Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1000: You didn't even know the child was beaten

Shao Jiayi would make her daughter suffer, and her Secretary Qin was the first to not believe it!

Shao Jiayi saw the slap print on her face, "Who did it?"

Secretary Qin shook his head, "It's okay for me to be bullied by her, but she can't let her bully the little princess!"

Under Shao Jiayi's soft coax, Shao Jingxin hummed a few more times and stopped crying.

"Mummy, she beat the aunt!" Shao Jingxin put her arms around Shao Jiayi's neck and pointed at Fan Xinyan.

Shao Jiayi wiped her tears distressedly, "Mom knows, my baby won't cry anymore."

Handing her daughter to Secretary Qin, she walked to Fan Xinyan and slapped it up.

Fan Xinyan covered her face and stared at the woman in front of her in a daze, because she was so shocked, her head was blank for a moment.

This caused Shao Jiayi to slap her white face again!

Two crisp slaps shocked the secretaries.

Secretary Qin quickly let Shao Jingxin lie on her back, preventing her from seeing this scene.

After calling Fan Xinyan, Shao Jiayi took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. At this moment, Shi Xiao also hurried over.

Shi Xiao looked at the little princess in Secretary Qin's arms, and succumbed to him. He was really scared to death!

However, the atmosphere seems a bit wrong.

In the meeting room, Stingli was watching the design pattern played by the design manager, and the mobile phone placed on the meeting table began to vibrate.

Originally didn't want to answer, but accidentally scanned the name, he picked up the phone and put it in his ear, "Yeah."

"Sidingli! That's how you look at your children! You don't even know when a child is beaten! How to be a dad!" Sidingli, who was suddenly bombarded, was a little baffling at first, but later he heard that the child was beaten and his eyes turned Shen.

"Where?" Steinli stood up from his chair and strode out of the conference room.

A dozen executives were left looking at each other.

Shao Jiayi hung up the phone, and the secretaries were so scared that they dared not say anything. For the first time I saw someone who dared to scream!

Fan Xinyan also reacted this time, not worrying about being beaten with Shao Jiayi, turned around and prepared to leave.

How could Shao Jiayi let her leave and block her way, "Apologize to Secretary Qin, my daughter and me!"

Fan Xinyan pushed her arm away hard, she didn't dare to face Stingli, she was scared when she thought of Stingli with a cold face!

Shi Xiao also saw what had happened, and cried out that it was finished!

Then tell the secretary behind him, "Please come up with the security guard!"

Just when Fan Xinyan and Shao Jiayi were entangled, Steinli rushed over.

When I got out of the elevator, I saw the little pitiful look of my daughter with tears, and felt distressed.

She took Shao Jingxin from Secretary Qin's arms, "Dad, I'm so afraid of that old witch!" Shao Jingxin put his arm around Stingli's neck and pointed at Fan Xinyan with one hand.

"It's okay, be good, Dad will solve it." Sidingli wiped the tears left on his face to his daughter.

A cold glance at several secretaries, "You go back to work!"

But he did not ignore the slap print on Secretary Qin's face.

Fan Xinyan was about to run, but when she saw the jacket on his body, her eyes widened in excitement, but instead ran back, "Ding Li, you still have this jacket!"

She spent several months of living expenses on this coat and gave it to Stingli. She will never forget it!

Shao Jiayi looked at Fan Xinyan suspiciously.

Si Dingli opened the door of the next office and gave Shi Xiao a cold wink, "Bring her in!"

Fan Xinyan was half pushed into the office by Shi Xiao, and Shao Jiayi followed in.

Fan Xinyan walked in front of Stingli excitedly, "Dingli, I know you still have me in your heart!" How else would he still put this coat on and wear it the next day she came back.

When Shao Jiayi heard these words, his heart sank, and he prepared to hug his daughter from Stingli's arms.

I heard Fan Xinyan proudly say, "I bought this coat for Dingli, don't you know!"

The hand that just stretched out just froze in mid-air, and Shao Jiayi looked at Stingli deeply, it turned out that Fan Xinyan gave him.

Si Dingli went to shake her hand and was avoided by Shao Jiayi.

Shao Jiayi suddenly looked at Fan Xinyan and sneered, "Do you know why Stingli wears this coat?"

Fan Xinyan was taken aback, then smiled, "Of course it's because Ding Li can't forget me!"

Her answer made Shao Jiayi's heart more painful, she already knew.

Despite this, she prevented Stingli from speaking and told Fan Xinyan, "You are wrong! I forced him to wear it in the morning!"

Shao Jiayi took a few steps forward, "Siding Li said that he had lost it, so I would buy him another one."

She told the truth, Fan Xinyan shook her head in disbelief. She pointed to Shao Jiayi, "You lie to me!"

Shao Jiayi smiled, then hugged her daughter and handed it to Shi Xiao, "Thank you, the teacher's special help, take Zinc to wash your face."

Before taking over Shao Jingxin, Shi Xiao glanced at the sharp-eyed Sidingli, knowing he was wrong, and dared not accept it for a while.

Instead, Shao Jingxin put his arms around Shi Xiao's neck first, "Thank you, Uncle Shi Xiao!"

Shi Xiao couldn't help but hugged her little cutie and quickly flashed into the lounge.

Children are not suitable to see things about adults.

Sidingli sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, thinking about how to deal with someone who dared to touch his daughter.

Shao Jia relied on Fan Xinyan and said coldly, "Which hand did you hit my daughter just now!"

If she dares to touch her Shao Jiayi's child, she will try her best to get justice for her daughter!

Fan Xinyan ran to Dingli and explained anxiously, "Dingli, I didn't hit her, she bit me first, I hurt, so... I pushed her away, you see, my hand... "

She couldn't wait to stretch out the hand bitten by Shao Jingxin, and there were two rows of tooth marks on it.

"Why did she bite you?" the man said lightly.

Fan Xinyan looked at him innocently, "I don't know, I was talking to your secretary, and she rushed to bite me!"

"Who made the slap print on Secretary Qin's face?" He asked again.

Fan Xinyan shrank her neck, "That secretary framed me for touching your confidential office documents, and was arrogant at me. I couldn't hold back any of them... But, look at my face, she hit it!"

She fiercely pointed at Shao Jiayi, who stood calmly in place.

Sidingli looked at Fan Xinyan straightly. Why didn't he know that Fan Xinyan was such a woman?

Secretary Qin has followed him for so many years, he knows what Secretary Qin is like better than anyone, and he is proud? It's Fan Xinyan herself!

He said indifferently, "Good fight!"

Fan Xinyan looked at Stingli in surprise. Did those three words really come out of Stingli's mouth?

The man said in a low voice, "Go and apologize to Secretary Qin!" Although Secretary Qin is a secretary, no one around him can be bullied!

Apologize to a secretary?

Fan Xinyan shook her head, "I don't want it! She slandered me first! Don't let me into your office!"

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