Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 999: Drive away the scumbag relative (2)

When Nangong Yi heard this, his face suddenly turned sad. In fact, he really didn't want to be the emperor now. People's hearts are unpredictable and there are many things in the world. If he became the emperor, he would have to invest a lot of time and energy in government affairs. And if he is just a commoner, he doesn't need to worry about anything. He can stay with her all day long, burning incense and dancing swords in spring, composing poems and enjoying lotus flowers in summer, painting by the window in autumn, cooking tea and playing chess in winter, that kind of tranquility and tranquility. The days are far better than working on government affairs every day and immersed in reviewing countless memorials.

Therefore, he excused himself by saying: "My father is at the peak of his life, and he has at least a hundred years to live. How can he say that his days are short? My son has no ambitions. He just wants to marry the woman he loves and have children. He lives a mediocre life." Throughout my life, I have no ambition to inherit a great position."

After listening to his son's words, Emperor Jin Ming smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that you really recognize her. You can even say that you have no ambitions and live a mediocre life. Haha, you are worthy of being my son. This The vice-virtue is exactly the same as what I used to have..."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes, as if he was caught up in reminiscing about the past...

"I think back then, I treated her just like you do now. I wouldn't marry anyone who wasn't your minister, and I wouldn't marry anyone who wasn't your king. Unfortunately, I couldn't bear the pressure in the end and married the eldest daughter of Duke Li. At that time, my father himself He felt that he had failed to fulfill his promise and owed her a debt, so he did everything for her sake, put her first, gave in to her in everything, made her a noble concubine, ordered her to be the queen's assistant to the Sixth Palace, and regarded the son she gave birth to as his own. Even if I know that she was responsible for the late empress and my first son, I am reluctant to punish her!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yi was startled. It turned out that he had known for a long time that his aunt and eldest brother died at the hands of Concubine Jin. It turned out that he knew everything. However, he watched his wife and children being killed by his concubine, and he continued to do so. As if nothing had happened, the Tian family's wealth and splendor was actually so ruthless and indifferent, and his heart grew cold...

Emperor Jin Ming laughed sarcastically, "Unfortunately, my tolerance and favor were ultimately rewarded by her constant demands and growing ambitions. Even if she had a gentler temperament, she would not be able to breed the regicide." The rebellious son who killed his father...ahem...ahem...ahem..."

He coughed, probably thinking of the evil things Nangong Shi had done to him, and the veins on his forehead popped out from his coughing!

Nangong Yi hurriedly called the imperial doctor and massaged him for a while. Then he gradually calmed down. After sighing for a while, he said: "This is probably the retribution for my doting on my concubine and killing my wife. If I had not been tempted by her, I would have obeyed my father's will." As the Queen Mother ordered, if you live a good life with the First Queen, you will not be in the situation like today, lying here half-dead like this. The First Queen was born and well-educated, and will never have those ambitions, nor will Raise such a rebellious son. Just like your mother, although she has a cold temperament and I don't treat her well, she can raise you so well. I don't know how many times better than that rebellious son! Ahem... this This is the difference between a girl from a big family and a girl from a small family. Once a daughter from a small family gets power, she can't let it go. She takes power more seriously than anything else. What affection is left there? I've lost my power...ahem..."

The emperor's words were clearly criticizing Caiwei's background and were directed at Queen Mo. Nangong Yi's heart tightened. Did his father also regret letting him apply for Caiwei's job?

He said eagerly: "Father, Caiwei is different from Concubine Jin. She doesn't know how to..."

Emperor Jin Ming raised his hand and interrupted Nangong Yi's argument, saying: "Don't tell me how different she is. I have seen many people in my life, let alone a teenage girl with yellow hair. After decades, her thoughts will not be able to be hidden from me. That Mu Caiwei is definitely ambitious. If you marry her, she will never let go unless she never marries anyone else in this life. of!"

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