Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1168: Lies can be struck by lightning

In the meeting room, various executives were talking in low voices. Such emergency meetings are rare. This is the second time since the company started.

The moment they saw Li Yang, everyone immediately calmed down.

But after seeing his injured lips, he couldn't help but talk for two minutes, and finally fell silent in Li Yang's eyes.

Li Yang didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic, "My colleagues, there has been a scandal in the company recently."

When he said this, he whispered, "How come there is a scandal just not long after the company opened?"

"Who knows, let's talk about what the president said!"

Li Yang swept his eyes, "Where is Manager Qu Qiqu?"

Qu Qi, who was named, jumped in his heart and slowly stood up from his position, "President Li!"

"Someone reported anonymously. Manager Qu took advantage of his position to molest several female employees of the company, causing physical and mental harm to the company employees! This matter is true after investigation, and the situation is very evil. The behavior began to be discussed! His fate is up to everyone to vote!"

Li Yang's words fell, the meeting room instantly exploded, and all kinds of strange eyes looked at Qu Qi.

Qu Qi's face was pale when everyone saw him, and his head was sweating coldly, "Mr. could it be possible!"

Then he met Lou Muxi's chaotic gaze, Qu Qi seemed to know something, and he shuddered and became hardened, "Mr. Li, it must be Secretary Lou, right? When Secretary Lou asked me for leave last time, I did not approve She tried to seduce me and threatened me with you, but I didn't give in! I didn't expect to be bitten by her now!"

Lou Muxi really didn't know where Qu Qi's self-confidence came from, and would think that Li Yang would believe his one-sided words!

"Manager Qu, if you tell lies, you will be struck by thunder!" Lou Muxi said, Qu Qi was scared, Lou Muxi continued, "Manager Qu, I remember what you said to me in the office. It's clear. You obviously took my hand and said, only if I agree to go with you, you will criticize me! There is a **** who looks up three feet, can you think about it before Manager Qu speaks?"

Compared with Qu Qi's dazzling hiding, the woman's eyes are calm and her aura is stable.

Qu Qi continued to quibble, "Mr. Li, can't believe the one-sided words of this woman, Lou Muxi! Miss Lian, the deputy general manager of the family, knows that Lou Muxi usually has a corrupt private life and seduce men everywhere..."

"Enough!" Li Yang yelled and interrupted his nonsense!

Lou Muxi clenched his fists and Lian Kezhen again! Damn, spread her rumors everywhere!

I saw that Li Yang took out something from his pocket, fixed his eyes on the recording pen, turned on the switch, and a woman's voice came from inside, "I reported that Manager Qu of the Personnel Department used me to ask for leave in the middle of the month. I was ashamed!

There was a break in the middle, and another woman's voice sounded, "I am Liu Xin from the Finance Department, and I report to Qu Qi from the Personnel Department by my real name. I used my leave email to threaten me and let me open the room with him!"


Next, the voices of several women sounded one after another, a total of 13 female employees, four of whom reported by their real names.

Everyone was in an uproar, Qu Qicai reacted, and he was humiliating himself.

As a president, how can Li Yang go out and talk about things without evidence?

His legs softened, Qu Qi's face was sitting on the chair like a death row, waiting for the sentence.

In the end, after everyone's vote, Qu Qi was fired!

Those female employees who were humiliated and dare not say, I heard that the president personally asked them to investigate, and that Qu Qi who was personally expelled, could not wait to kiss Li Yang!

After returning to the office, Li Yang personally sent an email to all employees. The content was probably: It is the company’s accusation and obligation to protect every employee. If you encounter such things that you dare not say in the future, I hope you can directly give Ji The secretary-general can send emails with anonymous real names, and the company will keep the sender confidential...

When Lou Muxi had lunch at noon the next day, she heard an employee next to him discussing Qu Qi again, and she knew the previous content.

But the last sentence was, "Do you know that after Qu Qi left yesterday, he was attacked by two unidentified people in the parking lot of his community, fractured his left arm, and was beaten to the face of a pig!"

"Really? How do you know?"

"Our company's Xiao Du is in a community with him. I saw it with my own eyes! There will be no fakes!"

"Wow, this is his retribution!"

"Really, God opened his eyes. I should really thank the two heroes who broke him!"


Lou Muxi absently ate the noodles in the bowl, Qu Qi fractured his left arm? Why did he think of Li Yang?

Is it because Li Yang beat Dai Pengzhe to a broken arm that day?

He shouldn't do this thing, right?

Another wave of female employees was discussing: “Mr. Li’s mouth must be bitten by a woman!”

"I specifically asked the front desk, no woman came to the company to find Mr. Li! Mr. Li has not been out of the company since he came in the morning."

"Is it someone from the company?"

Everyone exclaimed, "Who is so lucky?"

"Secretary Jiao?"

"It should not be, you don't know, I heard that Secretary Jiao was beaten!"

Everyone gasped, "No! Who did it? Where?"

"I heard that it was in the secretary's room. As for who called it, I don't know. You didn't realize that Secretary Jiao didn't come to dinner today, and his face was swollen into buns!"

"Didn't it mean that Secretary Jiao and Li always have a leg? Will Li always let someone bully Secretary Jiao?"

"Who knows! The people in the secretary's room are so strict. As long as you don't want to say what you shouldn't, don't ask them again!"

"I see! It must be when President Li comforted Secretary Jiao, Secretary Jiao bit Li's mouth in an angry!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they all felt like this, nothing wrong!

Obviously everyone did not believe the fact that Li Yang was married...

They talked with gusto, Lou Muxi listened with gusto, and unknowingly ate a bowl of noodles.

Therefore, everyone finally came to the conclusion that Mr. Li’s lips were bitten by Secretary Jiao.

Lou Muxi cleaned up the leftovers in front of him and prepared to leave.

"Yo! Isn't this Secretary Jiao?" A shrill female voice came out.

Lou Muxi looked back at the female colleague who had said that Secretary Jiao and Li Yang had a leg, and said lightly, "Colleague Yuan, what's the matter?"

Yuan Jing and Jiao Jiao have a pretty good relationship, and Yuan Jing generally knows what Jiao Jiao knows.

And Yuan Jing is a gossip, so everyone in the company will know what Yuan Jing knows!

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