Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 983 The Queen Arrives (3)

Seeing that Mu Zhongqing was putting her daughter in a dilemma between her parents, Mrs. Du felt very distressed, so she whispered: "Weir will definitely be unhappy if we follow Dafang's wishes. Remember, there will be no next time." Got it!"

Mu Zhongqing solemnly agreed, got up and went to the backyard...

Muliankui and his wife received the clothes and jewelry from Caiwei early in the morning, and they were so happy that they couldn't shut their mouths!

Especially Mu Bai, she has never brought any gold jewelry in her life. She secretly sold Caiwei's furniture a few days ago and gritted her teeth and bought a silver-plated hairpin. It was not big and the style was not good. She It seems that they are still rare. Today, I got these pieces of red gold and gem-encrusted headgear, which makes me feel rare to the point of my heart.

There is also the lake blue brocade jacket embroidered with chrysanthemums. It is much more comfortable than the dead silk jacket they bought in the pawn shop last time. It looks very noble when worn on it, and with the head full of pearls and emeralds, it really looks like He looks like Lao An from a wealthy family.

It’s better to have money!

Mu Zhongli and his wife and Mu Chongfu brothers were not happy because Caiwei only gave the old man and old lady clothes and accessories, but not their family. Isn't it clear that they were not allowed to go?

Therefore, when Mu Zhongqing entered the door, Mu Chongcai called out to Zhuang Tianqu aggrievedly: "Second uncle, you said it perfectly yesterday, let us all go now, but the eldest sister only What does it mean to give grandma's clothes as a gift, but we don't have any share in it?"

Mu Zhongli also said in a low mood: "Second brother, does Wei Ya look down on us and is afraid that we will embarrass her if we go? If that's the case, we won't go and it will save you the trouble."

After saying that, he called his two sons: "You two, please don't embarrass your second uncle. We are farmers. When we arrive at the Duke Hou Men's Mansion, we won't embarrass your two sisters, so we should go to work in the fields with our father obediently." Bar."

Mrs. Li tied up her apron and said with a sad expression, "While you chat, I'm going to feed the chickens first..."

Mu Zhongqing hurriedly said: "Brother, sister-in-law, what are you talking about? I'm just here to tell you, so that you can freshen up. After a while, Head Guard Zhang will hire a car and let's go to Anguo Gong's Mansion together. !"


The whole family showed expressions of disbelief. Mu Zhongqing said, "Of course it's true. I'll wait in front first. When you finish cleaning up, go to the front yard!"

After Mu Zhongqing finished speaking, he left. Dafang's family was happy. Mu Zhongli said to his two sons, "Do you know why dad has to let you attend this birthday banquet?"

Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu shook their heads, looking confused. Mu Zhongli said: "We are taking advantage of the large number of people today to let all the dignitaries of the Jin Kingdom know our family. At that time, it will be helpful for you two brothers to become officials in the future. Moreover, everyone Everyone knows that we live in the second child's house, so they will be embarrassed to drive us away, haha..."

Mu Bai smiled and said, "You still have a bright mind!"

Mu Zhongli said: "There is no way, that damn girl won the power and refuses to recognize us, so we have to find another way to find another way to establish a foothold here. The capital is so good, I can't bear it." Let's go!"

"Yes, yes, we can't bear to leave either." Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu echoed. The capital city is full of flowers and much more lively than Mujia Village and Qingyun Town. Especially here, you can eat big fish and meat. They also had to go out to work, so naturally they couldn't care less!


In the city, in a dilapidated old house

Du Yongqi, the concubine of Anguo Gong, had been sent over by Nangong Yi and was reunited with his wife, children and children. After Caiwei entered, the whole family knelt in front of her, crying bitterly. Du Yongqi said: "Miss Mu, Du Yongqi can Leaving this life to be reunited with his wife, children and mother is all thanks to Miss Mu's righteous rescue. Although Du Yongqi is a cripple, he is a man who knows how to repay kindness. If anything happens to Miss in the future, just tell Yongqi, and Yongqi will do it. The liver and brain are bruised, and you are dead!"

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