Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 995 The traitor (6)

With a preliminary plan for future development, Caiwei was very happy. She was busy with energy, customizing counter shelves, and asking Huo Yuan for help. She kept busy until it was almost dark, and returned home exhausted with Huan Qiu. .

Today is the birthday of the old lady of Duke Liguo's mansion. The whole family is attending it. She just wants to hear about the birthday banquet. Who are there? What did you eat? How many plays have you watched?

However, when she returned home, she found that the atmosphere at home was obviously wrong. Her father was sitting in a chair with his head bowed in silence, and her mother was nowhere to be found. Moreover, what made her even more confused was that there were actually two young and beautiful women with low eyebrows. He stood behind his father childishly, but glanced in his direction from time to time with charming eyes.

"Who are they? Why are they in our home?"

As soon as Caiwei entered the door, she noticed two women with frivolous manners. Although these two women were dressed very ordinary, their demeanor was not that of girls.

When Mu Zhongqing heard his daughter's voice, he raised his head. His haggard face was full of fatigue. He rubbed the center of his brows and said in a hoarse voice: "Weier, you are back. Hey! Dad was wrong. Dad shouldn't have ignored it." If you say so, you shouldn't take them to Duke Li Guo's Mansion..."

As he spoke, he held his head and buried his face in his arms in pain.

Caiwei said: "Why did dad say this? What happened?"

Mu Zhongqing sighed and said quietly: "It was because of my father's weakness that he didn't listen to your advice and took the whole family with him. As a result... Hi! I met the Queen Empress at Duke Liguo's Mansion. , our old lady and Mrs. Li filed a complaint against us in front of the queen, saying that our family was unfilial and treated them harshly. The queen was angry, and she was afraid she was going to offend you and Fei'er. Hey, speaking of it, it's all my father's fault. Dad, I'm sorry for you two!"

Caiwei pointed at the two Yao Yao Qiao Qiao women and said, "What about these two people? What's going on with them?"

Mu Zhongqing's expression stiffened, and he said with a shy face: "This is the thin horse that the old lady and Li bought at the thin horse shop. The old lady said that your mother was pregnant and it was inconvenient to take care of your father, so she went to the thin horse shop. I went to choose two people and asked my father to take over the house..."

"So this is ah!"

Caiwei sneered: "The old lady and Mrs. Li have the Queen's support, and now they even have to take care of our family's Kang affairs. Oh, by the way, my daughter forgot to congratulate her father on his beauty!"

Mu Zhongqing said aggrievedly: "Fei'er, others don't know what kind of person dad is, but you don't know it either? Now that you sisters have been angered by the queen, and dad is already burned inside and out, how can he still have such leisurely thoughts?" Those nonsense things! Besides, dad will never get close to another woman besides your mother in this life!"

Mu Zhongqing spoke very sincerely. From beginning to end, he didn't even look at the two skinny horses.

Seeing his attitude, the anger in Caiwei's heart calmed down a little, and she said: "Since dad thinks so, go see my mother quickly and comfort her. She is pregnant for you, but It's hard enough to be bullied by your mother-in-law and sisters-in-law at the door of your house."

Mu Zhongqing said, "Dad has just been there. My mother was asleep. I was afraid of disturbing her, so I came out."

Caiwei sneered and said, "Mom, she has been wronged and is suffering. How can she sleep? If dad is not with her right now, what will my mother think?"

After hearing what his daughter said, Mu Zhongqing suddenly realized what he was saying. He slapped his forehead and hurriedly ran towards the inner room.

When the two skinny horses saw their master leaving and the eldest lady looking at them coldly, they both lowered their heads timidly, looking pitiful.

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