Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 993 The traitor (4)

The corners of Magistrate Han's mouth trembled twice, but before he could speak, he heard several young men at the next table burst into laughter. A purple-robed young man turned around and said to Mu Zhongli: "There are still four people missing in the court." Can you drink the imperial wine that I tasted at the Imperial Academy? Oh, by the way, when the emperor appoints a prince, he will still need a prince to wash horses. Can you wash horses?"

After saying that, the guests at his table laughed even harder.

Mu Chongcai was a pig butcher, and he was as stupid as a pig, and he was eager for quick success. When he heard that the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine was a fourth-rank official, which was several ranks higher than the county magistrate he had seen in Yushu County, his eyes turned red at that time. He said loudly: "Master, I know how to drink. I can drink two kilograms of Laobaigan'er without getting drunk. When it comes to drinking, if the entire Qingyun Town is ranked second, no one would dare to be ranked first!"

Mu Chongfu stretched out his face, pointed at his nose and said, "Although I'm not good at drinking, I can wash horses. I used to wash my horse, Black General. Hey, it's shiny every time." Bright, not even a single hair..."



All the young men at the table were laughing so hard that some wine glasses were knocked over...

Mu Zhongqing's face turned red, burning, and he felt deeply embarrassed. Only then did he regret not listening to Caiwei's words and causing big trouble for Fei'er. With such a relative, I'm afraid Fei'er would also be looked down upon. .

Hanfu Yin smiled kindly, helped his grandparents out, and said, "Old man, you are really witty. Even your grandson is like you, haha..."

At this moment, if you are scheming or winking, you will definitely notice that something is wrong when you see everyone laughing like this.

It's a pity that the father and son of the Mu family are greedy for profit and have been blinded by the good things of being an official. They don't care whether what others say is true or false, and they emphasize it seriously.

"Don't laugh, I don't lie. Really, I can make up anything, and I can fix anything. Telling a lie will get me thunderstruck..."

"I can drink too. If you don't believe me, whoever comes to challenge me, I'm sure I'll drink him under the table..."

"I'm going to go outside and wash the horses. I'll wash your horses one by one and make sure you're satisfied..."

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Everyone at the table was laughing so hard that they fell down, and some even cried with laughter. No one had any intention of eating anymore, they just wanted to watch these men show their embarrassment...

General Li held the cup, sat next to King Qin, and said with a smile: "Haha, your highness's Yue family is very humorous!"

Nangong Yi's face did not change and he said lazily: "Fortunately, they are not my father-in-law or brother-in-law. Otherwise, I would have to use the relationship of the prince to arrange the job of washing horses for my brother-in-law in the future!"


Throughout the entire birthday party, Mu Zhongqing was as if he was sitting on top of a charcoal fire. When the elders could not worry for a moment, they would come out in a high-profile manner from time to time and make everyone laugh, but these gentlemen did not. I felt ashamed, but felt proud. I thought I had broken into this aristocratic circle and became one with everyone!

Mu Zhongqing was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. He felt that even if they had agreed in advance to come here and make themselves as embarrassing as possible, they would not be able to perform better.

After a banquet, Mu Zhongqing was soaked in sweat, and his spirit was greatly hit and tortured. He deeply regretted that his two daughters finally found a good home, but now, his daughter's husband's family How would he view his daughter's family tradition?

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