Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 982 The Queen Arrives (2)

After packing the ginseng, Caiwei went to the warehouse. Among the items that had been looted from Li Zhixian and Lu's family, she found two decent-looking and rich-looking satin clothes for Mu Liankui and Mu Bai respectively, and returned them to Mu Bai. I found some expensive head and face jewelry, but I didn’t know that these were worn by the lady or the favored concubine!

After getting out of the space, she called Xuanqiu and asked her to send two sets of clothes and some jewelry to the backyard, while she washed and dressed and went outside to have breakfast.

Mu Zhongqing and Du Shi had already gotten up, and they had also got their two little kids up. They were going to the Duke Li Guo's Mansion for a banquet later, so everyone looked very excited. Only Mu Zhongqing's eyes showed excitement. A bit uneasy.

During the meal, Mu Zhongqing glanced at Caiwei and said tentatively: "You have to ask Zhang to go to Jishang to hire two cars later. Otherwise, we will go to Li Guogong today. We have such a big family, and we can't do it anymore." Including the maids and other things you brought with you, one car can’t fit in it!"

Caiwei lowered her eyes and said while drinking porridge: "Except for me, our family, plus the old man, old lady and a few maids, two cars are enough, we don't need three." From the car!"

Mu Zhongqing coughed and said nonchalantly: "Weier, what dad wants is for your uncle and his family to go to Duke Li's mansion to see something. After all, the old lady also invited them, right? Besides, your uncle and his family are We all know that we were wrong in the past, and we are correcting our mistakes, haven't you seen? These days they are just immersed in their work in our village, and they don't cause any trouble at all. We can't just ignore them, can we?"

Caiwei put down the bowl, looked at Mu Zhongqing, and said coldly: "Dad, you have been studying for a lifetime, haven't you ever heard the saying that the country can be changed easily but the nature cannot be changed? The reason why they didn't cause trouble was that they They didn't have the courage. The reason why they changed their ways was because of the situation. I never believed that they could change for the better. It was my limit to let the old man and the old lady attend the birthday banquet. The old lady sincerely invited me, so I had to let him. It's fun for the two of them to go to their house. As for the others, it's better to stay at home and take it easy. Don't forget, Duke Liguo's house is Fei'er's future husband's family. If anything embarrassing happens to them there, so Mayfair's future will be very unfavorable."

When it came to Fei'er's future, Mu Zhongqing obviously lost confidence, but still reluctantly said: "That's not the case. What kind of place is Duke Li's Mansion? Your uncle and your aunt are not fools. How dare you go there?" Something happened there?"

Caiwei sneered: "It concerns Fei'er's future happiness. I advise dad not to take risks!"

After that, he stood up and said, "I'm full and want to go to the city. The old lady's birthday gift is on the desk in my room. You can go get it yourself."

Captain Zhang wanted to go to the city to hire a carriage and deliver snacks to the Bafu snack shop, so Caiwei took Huanqiu and followed his carriage.

Because Caiwei has already set a wedding date, according to the rules of the Jin Dynasty, a daughter who has set a wedding date cannot attend the banquets of various mansions at will. Therefore, she cannot attend the birthday banquet of Duke Liguo’s mansion today. It happens that she still has some things to deal with. , and went to the city ahead of his family.

Mrs. Du looked at her daughter's cold back and said uneasily: "Ms. sir, is Weier angry? Otherwise, don't let them..."


Mu Zhongqing sighed, put down his chopsticks and said, "I promised my parents and eldest brother last night that I will let them go this time. Yesterday, Weier did not let my parents and eldest brother attend the invitation. I was all sad and crying. If I reject them today, I really can’t bear it!"

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