Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1203: The diamond is so big!

"The twenty-ninth is Mu Xi's birthday, don't forget! I have a bad memory, remember to remind me when you come!"

... I glanced at the calendar on my phone, and it was indeed the twenty-ninth lunar calendar yesterday.

Last night, when it was time to celebrate her birthday, he pressed her under him, squeezing her endlessly.

After stopping the car, Li Yang pulled past the silent Lou Muxi and walked to the nearby shopping mall.

Neither of them spoke. After entering the mall, Li Yang took a general look and took her to the GL diamond shop.

Shopping guides usually pay attention to the news when they have nothing to do. In addition, Li Yang is now the president of SL Group, a company of GL. The moment he saw him, several shopping guides had their eyes bright.

Started to say hello in unison, "Welcome Mr. Li to visit GL Diamond!"

Li Yang nodded, and went straight to the counter to start picking diamonds. Lou Muxi looked at the man who was pulling him. What is he going to do?

"Do you like this?" Li Yang pointed to a diamond ring in a box and let Lou Muxi look at it.

The manager who rushed over immediately took out the diamond ring Li Yang liked, put it on the counter, and started to introduce it.

A diamond ring with simple workmanship, with a dove-egg-sized colored diamond on it, is very valuable at first glance.

Lou Muxi is a little confused, is he going to buy it for himself? Or to the woman he likes?

Stupidly asked Li Yang, "Who is it for?"

Li Yang gave her a sideways look, released her hand, took out the diamond ring, and put it directly on her hand.

The small hand, which was originally white, wears a diamond ring to make the whole hand more beautiful.

"this one!"

The price of the diamond ring was close to nine figures. Lou Muxi took off the diamond ring in a panic, "Don't, Li Yang, this is too expensive..."

"Dare to take it down and try!" The man warned her severely.

Lou Muxi's ring faded halfway, and he dared not move it anymore.

"I do not……"

"You're nothing, don't have to stress, I bought this for you, just to make mom happy." Li Yang didn't look into her eyes, took out the wallet from his pocket and took out the card.

Lou Muxi was slightly disappointed, but still explained, "This one is too big, just change it to a smaller one."

The diamond was so ostentatious that Lou Muxi didn't dare to go out while wearing it.

After her reminder, Li Yang seemed to think of something, "Go choose another one that you like."

Lou Muxi felt relieved that he had compromised.

Because I was too nervous, I forgot to take off the diamond ring from my hand first, and went straight to pick other ones.

In fact, even knowing that Li Yang bought her a diamond ring to make her happy, Lou Muxi was still very happy...

Every diamond ring here is very beautiful and of course expensive.

It was too expensive, a little cheaper, not her favorite style, Lou Muxi struggled for a long time without making a decision.

Li Yang waited a little anxiously, after noticing her gaze, he made the decision directly for her.

"That's it!" The man pointed to a diamond ring she had tried and asked the manager to pack it.

Lou Muxi opened his mouth, "Li..."

"Shut up!" Li Yang interrupted her softly.

Lou Muxi held back what he wanted to say.

A shopping guide took the dove-egg-sized diamond ring that Lou Muxi had worn for the first time, and was about to put it back at the counter, but Li Yang stopped him, "Pack these two!"


The shopping guide's smile became brighter, Lou Muxi's heart beating harder, and grabbed Li Yang's hand, "Li Yang..."


"One will do..."

"The decision I made, you just need to obey it!"


She still wanted to do his ideological work, so she didn't let go of his big palm. Li Yang didn't mind taking her to the cash register together, spending nine digits, and without entering a password, Li Yang signed a name.

The two of them were enthusiastically sent out of the GL store by the shopping guide in the store.

Lou Muxi didn’t know how he got back into the car. Li Yang took out one of the small diamonds and put it on her involuntarily. “This is usually worn, that for banquets or occasions where it’s needed. My mood."

When the car started, he added, "If you don't wear it, you will be at your own risk!"


Can Li always stop being so domineering?

Back at the villa, Lou Muxi discovered that she had forgotten the little cake she bought for herself in the GL Diamond Shop...

When he walked to the door of his bedroom, Lou Muxi pushed open the door of his room, still thinking about how to discuss with Li Yang, not to be so high-profile?

Sitting by the bed in a daze, Li Yang had already returned to the room and took a shower.

Seeing that she didn't come in, she frowned and pushed open the door of the room she was in.

"Li Yang, can we discuss something?" Lou Muxi blinked at the tall man standing in front of him.

"Say it!" He wrapped his robe and put his hands in his pockets.

"Can you replace this diamond ring with a smaller one?" Lou Muxi raised his hand wearing the diamond ring.

Li Yang shook his head, "The GL diamond ring, once sold, will not be returned!"


"Then I usually don't wear it, and wait until I need it?"

What answered her this time was a deep kiss from a man.

Lou Muxi was directly pressed on the bed. After a long time, Li Yang asked her, "Will you wear it?"

"...Um...Dai...Wait a moment..."

"When to wear it?"

"Um... what you need... no, wear it every day..."

Lou Muxi felt like he had fallen down a hungry wolf, squeezing her endlessly every night...

She can't bear it...

More than four in the morning

Li Yang wrapped her nightgown at will, left her bedroom, and returned to her room.

The woman who was dying in the darkness should have fallen asleep, opened her tired eyes and looked at the closed door in thought. What did he mean to her?

SL Group

Lou Muxi stepped into the company with high heels.

Where she walked past, there would be discussions.

"Eh eh, have you seen the diamond ring in Lou Muxi's hand, my God, the diamond is so big!"

"I see, if she didn't press the elevator, I haven't seen it yet!"

"Yes, have you noticed that Lou Muxi has changed recently, I have to admit that she has become more beautiful!"

"I also found out that the whole body exudes a woman's happiness, as if a person has transformed..."


Lou Muxi didn't hear these words at all, and walked down the elevator into the locker room.

It was time for everyone to change clothes. Lou Muxi took out the key to open his locker, only to hear an exclamation from the side, "Oh my God! Secretary Lou, the diamond in your hand is so big!"

It was Tao Xueying, covering her mouth and looking at Lou Muxi's diamond ring in surprise.

Lou Muxi retracted his hand in embarrassment and put it in his pocket, "Fake, fake..."

Jiao Jiao and Chen Qiaoni who walked to the door turned back, but Lou Muxi's diamond ring was already hidden in his pocket.

Jiao Jiao stepped on high heels and walked over, pulling out Lou Muxi's hand hidden in his pocket, and the dazzling diamond ring was once again exposed to everyone's sight.

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