Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 994 The traitor (5)

He didn't know how he walked out of Duke Liguo's Mansion. He only felt that he was red-faced, top-heavy, and drifting all the way. The men around him expressed satisfaction with the banquet, dancing and talking loudly along the way, and they were very proud.

When he arrived at the door and saw his wife, Mu Zhongqing suddenly realized that her condition seemed to be even worse than his. She leaned weakly on Fei'er, her eyes were empty and her face was earth-colored, with two little children on her side. He frowned and seemed unhappy. However, the expressions of his mother and his sister-in-law were completely different. Mu Bai raised her face and looked arrogant, while Li also had a victorious smile on her face and said something to Mu Bai from time to time.

"Ms. sir!"

When she saw Mu Zhongqing, Du's eyes turned red and she almost cried in front of others.

"Let's talk about it after we get in the car!"

Mu Zhongqing opened the car curtain and arranged for her to get in the car. Fei'er and the two little kids followed, and the girls sat in the last car...

As soon as she got in the car, Du covered her face and started crying, trembling while crying.

Fei'er told Mu Zhongqing what happened, and said angrily: "The old lady got the Queen's decree. This is even more extraordinary. When she just sat down at the table, she even asked my mother to stand beside her. I followed the rules, but a lady said a few words before letting my mother go."

Mu Zhongqing said solemnly: "It's all dad's fault. Dad should have listened to your sister and shouldn't have brought them here. As a result, he got into trouble and hurt you all..."

Du said: "What's the use of talking about this now? I can see that Queen Mo regrets marrying our family. What can I do?"

Mu Zhongqing said: "Don't worry, King Qin may not listen to the queen if he is deeply in love with us, Weier. Let's go back and discuss it with Weier quickly..."


At this time, Caiwei was sitting in a spacious teahouse, holding the house deed in her hand, and said to the shopkeeper on the counter: "I'll give you three days, I want to take back the house, and you have to move out within three days. I'm coming in in three days!"

The house deed she got was one of the betrothal gifts given to her by Nangong Yi - one of three shops in a prosperous area.

Today, she is here to take over the house.

However, Caiwei is a conscientious businessman. Since he let others go halfway, he should give them some compensation.

Therefore, when the shopkeeper of the teahouse put on the face of a dead father and was about to cry out about his difficulties, a shining ingot of gold was already placed in front of him.

"Hey, this is your rent for this year. The first seven months are free for you. Move out quickly. If I see you haven't finished it in three days, don't blame me for taking the gold back!"

When the shopkeeper saw the gold, he immediately lost all resentment. He picked up the gold ingot, put it in his mouth and bit it. Then he smiled and said, "Don't worry, little girl. I will clean up the house for you in three days." It’s all right, I’ll make it work as soon as you come in!”

Caiwei nodded with satisfaction and followed the same pattern and took down the other two shops.

She has already thought about these three shops. One is a glass shop, one is a medical clinic, and one is a pawn shop. She even thought about the managers of these shops, so she asked Huo Yuan for them.

Huo Yuan had promised to introduce her to several reliable and capable people before. At that time, she was helping a man conquer Lingbei and had no energy to invest in her business. Now that the overall situation has been decided, her plans should also be put into place. One has come true!

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