Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1440: I save fabric for the country!

"Okay, we will go to see Xiaobao the next day. You should take a shower as soon as possible. You have been tired for a day and rest early."

Si Shaozhe nodded, hugged Si Nuannuan and kissed again before going to the bathroom.

In the next room next door, Tang Dantong sighed, "It's also Shaozhe who speaks well and loves Xiaobao, or you can talk to him for Xiaobao every day, he has rebelled!"

"I care about him, whoever makes him a boy and an older brother must spoil Xiaobao unconditionally."

"...Look, Xiaobao is spoiled! After graduating from college, he didn't take the postgraduate entrance examination, so he went to work as a nurse. What can you do if you know it, your baby girl, would you like to say something more?" Up!

Si Chengyang lay down beside her, "Xiaobao is happy!"

"...Okay, when I didn't say it! If no one wants her in the future, you will keep her forever!"

"No one wants to be just right, so you don't have to marry out. It's good to be with us forever!" This is exactly what Si Chengyang meant.

Tang Dantong turned off the bedside lamp and lay down, "You go to bed early, Xiaobao, that dishonest, will not marry, wait until the day when she becomes an older leftover girl, when you have a headache!"

In the darkness, Si Chengyang shook his head, his eyes gleaming with pride, "My daughter is the best in my eyes, there must be a very good man who will marry my baby girl!"

Yes, he just said some things, how could Xiaobao not marry someone! He prayed that Xiaobao could marry a man who loved her very much so that he could rest assured!

Yaocheng Hospital

Si Xiaobao has already sighed countless times, and Dong Guo Rou really can't stand it anymore, "Xiaobao, go and see the patients in Ward 2! Take a stroll, don't sigh in my ears!"

Si Xiaobao nodded obediently, got up from the chair, and walked to the door of the ward.

She was really curious, curious about how her first kiss was missing, why not, and why she bit Guyi's...mouth that night.

But Gu Yi just didn't tell her! Si Xiaobao feels that she will get sick if this continues!

She is always curious, but Gu Yi is still a person who doesn't care about everything, alas!

Can you not have anything to do with Gu Yi?

She has a hunch that she will definitely go to Professor Ren sooner or later.

In Ward 2

The patient was resting, Si Xiaobao walked in silently, and simply tidied everything up.

Walking to the window sill, boredly picked up the watering can to water the green plants.

Before I knew it, I remembered the last time her hand was stabbed by a cactus. She remembered that Gu Yi, who treated her wounds, was very gentle and elegant...

wrong! Si Xiaobao shook his head and threw Gu Yi's figure out of his mind.

She should be thinking about Rong Yue, not Gu Yi!

Ten minutes later, Si Xiaobao took out his mobile phone and sent Gu Yi a WeChat message, ‘Doctor Gu, is it convenient to ask you for a cup of tea? ’

After waiting for a long while, Si Xiaobao didn't wait for Gu Yi's reply, but waited for Miao Nianyi...

"Si Xiaobao, can you give me a little bit of moths all day long! Play with mobile phones when you go to work. Whoever finds it is not good, but also let Dean Gu find out, do you think you are too idle? Now , Immediately write me a 2,000-character review and hand it over to me before tomorrow..."

Si Xiaobao looked for a pen and paper with a dazed expression and began to write a review...

A sheet of paper was quickly written, Dong Guo Rou looked intently, "Puff!" laughed unceremoniously.

"Xiaobao, do you feel that you are not miserable enough?"

I saw that on the manuscript paper that Si Xiaobao had used, there were screens full of Gu Yi big pervert, Gu Yi bastard, these words...

Si Xiaobao irritably crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it from the window!

Thinking that this was a hospital, Si Xiaobao put down his pen and rushed to the window. The VVIP inpatient department is on the 8th floor. What is not really true below, and the ball of paper she lost seems to be on the road...

"Rourou, wait for me!" Si Xiaobao ran out of the office in a panic. Damn, if someone picked it up and handed it to Gu Yi, the consequences would be unimaginable!

When she ran downstairs at the fastest speed, two people were talking about something, one of them was holding the manuscript paper she threw away!

The girl holding the paper ball is in her early twenties, wearing a long black trench coat with a white sweater and wide-leg pants as a base, and she is carrying a small Xiangmar bag.

On his palm-sized face, he has delicate makeup, and his long flax hair is rolled into a ball head.

Si Xiaobao seemed to see another herself, and her usual style is also like this!

Who is this woman? Looking at the piece of paper angrily, he inadvertently swept Si Xiaobao, who was a thief, his eyes fell on her.

Si Xiaobao, who was hiding behind the big tree, was found and walked out embarrassingly, and stood still in front of the girl, "Hello, I'm sorry, this is the **** I just littered, I will put it away and throw it into the trash can now! "

Gu Lu widened her eyes when she heard the words, "You wrote the words on it?" She was still worried about finding the murderer!

Upon hearing this, Si Xiaobao quickly put his index finger on his lips, "Hush, hush, be quiet, have you seen the contents?"

Her head turned quickly, praying that the girl didn't know Gu Yi, or how to buy her, and let her shut up.

Gu Lu snorted coldly, took a step back, and carefully looked up and down Si Xiaobao, who was wearing a pink nurse's uniform, "I'm medium-looking, not in good shape, and I want nothing. This pink uniform is really good. It makes you quite white...Do you know Gu Yi?"

Listening to her saying that there was nothing she wanted, Si Xiaobao stood up unconvinced, with his head held high, "What's wrong with my poor figure? I save fabric for the country! I'm proud!"

Gu Lu cut, "What am I asking you, do you know Gu Yi?"

"Yeah, vice president, who doesn't know? I said beauty, would you return that piece of paper to me?" Si Xiaobao pointed to the crumpled manuscript in her hand.

"Hmph, dare to scold him like that, you are dead! Go! Go to the deputy dean's office with me!" Gu Lu couldn't help but grabbed Si Xiaobao's hand and walked to the deputy dean's office.

"Eh, beauty, you don't need to go to the deputy dean's office, you will be fine if you give me the manuscript paper!" Do you want to use a strong one? If she went to the deputy dean's office, wouldn't it be worse?

"No! Want to run if you mess up? Beautiful thinking!"

"You just don't see anything, are you OK?"


Si Xiaobao was dragged forward silently, "If you pull me again, I can do it. I warn you, I know martial arts! I am not responsible for hurting you!"

Gu Lu glanced at her disdainfully, "You don't think I'm not? Would you like to wait and learn?"

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