Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1166: What is the situation with Secretary Li and Secretary Lou?

SL clearly stipulates that it must be a bachelor degree or above.

Then he remembered that Lou Muxi was entrusted by his mother before graduating from university and entered SL.

He didn't pursue the matter of Jiaojiao graduating from high school anymore, now she is alone!

"...Yes, Manager Qu of the Human Resources Department..." He was recruited after he had eaten up tofu.

"From today, you have been fired! Now you can pack your things and leave!" Li Yang's command made Jiao Jiao's legs soft.

Regardless of everyone, he immediately went over to hold Li Yang, "President Li, I was wrong, Mr. Li, please give me another chance!"

The title of personal secretary of the president of SL Group, not only sounds good, but the salary also makes her proud.

If she loses this job, won't she go back to find another job?

Li Yang looked at his grasped hand with nausea in his heart, throwing away Jiaojiao, "Want to stay?"

"Yes, President Li, I will definitely work hard in the future!"

Jiao Jiao quickly raised her hand to swear that she thought she was different in Li Yang's heart, and she finally valued herself too much!

"Okay, Secretary Lou, come here!"

Lou Muxi approached the two people in confusion. What did she tell her at this time?


"Secretary Lou, Secretary Jiao doesn't understand how to get along with others, you can teach her!"

"Um..." Lou Muxi was dumbfounded, what did he mean?

Jiao Jiao followed dumbfounded, not understanding what Li Yang meant.

"She didn't mean that you seduce me, did you seduce me?" Li Yang looked at Lou Muxi's eyes with a hint of joking.

Lou Muxi gritted his teeth and denied, "No!"

Li Yang felt unhappy, but he continued, "Then you return the slap she slapped you that day! As the secretary of the SL Group, you must not suffer or take advantage!"


The office is silent, Mr. Li has said so much, this sentence is the point!

Huo Jue pursed his lips and smirked, it turned out to be revenge for Lou Muxi!

Lou Muxi looked up at Li Yang's serious expression, with a dazed expression on his face.

He said...let her return the slap Jiaojiao hit her?

"Hurry up, what about the ink?" Li Yang urged impatiently!

Jiao Jiao was so frightened that her heart was shaking, and she hurriedly said winkingly, "Mr. Li, Ms. Li, I know I was wrong, Secretary Lou, I'm sorry, I won't be anymore."

"Lou Muxi, wasting my time, can you pay for it?" Li Yang hated the iron and looked at the hesitant little woman.

Lou Muxi gritted his teeth and raised his hand, "Slap!" A slap hit Jiao Jiao's other face.

"Ah!" Jiao Jiao screamed in pain, covering her face, not daring to say more.

Li Yang looked at the little woman rubbing her hands with satisfaction, "Secretary Lou, have you hit it?"

"Uh..." Lou Muxi looked at Li Yang in confusion, didn't he see it?

"I didn't hear it, it doesn't count!"


Jiao Jiao was so scared that she almost knelt to Li Yang, "Mr. Li, I really know I was wrong! Ms. Li..."

"What do you mean is that you would rather not have this job than bear the lessons you deserve?" Li Yang warned her lightly.

Jiao Jiao immediately closed her mouth, bit her lower lip and stopped talking, closed her eyes, and waited for Lou Muxi to take action.

"If Secretary Jiao doesn't..."

Lou Muxi's words, because the man's warning eyes suffocated, raised his hand and slapped another slap on the Jiao's delicate and white hyaluronic acid face.

The other secretaries in the office did not dare to breathe.

What is the situation with Secretary Li and Secretary Lou? Ming people can see it is very unusual.

Li Yang glanced at everyone coldly, "Starting from today, if something like this happens again in the secretary's office, the perpetrators will leave directly!"

"Yes! President!" everyone responded unanimously.

Li Yang walked out of the secretary's room without turning his head, Huo Jue walked to Lou Muxi's front, "Mu Xi, since you are all people with boyfriends, you have to know how to use them. For women like this, you can call me Go back and it's over! Good..."

Huo Jue left his head full of yellow hair, whistling.

Lou Muxi, "..." Looking at his back, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Jiaojiao covered her face and wept with tears. After being beaten, she didn't dare to say that Li Yang bullied others, she could only say that she got the retribution.

Lou Muxi went back to the private consultant's office directly after doing things well.

In the office, Huo Jue was not there, and Lou Muxi sat in a daze. She didn't understand why Li Yang helped her again and again.

He obviously didn't like him, saying that she had broken shoes and was anxious to divorce her. Why should he help her?

After thinking about it for a long time, I haven't figured it out. Forget it, Lou Muxi picked up a pen and turned out the company system and started copying.

After lunch, the news that Li Yang had been married spread through the company.

Suddenly, the company burst into tears.

Their secret love just started, because of Lou Muxi's words, it all ended.

Of course, Lou Muxi has also become an enemy in everyone's eyes because of Jiaojiao.

Angry, she didn't dare to provoke Lou Muxi easily, so she could only speak ill of her behind her back.

In the afternoon, Li Yang was working in the office, and Ji Yuzhou knocked on the door and walked in.


"Say!" Li Yang put his gaze away from the document and looked at Ji Yuzhou.

"According to a private investigation, Manager Qu of the Personnel Department did have a problem, because he had a problem with his life. Many female employees who asked for leave have been eaten tofu by Manager Qu."

This is why Lou Muxi didn't ask for leave last time? Li Yang frowned, "Didn't the other female employees ask for leave through the supervisors of various departments? What does it have to do with Qu Qi?"

The part of asking for leave was originally the responsibility of the secretarial department, but when the company was just established, the secretarial department had many things, so it was temporarily handed over to the personnel department.

"If Manager Qu sees a female employee, he will greet the female colleague in advance and threaten the female employee to withdraw her leave email to take the opportunity to achieve her goal."

The pen in Li Yang's hand was slapped heavily on the table.

"Why didn't anyone react to this matter?" Also including that Lou Muxi, has she ever been taken advantage of by Qu Qi?

Ji Yuzhou explained, “A female employee in the design department originally wanted to complain, but Qu Qi didn’t know where he got the news. She secretly found the female employee to threaten her. The female employee was so scared that she had to rest at home for two days before daring to come to work.

Had it not been for the good treatment of the SL Group, it is estimated that the female employees would have left.

Li Yang was full of anger, "Have you got the evidence?"

"I got it, more than a dozen female employees have recorded confessions!" Ji Yuzhou took out the recording pen and handed it to Li Yang.

Li Yang looked deep, "Twenty minutes later, call an emergency meeting of senior management!"

"Yes, President."

"It's okay, go call Lou Muxi in!"

Ji Yuzhou left the office.

Lou Muxi rubbed his sore wrist and knocked on the door of the president's office.


Lou Muxi opened the door and stepped into the office. Inside, Li Yang was standing in front of the French window, looking outside in thought.

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