Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 998: Drive away the scumbag relative (1)

After leaving Yukun Palace, he did not go back to his Qin Prince's Palace, but walked towards the Qixia Palace where the emperor was recovering from illness. Although the emperor was seriously ill, he was still sharp-sighted and could not hide anything from him, so some It's much better if he tells him things in person than if he hears them from others.

Arriving at Qixia Palace, Emperor Jin Ming was half-leaning on a pillow with his eyes closed and concentrating. His complexion was getting worse day by day. It seemed that the heartbroken grass that Nangong Shi gave him was indeed the best poison in the world!

After Nangong Yi came in, he knelt down in the middle of the ground and said in a deep voice: "I would like to greet my father. I am unfilial. I disobeyed my mother last night and came here to apologize to my father."

The emperor opened his eyes, slowly turned his head to look at him, and said lazily, hoarsely: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Nangong Yi did not hide anything, so he told the story from beginning to end about how his mother forced him to break off the engagement last night, and how he responded. Finally, he said: "My son is unfilial and cannot obey his mother's orders, so I am willing to accept the punishment." "

After hearing this, Emperor Jin Ming pondered for a while and said, "For the sake of a woman, you have to give up your imperial status and the throne. Do you think it is worth it?"

"The throne?"

Nangong Yi was startled and stunned.

"Yes, it's the throne."

Emperor Jin Ming said slowly: "Yi'er, please get up and speak. I am obviously beyond my ability and am planning to make you the Prince of the East Palace. Now, do you still want to give up your imperial status?"

After saying that, his blind eyes grabbed him tightly.

However, the moment he finished asking, Nangong Yi had already answered without hesitation: "If I have to choose between her and the throne, I will choose her!"


The emperor gave a low drink, and then started coughing violently. Nangong Yi stood up quickly, went to the emperor and patted him on the back.

After the emperor regained his breath, he said with a somewhat sullen expression: "You think I have no choice now but to make you my heir apparent, so you have the confidence to threaten me, right?"

Nangong Yi raised his hands and said humbly: "Father, please calm down, but I don't dare. I just tell the truth. Besides Erchen, my father has several sons. How can I have no choice? Is this really true?" I think so, that’s why I said that.”

Emperor Jin Ming sneered and said: "This is strange. I had no intention of granting the throne to you before, but you and your mother worked hard to get the throne. Now that I want to grant the throne to you, you give up easily. Is that so?" Are women really more important to you than your ancestors' country and country?"

The emperor had many eyes and ears, and he knew what they had done before. Nangong Yi did not feel any embarrassment, and only said sincerely: "My son dare not say that he has never fought for the throne before, but he used to fight to protect his mother and Chaoyang." Because my son knows the temperament of Concubine Jin and her son, once the prince ascends the throne, we, mother and son will have no chance of survival, so our son has to give it a try. But, it is different now, Concubine Jin and Nangong Shi are no longer here, and the others All the emperor's brothers are kind-hearted. No matter which emperor's brother comes to power in the future, he will leave a way for us, mother and son, to survive. Therefore, for me, the country is no longer a life-saving weapon. If it is inherited by the emperor's brothers, , my son is free, and he will travel among famous mountains and rivers with his wife and children in the future, and spend his life leisurely, and there will be no regrets!"

"Spend this life leisurely and leisurely, you are so beautiful!"

Emperor Jin Ming's voice broke Nangong Yi's dream. He said earnestly: "Yi'er, I don't have much time left, and your imperial brothers are still insignificant. In order to protect the power of our Nangong family, it is really up to you to take over the throne!"

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