Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1184: I'll sell you again

The four adults are still talking about the two of them, Gong Anqi: "Mu Xi, this child is a good one, but it's a bit hard for life. From now on we have to treat them well."

Yu Wanwan agreed, "Well, I have to do ideological work for Li Yang in the future so that he can treat Mu Xi better."


A pedestrian street in country A

A domineering military vehicle stopped by the side of the road, and a man in a camouflage uniform jumped out of the vehicle. The rate of turning around immediately increased.

Li Yuchen opened Weibo on his mobile phone and carefully looked at the back of the two women in the photo.

Right here, should it be the entrance of the mall?

Li Yuchen moved to the destination. Two minutes later, his eyes lit up and he put away the phone.

At the entrance of the fried yogurt shop, Si Xiaobao laughed loudly after listening to Bosino's description, "Sino, you are so bad that you actually let him meet the ladyboys of your school."

A man stopped behind Bosino. Si Xiaobao didn't care. Although he was wearing a striking military uniform, Si Xiaobao was not curious.

"Yes, then my ladyboy said that he really kissed Li Yuchen, hahaha." Bosino couldn't help laughing when thinking about Li Yuchen and the ladyboy.

That man demon went to Thailand for surgery. A genuine man who usually deceives men!

"What about Li Yuchen?" Si Xiaobao wanted to know Li Yuchen's reaction.

What is certain is that Si Xiaobao and Li Yuchen did not know each other.

Bosnoo turned off the phone and was proud, "He, he was recalled by the army before he could get revenge. I, I won't see him again, so he won't want to catch me!"

"Recalled by the army?" Si Xiaobao's expression suddenly changed. When he said this, he took another look at the man in military uniform who was shaking his face behind Bosinuo.

"Yes, he is doing... what a certain unit here does, it seems to be..."

"Big Colonel." A person said two words for her.

Bosino clapped his hands, "Yes! That's the colonel!" No, she looked at Si Xiaobao curiously, "How do you know he is here as a colonel?"

Si Xiaobao scratched his head awkwardly, "The colonel is amazing, but I didn't say it!"

"Who said that?" When the fried yogurt was done, Bosino took his share and took a bite.

Wow! Sweet and sour, delicious!

"I said!" The male voice came into Bosinuo's ear again.

This time she can hear very real, she is indeed a male voice, and she is very familiar...

No way! Bosno held the fried yogurt and turned his head slowly in horror, "Ah! Ah!"

After several screams, many people turned their heads back, and Li Yuchen quickly covered her mouth.

"Call, call, call again and I will sell you!"

Bosino quickly withdrew his voice, dug a large spoonful of fried yogurt to Li Yuchen's lips.

Li Yuchen was puzzled, and opened his mouth to eat the fried yogurt she fed.

Stir-fried yogurt is too sour... Li Yuchen can't eat sour. Just as his sour face changed drastically, Bosinuo ran forward with Si Xiaobao.

"Run! Xiaobao!"

Two people rushed into the crowd, Li Yuchen couldn't care about the sour taste in his mouth, and strode past.

He must catch Bosino today and teach her a lesson!

The two little girls running in the wind attracted the attention of many people. Si Xiaobao asked Bo Sinuo loudly, "When are we going to run?"

"I don't know either! Run until you can get rid of him." If she can't get rid of, she will die!

Hey, she shouldn't have promised Xiaobao to come to country A to play.

The two ran for half a minute, and Bosino yelled anxiously, "Let's give way, let--ah, it hurts!"

A person walked across, Bosino didn't have time to escape, and slammed into it.

"Run! Run!" Li Yuchen squinted and looked at the woman rubbing her forehead.

Bosino smiled, leaning in Si Xiaobao's ear and said, "Aren't you good at taekwondo? Kill him!"

Si Xiaobao knows taekwondo, yes, but in the face of such a tall and strong soldier... Si Xiaobao swallowed, and she seemed not sure that she could beat him!

However, for the sake of a good friend, Si Xiaobao went out!

Handing the backpack to Bosino, who was backing away, moved his knuckles, clenched his hands into fists, and opened his arms to make a fighting posture, "Ha!"

Faced with this situation, Li Yuchen directly bypassed Si Xiaobao and carried Bosino on his shoulders, "Here, your bag, I will take her away first! You follow the bodyguard and go back!"

Si Xiaobao hugged his backpack, staring dumbly at the man who left without putting himself in his eyes, and...the poor Bosino who was carried on his shoulders.

wrong! wrong! How could he take Sino?

"Hey, put down Sinuo!" Si Xiaobao hurriedly ran after him.

Li Yuchen let her yell beside her, and walked to the car with Bosino, who was blushing and thick-necked.

"Who are you? Believe it or not, I will let my bodyguard kill you!" Although Si Xiaobao knows how to do taekwondo white satin, she really has no confidence in Li Yuchen.

Li Yuchen stopped and looked at Si Xiaobao, "I am her boyfriend!"

Um... Si Xiaobao stood there in shock, watching Li Yuchen leave with Bosino, who had been waving his hand.

This man is wearing a military uniform and should be... okay!

Or call your eldest brother to ask? Thinking of this, Si Xiaobao ran and finally saw the license plate of the military vehicle three seconds before it left.

Then he quickly asked the bodyguard behind him to drive with Li Yuchen's car and call Si Shaozhe himself.

"Brother, brother, something has happened!" Si Xiaobao started yelling as soon as he called Si Shaozhe.

Si Shaozhe rubbed his aching temples, "Xiaobao, what's wrong, can you not make a fuss!"

"Brother, a military vehicle with the license plate A. 6688, take Sinuo away!"

"Huh? Where are you?" Military vehicle? How could Sinuo know someone in the army? Is it through Yiyang Godfather?

"We are in country A. We just arrived at noon today. Check it out quickly. By the way, you can ask Qianluo Ganma to check it up. Qianluo Ganma's brother is also a soldier!"

"Okay, I see, you wait."

After finishing the call, Si Xiaobao got into another bodyguard's car, and then tried to call Bosinuo's number, but it was actually connected.

"Sino, Sino, where are you?"

"Xiaobao, I'm here... I don't know." Bosino looked at the scenery passing by the window, completely speechless.

"Do you know who that man is, or I will call the police for you!"

"I... don't know him! Xiaobao, or you should go back first!" For his rudely abducted himself, Bosino said in a rage that he did not know Li Yuchen.

Si Xiaobao was a little confused, since Bosino didn't know the colonel, yes! Colonel, why let her go back first?

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