Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1487: Very happy with him

For her protests and opposition, Gu Yi did not express too much expression, "Protests and oppositions are invalid!"

Si Xiaobao threatened, "Then I won't come over!"

Gu Yi's face changed when he heard this, and it took a long time to pass to her, "It's up to you!"

Changing shoes, the two went out of the door of the apartment together.

Gu Yi didn't say a word until he got to the parking lot. Si Xiaobao vaguely knew that he was angry...

Ugh! This stingy and arrogant man! Forget it, her little girl can bend and stretch, coax him! Before getting in the car, she blocked his way, "Doctor Gu, can't I listen to you?"

If you don't let in, you won't come in, anyway, he is doing her good!

Gu Yi smiled without a trace, touched her head with a ball head, and said softly, "Good."

"..." Si Xiaobao's whole body is not well, he blinked and pulled out his ears. What did she hear just now?

Gu Yi is saying she is good?

Did she get it wrong? Si Xiaobao asked him tentatively, "What did you just say?"

This time Gu Yi just glanced at her faintly, without saying a word, bypassing her and got into the car.

There was a little dumbfounded Si Xiaobao standing there and trying hard to recall, whether he heard it wrong just now, Gu Yi actually said she was good...

The window of the co-pilot was opened, "Do you want to walk?"

how is this possible? Si Xiaobao immediately returned to his senses, and no longer entangled with the rumorous words, and sat in the car honestly.

Just like yesterday, when he was approaching the hospital, Si Xiaobao got out of Gu Yi's car first.

Fortunately, I am not late today.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, I finally saw you!" As soon as he saw Si Xiaobao, Dong Guo Rou hugged her tightly.

Si Xiaobao simply hugged Dong Guo Rou, "Dear Rourou, I miss you too!"

Hearing her say this, Dong Guo Rou pretended to be angrily pushing her away, "Huh, lie! The guy who values ​​sex and despise friends, has a male sex, and abandons me, so embarrassed to miss me!"

Si Xiaobao scratched the back of her head embarrassedly, she was really fascinated by Gu Yi.

"Oh, Rourou, you know, you are in my heart!"

Dong Guo Rou held back a smile, still pretending to be dissatisfied, "A lie! When singing with the beautiful boy every night, I was already thrown out of the clouds!"

Si Xiaobao hurriedly shook his head, "How can there be every night, we just sleep in the same bed!"

Although she was a bit abnormal last night, but fortunately, Gu Yi was more gentleman and didn't take advantage of her!

This incident made Si Xiaobao feel more at ease living with Gu Yi!

Speaking of this, Dong Guo Rou approached Si Xiaobao and looked at her maliciously, "Xiaobao, don't lie to me, do you and Doctor Gu...haha."

Si Xiaobao's head shook like a rattle, "No, really no! Rourou, will I lie to you?"

"That's right!" Dong Guo Rou nodded, Xiao Bao could not lie to her!

But again, Si Xiaobao looked at Dong Guo Rou in distress, "Rou Rou, what do you think Gu Yi and I are? Friends?"

She remembers what Gu Yi said last night that she chose to be friends with him... So are Gu Yi friends now?

Dong Guo Rou pushed his glasses and denied, "NO, NO, let me say that you two are now...above friends, but lovers are not full! Yes! That's how you said it!"

"Ah? That's it?" Si Xiaobao pondered for a while, as if it was still there.

"Then Xiaobao, do you want to be with Doctor Gu? No, I ask you this way, are you happy when you are with Gu Yi?"

Si Xiaobao nodded without hesitation, "Well, I hated him before, but now I find that I am very happy with him!"

"Then do you see his heart beating faster?" Dong Guo Rou put down his work and temporarily acted as Si Xiaobao's love counselor.

"Will... now!"

"Then do you want to be ordinary friends with him?"

"...I don't seem to think much." Because she still wants to kiss Gu Yi from time to time... Hey, how can ordinary friends do this?

"Then do you want to see him every day, or even see him every day in your life?"

"Yes! Rourou, do you know? There is a big R&D room in his apartment. If I can be with him every day, I can play in his R&D room every day!"

Dong Guo Rou, "..."

Looking at Si Xiaobao, who hates iron and steel, she is talking about love to her. What is she doing with the R&D room?

"Am I wrong?" Dong Guo Rou's helpless face made Si Xiaobao puzzled.

"You are right, Si Xiaobao, I tell you, you have to listen carefully!" Dong Guo Rou asked Si Xiaobao to face him, looking at her seriously.

Si Xiaobao put away his hippie smile and looked at her seriously, "Teacher Dong Guo, please tell me!"

Dong Guo Rou, "..." Forget it, don't care about that much with her, "That is, before you and Gu Yi have a certain relationship, you must protect yourself, you know?"

"I know this! After all, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, let alone married, don't worry! Rourou!" Si Xiaobao solemnly patted Dong Guo Rou on the shoulder.

She didn't tell Dong Guo Rou, there is a premise, the premise is: if Gu Yi does not seduce her...

Soon, Si Xiaobao was invited by Xue Yanting to have coffee again.

Left Bank Cafe

It has been a long time since I met Xue Yanting last time. At that time, she still hated Gu Yi, and now she was sitting in this coffee shop again, completely subverting her mentality.

She kept saying that she was afraid of Gu should she face Xue Yanting?

Also, did Xue Yanting know about her living with Gu Yi?

Thinking of this, Si Xiaobao decided to call Gu Yi to ask. The call was quickly connected over there, "Hmm."

With a simple word, Si Xiaobao knew that it was Gu Yi, "Big Wing, did your mother know about our living together?"

"It is estimated to be." He discovered last night that Si Xiaobao had followed several groups of people in secret.

If he guessed correctly, there must be someone sent by grandma and mother in it.

"Huh? Then does your mother blame me?"

Her question made Gu Yi stunned. After a long while, he answered Si Xiaobao, "It's okay. If she finds you, you just say I asked you to come. Remember, push everything to me. That's it!"

Listening to Si Xiaobao's tone, mom should go to see Si Xiaobao again, right?

"Ah? That's not good. What if your mother is angry with you? Big wings, or I will tell your mother, I won't pass in the future, okay?" Si Xiaobao didn't want to give them mother and son because of himself Time brings unnecessary trouble.

"Si Xiaobao." He called her name abruptly.


"You encountered things before, just evaded like this?" His voice was flat, but Si Xiaobao could feel that he seemed to be angry...


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