Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 977 Recruitment (5)

Mo Ziqi said 'hmm' and said: "When you get to the house tomorrow, go directly to the study. I'll wait for you there. "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Fei'er's face slumped, like an ostrich, her shoulders were drooped, and her whole body was full of frustration. Mo Ziqi walked a few steps, stopped and looked back. Looking at the dejected figure, his usually cold face suddenly broke out into an unreserved smile.

There is no way, he just likes to bully her, and likes to see her angry and helpless. After not bullying her for a few days, he always seems to be missing something in his heart, and everything he does is boring. Now, he is Thinking about it, should I hire her as soon as possible like Nangong Yi and marry her home as soon as possible?

Fei'er felt better since she met Mo Ziqi. When she returned to her sister's room, she was teased by Sister Cai Lian again. She felt ashamed and angry. She wanted to settle the score with him tomorrow, but she thought about how many times the two of them had counted. In the confrontation, her record of repeated defeats suddenly ceased, and her thoughts were "burned out"!

In the evening, the guests in the village left one after another, and Mu Zhongqing and his wife had the opportunity to see the betrothal gift sent by their future son-in-law.

The betrothal gift was placed in the east wing of the courtyard. One hundred and eighteen carried the betrothal gift, filling the three east wing rooms. Each betrothal gift was generous, and the boxes were filled to the brim. Such a betrothal gift Naturally, the King of Qin gave Caiwei the greatest obedience and dignity. Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du were very satisfied with this. After looking around, they nodded repeatedly and ordered the Zhang brothers to take turns to watch the night from now on to guard these betrothal gifts until Caiwei. When you get married, you will treat all these betrothal gifts as dowry and carry them back to the Qin Palace!


Mu Liankui waited in the backyard all day, but no one came to invite his family to the front yard to watch the ceremony. Only at noon, Sister-in-law Liu led a little girl named Yingchun to deliver lunch and asked about the front yard. Sister-in-law Liu was like a gourd with her mouth cut off, and she didn't know anything about it. Muliankui and his son were so angry that they blew their beards and stared, but there was nothing they could do!

Mu Zhongqing felt a little sorry that Dafang's family was not included in the ceremony. During dinner, he personally took a few servants to the backyard to deliver food to Dafang's family.

When I saw Muliankui, I saw that he had changed from his usual domineering attitude. He was sitting on a stick in the corner with his gray head drooped, smoking a pipe and a pot.

Seeing his son coming, he said sadly: "Second brother, dad also knows that you are rich and your daughter is capable of marrying into the palace and becoming a princess. However, no matter how bad dad and your mother were, they still gave birth to you and raised you, granddaughter." How could you not ask me to participate in such a big deal like hiring someone? I'm right in your back yard, where can you put these two old faces of your parents!"

As he said this, he couldn't help but burst into tears. Mu Zhongqing hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

Mu Zhongli said: "Second son, ever since I found out that the King of Qin came to offer me the job today, my parents have been dressing up and waiting here. They are as happy as anything. They all say that Wei Yatou has made a career and brought honor to our Mu family. However, after waiting for a full day, I didn’t see you coming to invite your parents to participate in the wedding ceremony. My parents’ hearts were broken. You read a lot of poems and books in vain. Even the old bird knows how to feed back, and the lamb knows how to kneel down to breastfeed. , how can you treat your parents like this?"

Mu Bai cried till his nose burst into tears and scolded Mu Zhongqing: "We used to treat you a little harshly, but that was because you disobeyed your parents' orders and we did that only after we were disappointed." , Second brother, think about it with your conscience, who gave birth to you and raised you? In order to support you in your studies, did your family have to worry about saving money? Now that you are rich, you don’t take us seriously. Come on, is what happened to you an accident? Since you don’t want to see us so much, it doesn’t matter, I will go back to Mu Village tomorrow and let Mrs. Lu fight us to death..."

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