Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1439: Do you think I will mess with that little ancestor?

"No, it was Rourou who suddenly asked me for your WeChat ID. I was a little curious, is the relationship between the two of you good recently?" Good friends and sisters... also pretty good! Dong Guoxu began to think of Pianpian in his head.

Dong Guo Rou wants his WeChat ID? Within a few seconds, Gu Yi understood.

"When will you be back?" he asked.

Dong Guoxu didn't answer the question, "Are you going to develop with Rourou?" There is nothing wrong with Gu Yi except for his cold personality.

wrong! And the most important point is that he has a woman in his heart! Still not letting Gentleman stay together.

"You think too much!" Gu Yi unceremoniously broke Dong Guoxu's fantasy, and told him, "If I guessed correctly, she must have asked for my WeChat account for Si Xiaobao!"

"Then you and Si Xiaobao?"

"It's okay!" Gu Yi answered simply!

Dong Guoxu was even more confused by Monk Zhang Er, "Then who are you related to?"

"It doesn't matter to anyone! I'll hang up when I'm fine, I'm very busy, I don't have time to gossip with you here!" Gu Yi stopped giving Dong Guoxu a chance to speak, and ended the call directly.

I opened the phone's WeChat, and a friend request came over. The screen name was: Rider of the Sun.

...Scorching Sun Knight!

If he hadn't clicked on her circle of friends and saw Si Xiaobao's self-portrait of his back, he would have thought it was a man's WeChat account!

Click through.

Si Xiaobao seemed very anxious, and sent a message in seconds: ‘Doctor Gu? ’

Gu Yi sneered, isn't this nonsense? A few taps on the phone: ‘say. ’

‘Can you talk? ’

'No time! ’

Si Xiaobao took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, ‘then tell me what happened in the men’s bathroom! ’

‘I’ll have a job later, so I don’t have time to tell you this meaningless thing. ’

Si Xiaobao is so angry, did she come to look for abuse? ‘Don’t tell me, I will keep pestering you! ’

'casual! ’

...Si Xiaobao clenched his hands into fists, and hammered the table.

This ancient wing is really hateful. He was so angry that he sent out a sentence impulsively: ‘Big Wing, you big pervert! Take advantage of me, I haven't settled your account yet! Do this to me now! I have grudges and hatreds with you? ’

Click send, half a minute later... forget it! Let's withdraw it!

But it was too late, Gu Yi, who had been staring at the screen, had already seen it. His face gradually became gloomy. It seems that the last time did not make Si Xiaobao remember any more, so he dared to speak to him like that!

‘I made a typo just now, Doctor Gu, let’s reconcile, I forgive your perverted behavior, you just tell me what happened that time, okay? ’

‘No! ’

Si Xiaobao is crazy, this man must be a Scorpio! So careful, caress about everything, don't get in oil and salt! Very strong revenge!

‘In that case, I’ll meet my grandma and her old man tomorrow. I remember the last time I met, she seemed to like me a lot. Si Xiaobao quickly found an emoticon package again, chose an animated emoticon holding a knife and sent it over.

Threaten him? Gu Yi's face became heavier and heavier, putting away his mobile phone and simply ignored Si Xiaobao.

Si Xiaobao tossed about in bed for two hours, never waiting for Gu Yi's message.

Ow... She really wants to kill this big wing, ah ah ah ah! What a breakdown!

Country C

Si Shaozhe blew the whistle and entered the house. As soon as he walked to the door of Si Chengyang's room, the door of Si Chengyang's room was opened.

The gloomy Si Chengyang appeared in Si Shaozhe's sight. Oops!

Si Shaozhe understands too much what Si Chengyang's expression means! Si Xiaobao, this stinky girl, sue him again?

"Dad! Listen to me!"

"What are you talking about, come to the study with me!" Si Chengyang walked to the study first, and Si Shaozhe reluctantly followed.

If he guessed right, Si Chengyang would definitely start talking about him!

"Si Shaozhe, how old are you?"

"Twenties... more than thirty." The silly Si Shaozhe changed his words the moment Si Chengyang raised his hand.

"Well, you are over thirty, so much older than Xiaobao, why don't you know how to take care of your sister every time, look at you, and what do you make her angry? Si Shaozhe, you are an unfilial son, You want to **** me off!"

"...Dad, you are too fussed, besides, I don't have anything to do with Si Xiaobao, okay?" Si Xiaobao is his younger sister, is he also in pain? Why doesn't Si Chengyang understand him every time?

As long as Si Xiaobao filed a complaint, he must be the one who was wrong!

"What the fuss! Xiaobao was crying! You cried, do you know? You don't know, I also made you cry?"

...Go! He shut up!

After half an hour, Si Shaozhesheng left the study without love, returned to the room, and hugged his wife who was putting on skin care products and was about to rest, "My wife, you are the best!"

Snuannuan squinted at him, "How did you provoke Xiaobao?"

"Do you think I will provoke that little ancestor?"

Sinuannuan shook his head seriously, Si Shaozhe was too late to pet Si Xiaobao! Si Chengyang doesn't seem to understand this truth.

"That stinky girl suddenly asked me what happened to Gu Yi a few years ago, is she the one who caused the trouble? It is estimated that Gu Yi was also a victim!" It's just that Si Xiaobao is his younger sister, he doesn't want to admit it.

Si Nuannuan patted the skin care products on her face, and her skin became more and more supple. "Who asked you to send her to Yaocheng Hospital? Eighth floor and Gu Yi met."

"She asked me to send it, but I can't send it?" Si Shaozhe took off his jacket, threw it on the sofa, hugged Si Nuannuan, and kissed her red lips.

"It's not that you want Xiaobao and Gu Yi to cause trouble together!" When Gu Yi called Mei Xiangwei, she heard it clearly from the side.

Witness with your own eyes how Si Shaozhe prepared to send his sister paper to the ancient home.

"Is it wrong? Seeing that the two of them were kissing in the bathroom, making Gu Yi be responsible to Xiaobao, and making Gu Yi cheaper!" However, his younger sister must be worthy of being as good as Gu Yi. the man!

In the past two years, Gu Yi's reputation has become very popular in the medical field. At the beginning, he kept pace with him, but now he seems to have to surpass him. Such a good resource cannot be an enemy! You have to be friends!

Si Nuannuan shook his head helplessly, "Xiaobao is still young, so don't worry about it! Let Dad know about this, maybe you have to get a whip!"

Imagine if you let Si Chengyang know that Si Shaozhe is thinking of a way to marry out his precious daughter, you still have to strip Si Shaozhe?

"This is really not true. I am also doing it for Xiaobao's sake. Dad should have prepared for Xiaobao's wedding day! If he complains about anything, it is that his mental quality is not good!" Si Shaozhe is really envious. Who has a daughter, why doesn’t Nuan Nuan’s stomach move after he only has two stinky boys?

As time got longer and longer, he didn't worry about letting Nuan Nuan be an older woman, so he had to give up the idea of ​​having a daughter.

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