Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1488: My third birthday tomorrow

Gu Yi told her again, "My mother, I understand, you pushed everything to me, have you heard clearly?"

Si Xiaobao nodded unconsciously, "Okay."

"Well, besides, my mother likes quieter girls, you can try."

... Si Xiaobao looked out the window in confusion, "What shall I try?"

Gu Yi almost vomited blood. This stupid girl said, "Try to be quiet and see if my mother likes you very much."

"Why do you want to try whether she likes me?" She didn't want to be good friends with his mother.

"...Si Xiaobao, goodbye!" Gu Yi hung up the phone decisively.

Later, Gu Yi thought about it, if Si Xiaobao became very quiet and lady... then it would be boring.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Mei Xiangwei's number, "Grandma."

"Youngest, what's the matter?"

"Grandma, my mother seems to be looking for that little girl."

"Don't worry, grandma is a little urgent now. I will talk to Xiaobao girl next day." Mei Xiangwei is really okay, I hope her daughter-in-law will not hurt Xiaobao.

Gu Yi, "..."

Left Bank Cafe

When Xue Yanting found Si Xiaobao, the little girl was looking out the window in a daze, and she looked very beautiful and quiet. I smiled at her in a good mood, "Girl Xiaobao."

Si Xiaobao turned around, got up from the chair, and greeted her politely, "Auntie, you are here! Please sit down!"

Quiet! Lady! How did Rourou teach her to come before?

Smiling without showing teeth, knowing well, being happy and doing nothing...

Damn, she seems to be unable to do any of them!

Xue Yanting ordered a latte as usual, and the waiter left. She looked at the girl who seemed a little nervous and opened her mouth, "Girl Xiaobao, are you still used to being in the hospital recently?"

"Well, it's good!" Except for a few people who are annoying occasionally, it's generally good.

"Do you live with the second lady from Dongguo's house?"

"Hmm..." Xue Yanting has asked this question, and she probably knows what happened to her and Gu Yi. Let's just confess, "That aunt, I haven't lived with Rourou these two days, because...I'm on the ancient doctor's side."

Xue Yanting was still satisfied with her frankness. She nodded slightly, and then sighed again, "Oh, Xiaobao girl, why are you so stupid?"

"Huh?" Si Xiaobao looked at her suspiciously.

"You and the youngest person just live together like this. Our ancient family and your family still have a little friendship. How can I explain to your father then?"

The name is not righteous, yes... Suppressing the loss in his heart, Si Xiaobao said with difficulty, "Auntie, you are right, but on the ancient doctor's side, he... insisted on letting me pass. He. Threatening me! I can't refuse. So, I just..."

Oh? Her third child insisted on letting this little girl live there?

Si Xiaobao's expression was very embarrassing. He also said that he had nose and eyes, and Xue Yanting seemed to be a little convinced.

But thinking about it carefully, it was really Gu Yi who took the initiative to let her live with him in the past. She just let the flow go and agreed! Thinking of this, Si Xiaobao's tangled mood finally got better.

"Oh, so..." Xue Yanting suddenly took Si Xiaobao's right hand on the table, and told her with earnest words, "Girl Xiaobao, you have to protect yourself! Although the third child is my son, he It's also a man. When a man has another woman in his heart, don't do stupid things, you know?"

At this moment, she looked like a motherly gentle, Si Xiaobao was a little moved. But when I heard her sentence, when a man has another woman in his heart...

Si Xiaobao squeezed his left hand on his leg, his red lips trembled, "Gu Yi... does he... have someone he likes?"

Xue Yanting smiled slightly, and then asked her in surprise, "Yes, did the third child ever say that he likes you?"

Si Xiaobao shook his head quickly, "No, of course not! I just asked curiously."

"Well, maybe the third child really likes you. After all, he knows that you are Si Shaozhe's sister, and so lively and cute, it's hard for people to dislike you..."

Si Xiaobao couldn't laugh, so he just lowered his head to drink coffee and listened to Xue Yanting intently.

Gu Yi has someone he likes, so why let her live with him?

Even if he feels uncomfortable, Si Xiaobao still remembers Gu Yi's words that Xue Yanting likes quiet girls.

Next she tried to make herself a little quieter and less frizzy.

Half an hour later

"Oh, by the way, the youngest's birthday is tomorrow, and I suddenly remembered that there are still many things left to do. Little treasure girl, let's not talk about it. Auntie has to go!"

Gu Yi's birthday tomorrow? Si Xiaobao looked confused. Oh! She remembered that when she was in the hospital last night, a nurse said that she didn't know the truth or not, and didn't take it to heart.

"How does Aunt Gu Yi want to celebrate her birthday?"

Xue Yanting chuckled, "After all, she was still young, so she had to hold a birthday party and invited a lot of people."

"That Dong Guo Rou's elder brother Dong Guo Xu, Su Xingyu, Xi Ning, Luo Yihang... a lot of people! Originally wanted to invite you over, but you said that you were a little afraid of the third child, I didn't..."

What she meant was obvious, and Si Xiaobao also understood, and waved his hand to Xue Yanting with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay, Auntie, go ahead!"

Jiang was still hot, so Si Xiaobao believed all Xue Yanting's words.

When Xue Yanting left, Si Xiaobao couldn't laugh anymore. He sat alone and slowly digested all the information Xue Yanting had brought her.

Gu Yi has a favorite.

Tomorrow is his birthday, they have invited many people, without her...

In that case, why did Gu Yi ask her to wait for him in his apartment tomorrow night?

A tear fell in the coffee and disappeared quickly.

Then comes the second drop, the third drop...

When he returned to the hospital, Si Xiaobao felt very depressed. After thinking about it for a long time, he found an excuse to send a message to Gu Yi, and stopped going to his side at night.

When she got off work, Si Xiaobao and Dong Guorou at the entrance of the hospital were about to take a taxi back to the apartment, and they were caught by the scene in front of them.

A black Porsche parked on the side of the road, and a man in a gray suit leaned on the car, with his arms around his chest, staring straight at the hospital door.

Si Xiaobao could still hear the excited voices of many women next to him, "I'm such a good boy! That man with sunglasses is so handsome, who is it?"

Woman second: "Handsome guy, luxury car, high-quality suit, and an assistant next to him, a 100% beetle-in-law! Hey, do you want to say hello?"

Woman A: "What's your greeting? Didn't you feel his indifferent breath? Look, all the women who wanted to get close to her left shiveringly when they were less than two meters away!"

Woman C: "Is it from this hospital? I heard someone say that he is the deputy dean. Is it Gu Yi, the most handsome deputy dean in our Jiuzhou City?"

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