Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1001: I dare to divorce you tomorrow

Two people say you and I say, Shao Jiayi is very annoyed, "Siding Li, are you reluctant to deal with her?"

Si Dingli pinched out the cigarette **** in his hand and looked at Shao Jiayi, "Go to the bottom drawer of me and bring that dagger over."

Shao Jiayi looked at the man in disbelief, he had been in for so long, and he dared to command her without dealing with Fan Xinyan!

Fan Xinyan asked in a frightened voice, "Ding Li, what do you want a dagger for?"

I don't want to... kill her! Fan Xinyan was scared and squatted on the ground.

Shao Jiayi looked at her and ran to get the dagger. There were a few documents in the bottom drawer, one gun and one dagger.

She was thinking, if Steinli was unwilling to deal with this woman, she would kill man and woman with a gun.

She put the dagger on the table, and Steinli got up from the sofa and took off his coat.

In the surprised eyes of the two women, they took the daggers, drew a few lines neatly, and the suit was scrapped.

"From then on, Fan Xinyan, whether you are dead or alive, has nothing to do with my Stingli!" The suit jacket was thrown into the trash can by him.

The man closed the dagger, pressed the inside line, and called Secretary Qin.

"Let's talk about the situation just now!"

Secretary Qin said everything just now from beginning to end, without adding any fuel.

After talking about the silence in the office, Shi Xiao hugged Shao Jingxin and hid in the lounge, afraid to come out.

Fan Xinyan stood up and rushed over to hold Stingli, crying and said, "Dingli, I'm sorry, my temper will definitely change in the future!"

Stingli did not rush to push away the woman in his arms, but went to see Shao Jiayi first.

The woman stood in the same place blankly, with no expression on her face, and she didn't mean to come up and pull Fan Xinyan away.

Where is the woman who stood in front of Song Zhiqing and challenged Song Zhiqing aggressively?

He was annoyed and pushed Fan Xinyan away hard, "Go away!"

Fan Xinyan squatted down on the ground in embarrassment, "Ding Li!"

"To shut up!"

Stingli looked at the woman on the ground coldly, "I'll say it one last time, apologize to Secretary Qin!"

In the days to come, she would count on Stingli, not to anger him.

Fan Xinyan stood up from the ground and apologized to Secretary Qin unwillingly, "Secretary Qin, I'm sorry, I shouldn't do it!"

Secretary Qin snorted coldly, "I don't accept your apology!" Then he left the office.

An angry Fan Xinyan clenched her fists, **** it, a little secretary came to bully her!

"Shi Xiao, get out!" Si Dingli yelled at the lounge.

Shi Xiao immediately hugged Shao Jingxin and walked out of the lounge.

Shao Jingxin's small face was washed clean by Shi Xiao, and Shao Jiayi walked over immediately when he saw his daughter.

"Fan Xinyan, apologize!"

Fan Xinyan bit her lower lip and looked at the little girl in Shao Jiayi's arms, **** it!

"I don't want to apologize! She bit me first!"

Shi Xiao looked at her stubborn look and shook his head, not knowing what is good or bad!

"Zinc Zinc, tell dad which hand she used to push you!" Sidingli's words gave Fan Xinyan a bad feeling.

Shao Jingxin pointed at Fan Xinyan's right hand.

"Shi Xiao, give you a chance to redeem your sins!"

After Sidingli finished speaking, he gave Shao Jiayi a wink, and Shao Jiayi carried his daughter into the lounge.

Shi Xiao immediately understood what it meant. When Shao Jiayi entered the lounge, he walked to Fan Xinyan, raised her right hand, and pressed hard.



The crisp sound of bones, accompanied by screams, came from the office.

The screams made the secretaries outside shiver in unison.

The one who fears most is Zheng Shurui, being a guilty conscience...

Nes Dingli in the office looked at this scene coldly, "Throw her out!"

Shi Xiao immediately notified the security and threw Fan Xinyan out of the SL Group.

Fan Xinyan was taken away, and Steinli told Shi Xiao again, "If this happens in the future, Shi Xiao, you go to Manduo Bay!"

Manduo Bay! Shi Xiao shook his head quickly and vowed to promise, "We won't let President Si!"

Ignoring his guarantee, the man strode into the lounge, Shao Jingzin lying on the bed was sleepy.

Shao Jiayi gave him a cold eye and continued to coax his daughter to sleep!

If it wasn't for her daughter's sleepiness, she would leave here with Zinc Zinc now!

Walking to her side, he promised in a low voice, "I was negligent this time, and it won't be anymore."

Shao Jiayi simply closed his eyes and hugged his daughter to sleep.

Si Dingli sat on the edge of the bed, took her hand, and kissed, "You rest for a while, I will take you and Zinc to eat at noon!"

"No need to!"

"Mianmian, don't make trouble!" His two words hurt Shao Jiayi's heart.

Released his hand, sat up from the bed, stared into his eyes and asked, "Why am I making trouble? There is still that woman in my heart, and I use me to drive her out! What do you mean?"

Without waiting for him to speak, "I'm really stupid. I'm still questioning you like this. You can tell by looking at the jacket. You don't need to ruin it and act in front of me!"

Having said that, Shao Jiayi didn't want to stay here any longer.

Get out of bed, ready to hug her daughter.

Sidingli took her a step faster, took her hand, and carried her into his arms.

Forcing her to look at herself, "Jacket, did I tell you this morning? I want to throw it away!"

"But you didn't tell me that it was given to you by Fan Xinyan! If you tell me that I took it away and threw it away, you still can't bear it!" She tried to keep her voice down, not wanting to wake her daughter.

Sting Li was angry, because she didn't believe his words!

"Fucking Shao Jiayi, can you stop looking for troubles! I said I didn't have her in my heart!"

"Swear, swear a wool! Sidingli, you bastard... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Her chattering was blocked by his bowing head.

The man's kiss was domineering and strong, and her breath was completely taken away.

He controlled the hands of her wrists and placed them on her back and waist, not allowing her to leave a millimeter.

When Shao Jiayi was about to suffocate, Stingli loosened her red lips, held her face in both hands, and warned viciously, "Shao Jiayi, believe it or not, I will take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau now! You will never escape from the palm of my hand!"

If possible, he waited for her willingly to agree to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with him instead of forcing her!

"Go and go, whoever is afraid of it!" Her stubbornness was exchanged for the man who vigorously pulled her wrist and walked to the door of the lounge.

Shao Jiayi felt like he was here for real?

She hurriedly said, "You dare to get a marriage certificate from me today, and I dare to divorce you tomorrow!"


The man turned his head, his ferocious eyes made Shao Jiayi tremble.

He loosened her wrist and lifted her chin, "Shao Jiayi, do you love me or not!"


Faced with the sudden question of men, Shao Jiayi was slightly startled. Why did he suddenly ask this?

"Then do you love me?" she asked back!

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