Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 981 The Queen Arrives (1)

Caiwei talked to her mother for a while, and saw that it was getting later and later. Du said, "You should rest. Mother will go back to sleep first. She has to go to Duke Li Guo's mansion tomorrow to celebrate her birthday!"

Caiwei said: "I have already sent someone to get that ginseng tree. We can get it back early tomorrow morning. We can't delay things. "

Du Shi nodded in relief, and went out with a sigh of relief.

As soon as her mother left, her window opened and Nangong Yi flew in.

Caiwei leaned on the pillow and muttered in a low voice: "You are getting bolder and bolder. What if my mother suddenly comes back to kill you, what will you do?"

Nangong Yi came over and took off his boots while getting on the couch: "That's just right, we'll get married next month, so I won't have to run around for more than two months!" After saying that, he came over and sat in Caiwei's room. I rubbed it on my delicate and smooth cheeks and couldn't put it down.

Caiwei obediently leaned into his arms and asked in a low voice: "Let me ask you, where did you get so much money? Did you use such a heavy betrothal gift to get the betrothal?"

"Yes!" the man answered honestly, "I also borrowed some from my father, queen, mother, grandparents."

"You fool!"

Caiwei poked his forehead and said coquettishly: "You know I don't lack these things, why do you put so much effort into it?"

The man buried his head in the crook of her neck, rubbed it, and said in a low voice: "Then what do you lack? Tell me, and I will find it for you."

Caiwei was moved and hugged his strong waist, murmuring: "I don't lack anything..."

Otherwise, she thought of Aunt Liao's family that she bought at Yaxing yesterday, and asked, "Have all the people in Duke Anguo been executed?"

"Not yet. According to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, the execution of criminals must be after autumn, so we have to wait for a few months. What's the matter, madam?" Although it was a bit embarrassing to say these things at the moment, Caiwei asked , he still answered patiently.

Caiwei turned over and lay flat in his arms. She looked at Junyan and said, "I want to save someone. Is it convenient?"

Nangong Yi asked curiously: "Who do you want to save?"

Caiwei said: "Dong Anguo has a son from a concubine. I have forgotten his name. He is a lame man in his twenties. I have bought his wife and young lady back. If it is convenient for you, please rescue him too." Well, so that their family can be reunited, so that they can have someone to rely on when they are old, and have someone to support their children. Besides, my rescue of them is still useful."

Nangong Yi said: "It's not difficult, but after being rescued, he has to live anonymously in a remote and isolated place to avoid being discovered."

Caiwei said: "It's just right. I originally wanted their family to go to Lingbei. Lingbei is remote and desolate, and the lame concubine doesn't go out to make friends on weekdays. I think few people know him. When he arrives in Lingbei, he will definitely not Someone will recognize them..."

The two talked for a while, and when they were tired, they hugged each other and fell asleep...

At the fourth watch, Nangong Yi left.

After he left, Caiwei entered the space, found a thousand-year-old ginseng in the woods, and dug it out.

Good guy! This thousand-year-old thing is different from ordinary things. The old ginseng is more than a foot long, in the shape of a human, with all four limbs, and the facial features are vaguely distinguishable. If it is raised for a few hundred years, it will probably become a spirit!

There is absolutely no other such good ginseng in the entire Jin Kingdom. Using it as a birthday gift is definitely more valuable than any gift given by a guest!

She found a medium-sized brocade box and put the old ginseng in it. The old lady was kind, kind, approachable, and treated the sisters very well, so she willingly gave the old ginseng to her!

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