Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 976 Recruitment (4)

As Nangong Yi spoke, he took out a red letter from his arms and presented it to the couple with both hands.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room was stunned. He was obviously performing a wedding ceremony, and he had never seen anyone so unruly.

The date of application is all written on red paper with an optional date as a gift. The matchmaker then takes it to the woman's home and discusses the wedding date with the woman's parents. How could the future groom propose it in such a panic? .

What's more, it's the day of acceptance, so it's too impatient to urge someone to give a wedding ceremony in front of all the guests!

However, this also shows that King Qin is very satisfied with this marriage and truly loves Caiwei, otherwise he would never do such an unreasonable thing.

Mu Zhongqing and Du Shi were also stunned for a moment, but in front of so many people, Nangong Yi had already acted like this. No matter what, they could not lose the face of their future son-in-law, so they had to bow their heads and accept the invitation with a smile. After opening the book, my eyes lingered on the three dates in front of me.

Mrs. Du couldn't hold it back and said, "These dates are all very close. The farthest one is only two and a half months away. I'm afraid that time is too tight and preparations won't be completed..."

Nangong Yi said: "My father is seriously ill, and my mother hopes that my son-in-law can get married as soon as possible to celebrate his father's happiness. As for the preparations for the wedding, my father-in-law and mother-in-law do not need anything. My son-in-law has already arranged the preparations for the human body of the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Ministry of Rites."

For this reason, even if Mu Zhongqing and his wife were very brave, they would not dare to delay washing the emperor. Therefore, they had no choice but to point to the last day and say: "In this case, let's do it on August 15th."

The Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th is only two and a half months away.

Nangong Yi had deliberately chosen the three dates in advance. He had already expected that Mu Zhongqing and his wife were reluctant to marry their daughter so early and would definitely choose the last date. When he heard this, he was naturally satisfied and immediately bowed respectfully. He said: "In this case, my son-in-law will definitely marry Wei'er back in a glorious way and will never let her suffer any injustice!"

At this time, Cai Lian and Cai Fei were sitting with Cai Wei in Cai Wei's boudoir. Cai Lian had already seen the grace of King Qin and the generous betrothal gift she sent, and said with envy: "Cai Wei, you and Fei'er What a blessing!"

Hearing that Caiwei was fine, Fei'er blushed and lowered her head in shame.

It turned out that when the King of Qin made the appointment, Mo Ziqi also came with him. He was always informal and did not follow the King of Qin into the hall. Instead, he sent someone to call Fei'er out. After not seeing each other for many days, he did not tell Fei'er about the pain of lovesickness. Instead, he looked like a strict teacher and asked, "How is your calligraphy practice lately?"

Caiwei and Cailian in the room opened their mouths when they heard this sentence, thinking they heard it wrong!

Feier has been busy preparing birthday gifts for the old lady since she came back. She is also embroidering her forehead and shoes, so she has no time to practice calligraphy.

Therefore, she glanced at the man with a guilty look, lowered her head, grabbed the corner of her clothes and hesitated, not saying a word for a long time. "

When Mo Ziqi saw her little mouse-like appearance, a smile flashed in his cold eyes, but then his voice turned cold and he said, "Go back to your room and bring me the calligraphy you have practiced recently." Look, if you don't write well, let's see how I punish you!" With that said, he started to leave.

Fei'er was anxious, stepped forward, stopped him urgently, and said pitifully: "Can I give it to you tomorrow? Anyway, I will go to your house tomorrow to attend the old lady's birthday party. There is so much at home right now." I'm busy and I don't have time to look for it. I'll look for those words when I have some free time tonight and show them to you tomorrow, okay?"

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