Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1185: His name is Li Yuchen

"Sino, is he eavesdropping on the phone next to him?"

"No, you go back to the hotel first, I'll go back later in the evening." Li Yuchen is Qian Luo Ganma's nephew, and should not dare to do anything to her.

Si Xiaobao first agreed to Bosino, and then continued to follow the bodyguard just now to the direction where Li Yuchen's car left.

five minutes later

Si Shaozhe called, "Xiaobao, that car is used by the colonel of the army of country A. His name is Li Yuchen and he is also the nephew of Qian Luo Ganma."

"Ah? Nephew? Then why did he take Sinuo?" Si Xiaobao asked Si Shaozhe in confusion.

"I don't know this. I asked Godmother Laluo just now. Godmother Laluo said to call Dingli's uncle to ask. Since you are someone you know, Sinuo should be in no danger. Don't worry, yourself Also pay attention to safety."

"Okay! Then I'll wait." Si Xiaobao hung up the phone, still not keeping up with Li Yuchen's car.

It didn't take long for Yu Wanwan and Li Youhan to find out about the blessing of Tuo Si Xiaobao and Li Yuchen's kidnapping of a girl.

Yu Wanwan looked at her husband dumbfounded, "It's true that the kid said there is a girl he likes."

Li Youhan dialed Li Yuchen's phone and glanced at his wife, "When your son left, he told you to return to the army."

Yu Wan opened his mouth late, before suffocating for a long time, "This stinky boy, tell him, if you don't bring that girl back for me to see, don't come back in the future!"

It took a long time for Li Yuchen's call to be connected, "Dad."

"Where are you taking her?" Li Youhan asked directly.

Li Yuchen looked at the woman in the co-pilot, and asked Li Youhan in confusion, "How do you know."

"This is not the point. The point is where did you kidnap people at night?" Li Youhan's voice was very weak, making people unable to hear his emotions.

Li Yuchen slowed down the car, "Let's take a look, don't worry about it."

"It's your mother who is worried, and asked you to bring her back to see."

"..." Li Yuchen really wanted to help, isn't the eldest brother already married? Why does his mother still think about her daughter-in-law? "Someday, there is still something to do now."

When he was about to hang up, Li Youhan warned him, "Don't mess around."

"Oh, I get it!" Li Yuchen hung up the phone and looked at Bosino, who was worried, "Who called you just now?"

How could Dad know that he was carrying Bosino so quickly? Could it be that Dad called Bosino just now? No, her name is Xiaobao...

"You let me get out of the car, and I'll tell you!" Where is he going to take himself!

"Suddenly I don't want to know who called you!"


The military vehicle dumped the two vehicles that were following him, and finally entered the parking lot of a community.

"get off!"

"I won't get out of the car!" Bosino pulled the armrest on the roof tightly.

Li Yuchen got out of the car first, then opened the front passenger's door, unfastened Bosinuo's seat belt, and carried her off the car.

"You let me down!"

"Don't let go!"

"If you don't let it go, I called it!" The feeling of being resisted on his shoulders was really uncomfortable, and Bosino was dizzy.

Li Yuchen walked forward indifferently, "Call it casually."

Bosino's voice suddenly softened, "I feel bad for you, I want to come down..."

Li Yuchen, who was striding forward, stopped like this, and then gently put Bosinuo down.

After another dizziness, Bosino almost fainted in Li Yuchen's arms.

"Are you okay?" Li Yuchen asked her worriedly, looking at her red and white face.

Bosno patted his chest, "It's not good... you carry me away!"

Li Yuchen walked up to her without saying a word, squatted down, waiting for her to come up.

Only hearing the sound of running, Li Yuchen turned around and saw Bosino sprinting to the entrance of the parking lot.

Dare to lie to him!

But is she sure she wants to race with him?

Three minutes later, Bosino was caught by Li Yuchen and entered the elevator.

Pressing the button on the 6th floor, Li Yuchen copied his left hand into his pants pocket and waited for the elevator to reach the 6th floor.

"Li Yuchen, I apologize to you, you let me go!" Bosino knew that he couldn't run away, and started to grind hard.

Li Yuchen has been deceived once, and this time she will not be ignored.

The elevator door of ‘ding’ opened and Li Yuchen took her to her apartment.

Bosino drove the man pressing his fingerprints, and suddenly his heartbeat accelerated.

Is this his home? Why should we bring her here?

The door of the apartment opened, Li Yuchen relaxed, and Bosino followed him into his apartment.

It was dark inside, and only the street lights outside shone shining brightly. Li Yuchen skillfully changed his shoes before turning on the lights.

Then he took out a new pair of men's slippers, "I will wear them!"

Not! Bosno looked at the slippers in front of him speechlessly, "I don't want to wear them. Why did you bring me here?"

Judging from the layout here, it should be Li Yuchen's apartment.

"Rape and kill!" The man spit out two words, knelt down, and began to untie Bosinuo's shoelaces.

Bosino blushed and refused Li Yuchen, "What are you doing, let me go!"

Li Yuchen grabbed her bare feet and didn't let go. He waited until the laces were untied and forced her to put on slippers before letting go.


"I apologized to you, just let me go!" The first time Bo Sinuo and Li Yuchen met, it was on the bed... She almost killed Li Yuchen with a kick.

For the second time, Li Yuchen caught her and ate up tofu in order to avenge her, oh! Except kissing her and sleeping her, everything else should be done!

The third time was at the wedding of Stingli and Shao Jiayi. After the wedding, because Bosino ran fast, he and Li Yuchen did not meet again.

The fourth time, it was about... half a month ago, she deliberately asked him out in order to avenge Li Yuchen. Then Bosno asked the famous ladyboy brother in the school to go to the appointment place for him.

Later, I heard from the ladyboy who covered the panda eyes that he kissed Li Yuchen's face, Li Yuchen beat him up and ruined his fake chest!

The fifth time...this time, he said to bring her here to **** and kill her...

"Impossible!" How could Li Yuchen let her go if she didn't vent her anger!

When he was taken to the door of his bedroom, Bosino was holding on to the threshold and refused to enter, "If you force me again, I will call the police!"

"Okay, call the police!" Li Yuchen took out his mobile phone and handed it to Bo Sinuo.

Bosino looked at the phone speechless, how could he seem not afraid of the police!

Report it! She still doesn't believe it!

After receiving his mobile phone and about to unlock the lock screen, she was dragged into the bedroom with a strong force.

be cheated……

"Li Yuchen, if you dare to move me, I will definitely let my dad take the bodyguard to level your apartment! Ah!" Bosino exclaimed and was pressed by Li Yuchen on his big bed.

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