Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 992 The traitor (3)

He couldn't leave at all. There were hundreds of officials and royal family members who came to congratulate his wife on her birthday today. He greeted this and that and was unable to attend to other matters.

Not far away, Nangong Yi was dressed in a sky-blue brocade long dress. He was handsome and elegant. He gently shook his folding fan, sat on a chair casually, and responded to the questions of the ministers around him unhurriedly. Compliments and flattery, from the corner of his eyes, he inadvertently crossed the table where Mu Zhongqing was sitting in the corner of the banquet.

On that table, sat his future Taishan and the men from Dafang's family, as well as Lin'an Prefecture Yin Han Zhicai and Yingtian Prefecture Yin Zhao Hongwang who came to celebrate his birthday. Han Fuyin was an in-law of Li Guo Gongfu, and Fu Yin Your eldest son married Mo Yuanshan's daughter. Therefore, when the old lady celebrated her birthday, Han Fuyin came to celebrate her birthday, regardless of the long distance.

Mu Zhongqing and Han Fuyin were old acquaintances. When they were guessing lantern riddles in Lin'an Mansion a few years ago, Han Fuyin rewarded Mu Zhongqing with fifty taels of silver, and later came to Huo Yuan to propose marriage to Caiwei.

I remember that when the proposal of marriage was rejected by the Mu family, the Hanfu Yin couple thought it was because the Mu family was being pretentious, and they must have lost their minds even if the young lady of the Huo family did not do it. Who knows, they didn't pay attention to the young lady's position at all, but focused on Princess Qin's throne!

It seems that he underestimated the capabilities of this family.

The governor of Yingtian Mansion was also familiar with Mu Zhongqing, because last time the Anguo Mansion accused Mu Zhongqing's family of stealing, Mu Zhongqing was sent to Yingtian Mansion Prison, but Mr. Huo later rescued him. At that time, if he had known that Mu Zhongqing would one day become the father-in-law of King Qin, he would not have dared to arrest him even if there were ghosts pulling him!

However, fortunately, he never tortured him. Even if he arrested him, he always treated him politely. Therefore, the two of them were not close to each other, but it was not bad. At least they were old acquaintances.

The two governors sat next to Mu Zhongqing, one on the left and the other on the right. They chatted with each other very enthusiastically and soon called each other brothers. Although Mu Zhongqing was not rigid and dared to call the two adults brothers, However, the two Fuyin masters were courteous and approachable. After asking about their birthdays, they started shouting about foolish brothers and wise brothers.

Hanfu Yin poured a glass of wine, presented it to Mu Zhongqing, and said with a smile: "Zhongqing, brother Yu will be transferred to the Hanlin Academy in Beijing soon. However, he and his brother have been working abroad for many years, and there is no one of his own in the Hanlin Academy." , So, I want to train a few helpers. I wonder if Brother Zhongqing is interested in an official career? Are you willing to condescend to serve next to Brother Yu? "

Upon hearing Han Fuyin's invitation, Mu Zhongqing's heart beat fiercely. He has been studying all his life, and his biggest wish is to be named on the gold medal list, to be promoted to a noble position, and to return to his hometown in glory. Later, he was forced by life and became the lowest businessman among scholars, farmers, and merchants. Although he enjoyed his current life, his desire to become an official was never forgotten in his heart!

Han Fuyin's suggestion, like a stone thrown into the lake, aroused waves in his heart. He held the cup and hesitated, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

Mu Zhongli said hurriedly: "Haha, sir, if you are short of someone, these two boys from my family can also do it. Don't think they are young, but they are very smart. They will definitely be able to help you."

Magistrate Han said politely: "The one I'm looking for is a Hanlin Academy editor. I'm afraid your son won't be able to fill the job!"

"What? Editor?"

Mu Zhongli was overjoyed and took over the words: "Sir, if you are in need of editors, I can do the job. Really, I am much better than my second brother when it comes to editors, whether it is weaving baskets, weaving mats, etc." , I can make it up, and it’s not difficult for me to fix anything. I think when someone’s farm tools in our village broke, they all came to me to fix them..."

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