei called Fei'er out and told her that these girls were all hers, and asked her to pick out two lovely girls.

Fei'er was used to working in the countryside and was not used to ordering people, but she was about to marry into Duke Li's palace. She had to have a few servants around her, and she also had to adapt to the life of being served as soon as possible. Therefore, She walked forward happily and chose Liuzhu and another neat-looking girl to be the first-class girls beside her, while the remaining four became the second-class girls.

Caiwei said: "Since they have become our girls, it is not good to use their previous names. Why not give them some smooth names?" Fei'er smiled and said: "Elder sister also knows that I I haven't read much, so I'm the worst at these mundane things. If I were asked to pick them up, they would definitely be peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, etc. If they don't make people laugh, I might as well let my mother or eldest sister pick them up."

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