Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1441: Si Xiaobao said you are a pervert

As a member of the ancient family, who can do two tricks?

Especially the second and third brothers, who were often kidnapped in the past, have been able to fight with the gangsters!

"Oh, so you can!" Si Xiaobao allowed her to pull herself, "Then you said, how can I return that piece of paper?"

"What's your name?" Gu Lu asked her without looking back.

"Si Xiaobao, what's your name!" Si Xiaobao answered quickly after asking for help, and finally asked her name in order to get close.

"Si Xiaobao?" Gu Lu was puzzled. Has she ever heard of this name? How familiar?

"Yes, what is your name?" The two entered the elevator together.

Seeing the elevator numbers keep rising, Si Xiaobao focused all his attention on the piece of paper in Gu Lu's hand. She has decided, and she has to grab it back!

"My name is Gu Lu."

"Oh, good name!" Si Xiaobao replied absently, keeping his eyes on Gu Lu's hand, or else he would push Gu Lu down when the elevator opened?

The elevator quickly opened. Si Xiaobao asked Gu Lu to go down first. After she had walked two steps forward, she shot quickly and tried to **** the paper from Gu Lu.

It's just...tragic, the paper was pinched too tightly by Gu Lu, and it split into two...No, Si Xiaobao only had a quarter in his hand.

Gu Lu reacted very quickly. Seeing her doing it, she immediately turned around and pulled Si Xiaobao out of the elevator before the elevator closed, "Want to run? I saw your deputy dean took care of it first!"

Gu Yi had contacted Gu Yi in advance before coming, so when the two dragging women walked to the deputy dean's office, Gu Yi was waiting for Gu Lu inside.

The office was ajar, and Si Xiaobao couldn't run away, his face paled in shock.

This Gu Yi is a big pervert and must not fall into her hands again!

"Offended! Sister paper!" Si Xiaobao forcefully pulled Gu Lu back while pulling him, and then pressed it against the wall behind.

The arm pressed her neck, and the other hand grabbed the paper in her hand.

Gu Lu didn't expect that she would make a sudden move, and Si Xiaobao would control her unsuspectingly. When Si Xiaobao snatched the manuscript paper in her hand, Gu Lu quickly held it high, "Brother, help!"

brother? Si Xiaobao was slightly startled by the call in her mouth. Is this girl Gu Yi's sister?

Without waiting for her to think, Gu Yi appeared at the door.

That's it! Si Xiaobao was really in a hurry, so he didn't need the manuscript paper at all. His life is important! Release Gu Lu, let go and ran to the elevator.

But that Gu Lu seemed to be on the bar with her. She ran, and Gu Lu immediately chased her, still yelling, "Brother, Si Xiaobao said you are a pervert, we can't let her run!"

One elevator just got down, the other elevator hasn't come up yet...

Si Xiaobao rushed to the safe passage in a hurry. Before the door opened, Gu Lu grabbed his wrist.

Knowing that she was Gu Yi's younger sister, Si Xiaobao didn't dare to do anything anymore, and the two little girls pulled to Gu Yi with an ugly face.

The door of the dean's office was opened, and it was Gu Hongzhen who came out.

Si Xiaobao hurriedly lowered his head and covered his face with one hand.

However, Gu Hongzhen saw the Gu family brothers and sisters, and walked over here, "Lulu, why are you here? This nurse is?"

Gu Hongzhen curiously looked at Si Xiaobao, who was covering his face with one hand. This is...I have no face to see people?

Such a... funny action, he probably knew who it was.

She wanted to cover her face, but Gu Lu was not as good as she wanted, and pulled Si Xiaobao's hand away, her face was exposed to the air...

Embarrassed, Si Xiaobao had to say hello to Gu Hongzhen, "Dean, hello!"

Gu Hongzhen knew it was her! "Oh, it's you, what's the situation?"

Gu Lu raised the manuscript paper in her hand, "Dad, she wrote this, and it's all on..."

"Gu Lu!" Gu Yi suddenly stopped, then took the manuscript paper in her hand.

dad? This girl is really Gu Yi's younger sister, alas, what happened to her recently? She always confuses the Gu family.

Si Xiaobao watched the manuscript paper that fell in Gu Yi's hands, and when it was over... let Gu Yi see it.

Gu Hongzhen glanced at his son, and told Gu Lu lightly, "Lulu, come here, dad has something to look for you."

"But, Dad, behind this Si Xiaobao..."

"Gu Lu! Dad tells you to go there, then you go!" Gu Yi squinted at the pale little girl again, "You come in with me!"

"Oh..." Knowing that he could not escape, Si Xiaobao had to follow up to the office.

Outside, Gu Hongzhen took a deep look at Si Xiaobao and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. Behind this Si Xiaobao stood the Si family, who could keep pace with the ancient family, and he decided to follow the old lady's intention!

Gu Lu curiously asked Gu Hongzhen, "Dad, this Si Xiaobao is too much! She actually dared to scold the third brother like that, she is really not afraid of death!"

Thinking of this, Gu Lu a little admired Si Xiaobao's courage, who was not easy to provoke and scolded, but she wanted to scold the third brother who could scare people to death.

Gu Hongzhen stepped into the office, took off his glasses, "Can you manage your brother's affairs?"

"... Then you can't let others scold the third brother like this!" Gu Lu refused to convince him to go back.

Gu Hongzhen rubbed his eyebrows, "Let your brother take care of it by yourself, don't you follow along, didn't you say that you should follow your second brother to the company? Why did you get here?"

"Isn't I looking for the third brother to have something to do?" Who knew that Si Xiaobao came out halfway.

"Wait here, you wait until Si Xiaobao is gone, and then go."


"What and why? Just stay here! Are you afraid that your third brother's air-conditioning will affect you?"

Gu Lu froze in an instant, "Okay."

In the Deputy Dean's Office

Si Xiaobao leaned against the door sloppily, with his head resting on the door, only his eyeballs followed Gu Yi to turn around.

Gu Yi put the torn manuscript paper on the desk, pulled the stool away and sat down without saying a word.

The office is very quiet and no one has spoken for a long time. Si Xiaobao moved around, thinking about whether to run away?

Just roll up the bedding and go home, she won't want her boyfriend or anything! Just ask this great **** to let her go!

Ok! The solution is feasible!

Si Xiaobao put his hand on the doorknob quietly, twisting...

"Si Xiaobao!" The man said abruptly, scaring Si Xiaobao back quickly.

She nodded in panic, "Gu... Doctor Gu."

Gu Yi stood up from his chair and gradually approached Si Xiaobao, who was panicked.

Sharp eyes stared at her horrified eyes, "I'm very bullied?"

Huh? Si Xiaobao wondered if she had misheard, and actually heard Gu Yi asking her if she was a good bully.

"how is this possible!"

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