Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1167: Anyway, I will divorce in the future

The sun shines in, as if coating him with a layer of gold.

Some people are born to be dazzling, such as Li Yang, the eldest son of the Li family in country A.

There are countless women who are handsome, well-equipped, and capable.


Unlike her, the most ordinary person in this world, no one will know what day he disappears...

The man suddenly turned his head, Lou Muxi too late to take his gaze back, the two eyes met in the air, she pulled back her thoughts, "Mr. Li, you are looking for me!"

"Close the door."

Lou Muxi obediently turned around and closed the door, and then stood at the door.

"Tell me about the last time you went to find Qu Qi for leave. Tell me from beginning to end!" Li Yang sat down on the sofa, crossing his legs gracefully.

Lou Muxi's eyes changed slightly, "Did I say you believe it?"

If she said that Qu Qi took advantage of her, would Li Yang think it was Qu Qi that she seduced? After all, she was just a pair of torn shoes in his eyes...

"Letter!" Li Yang nodded affirmatively.

Lou Muxi pondered it in his heart, but he spoke slowly, and said roughly what happened that day.

When she said that Qu Qi touched her hand, Li Yang's gaze suddenly became horrible. Did you think she was talking nonsense?

Lou Muxi looked directly into Li Yang's eyes, "President Li, I don't know why you mentioned this incident suddenly, but I didn't tell a lie!"

Li Yang got up from the sofa, walked to her, took her hand, and asked faintly, "Which hand did he touch you?"

Lou Muxi was afraid that he would not believe it, so he raised his left hand and placed it in front of his eyes, "This is it."

The next move by Li Yang made Lou Muxi stunned. The man lowered his head and pouted and kissed the back of her hand.

"it is good."

it is good? and then? Gone?

Lou Muxi looked at the man holding his hand circularly, what exactly he wanted to do...

"Wait for a high-level meeting, you will come with me." Li Yang let go of her hand, put both hands in his pocket, and looked at her.

Lou Muxi, who stood in front of him today, has changed a lot from the one she was when we first met.

Maybe he had just come out of prison at that time, his face was dark and his skin was rough.

Now she, especially the one who went to the banquet last night, is so beautiful that shocked him.

Even if Danzhuang stood in front of him now, Li Yang felt that she was much more beautiful than before.

"Why me? I'm going to copy the system later." Shouldn't it be Secretary Tao who is going to the meeting with Li Yang today?

Li Yang pondered for a while, and then told him, "The next meeting is to punish Qu Qi, and I need you to testify against him if necessary."

Lou Muxi, "..."

After the sugar-coated shells, it was such a cruel fact that asked her to identify Qu Qi...

Has he considered her feelings, yes! It's just touching her hands, it can't talk about ruining her reputation. But why let her be this bad guy?

She did not agree or disagree, and asked him, "What does Li always plan to do with Qu Qi?"

"Qu Qi is not the only one who harms you in the company, and expulsion is necessary. However, in the end, it can also be based on the decision of each executive." The other is personal grievances, and he can handle it!

Lou Muxi suppressed the discomfort in his heart and lowered his eyelids, "Okay, President Li."

"Don't feel wronged, you are my wife, so you should make some sacrifices." Li Yang comforted.

Lou Muxi's mood was worse, and the corners of his lips raised a sarcastic smile, "At this time, I admit that I am your wife. What about when someone bullies me? I didn't see Mr. Li you telling others about my relationship with you!"

Well, taking a step back, he vented for her several times, she should be content.

But when Li Yang treated her like this, she felt uncomfortable!

Feeling her anger, Li Yang raised his eyebrows, rubbing his thumb on her smooth face, "Or, I will announce that you are my wife later, how about?"

"No! Anyway, I will be divorced in the future, Mr. Li should keep it secret, and save me trouble in the second marriage!"

"Second marriage?" The man narrowed his eyes.

He seems to dislike this word very much.

He slapped off his dishonest palm, "Yes, I can't because Li Yang doesn't want me, bachelor for life!" Now that you know Li Yang's purpose, let's stay away from him in the future!

I don't have to be eaten and wiped by him, no one wants to get married again!

"Then you just behave well, I can consider not divorcing you!" Not giving her a chance to get married.

Lou Muxi glanced at Li Yang like an idiot, "I will consider divorcing you!"

Who will die? Why can he only refuse her? It turns out that she can also refuse him!

The red lips were suddenly sealed, and Lou Muxi fell into an embrace.

The man hugged her tightly in his arms, which was quite lingering.

Even though she slapped him hard, the man didn't let her go, but forced her back to the back of the door behind him, and kissed him punitively.

As time passed, Lou Muxi was still passively trapped in his arms and unable to move.

Finally, the woman was anxious and bit him hard. Soon, the smell of blood spread in the mouths of the two people, and Li Yang let go of her... lips, his body still pressed tightly against her.

She glared at him stubbornly, "Li Yang, since I didn't plan to live with me, why do you provoke me over and over again? Do you really think I'm a good bully? Thinking of eating me clean, then abandon me?"

Li Yang rubbed his lips with his thumb, and there was a trace of blood on his thumb. This woman was ruthless! He bit his lower lip!

"You are my Li Yang's wife, so what about you after you sleep? Besides, you have so many men, but one more, isn't it?" Thinking that she used to have many men, Li Yang wanted to get them all out and kill them. !

The man's frivolous tone made Lou Muxi take a deep breath several times before suppressing the anger that turned up in his heart.

"Li Yang, I dislike you! I don't have any experience and want to sleep with me? Let's find some women to practice skills!" After speaking, Lou Muxi pushed Li Yang directly, opened the office door, and fled in a hurry.

Back in the private consultant's office, Lou Muxun quickly closed the door, standing behind the door and patted his beating heart.

This **** Li Yang's private life is definitely not clean, and he hasn't seen kissing skills so superb, he has kissed many women!

Lou Muxi wiped his lips vigorously.

However, when he thought of Li Yang's mouth being bitten by himself, Lou Muxi couldn't help laughing.

22nd floor

Li Yang walked quickly into the meeting room, followed by Lou Muxi.

As long as Li Yang walked past, there must be a sound of discussion behind him.

What's wrong with Li Yang's mouth? Did you get bitten by something? Have you been bitten by a woman? Which woman? Wait for a series of questions.

Li Yang didn't speak, and Lou Muxi thought he hadn't seen or heard, and strode directly into the meeting room.

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