Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1489: Why lie to her?

Second Woman: "Oh my God! Gu Yi! Look, Gu Yi came to us! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Woman A: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh off! he have to breathed, I can't breathe, what to do? my heart..."

Si Xiaobao digs out his ears that have been shocked. Who is that man not Gu Yi? Can really recruit peach blossoms!

The reaction of a few of them was dozens of times more exaggerated than her **** when she saw a handsome guy!

If it were normal, Si Xiaobao would definitely whistle to Gu Yi, but now she is not in the mood...

He called out her name, "Si Xiaobao."

Dong Guorou glanced at the two of them, and felt that they should have something to say, and let go of Si Xiaobao, "Doctor Gu, Xiaobao, I'm leaving now."

Gu Yi nodded faintly at her, then set his eyes on Si Xiaobao's face.

As soon as Dong Guo Rou took a step, she was held by Si Xiaobao. She told Dong Guo Rou in a low voice, "Rou Rou, don't go, wait for me!"

Under Si Xiaobao's pull, Dong Guo Rou didn't make it.

Gu Yi didn't seem to care, and asked Si Xiaobao directly, "What did my mom tell you today?"

"Auntie said that the coffee in the Left Bank Café is delicious, and that the sky is changing. Let me wear more clothes..."

The more she said, the more the surrounding temperature dropped, "Si Xiaobao!" He warned her coldly.

The cold voice made the two little girls shrink their necks at the same time.

His cold attitude made Si Xiaobao feel even worse. He directly raised the decibel and glared at Gu Yi, "Why don't you ask her what your mother said, and ask me what I do? It was not what I said! You rushed to me Why are you angry?"

OMG! OMG! What she said scared Dong Guo Rou had been pulling Si Xiaobao's clothes corner, "Xiaobao, calm, calm..."

Gu Yi glanced at her deeply, then slowed down, "I'm not angry."

He just wanted to know what the **** had said to Si Xiaobao so that she would not go to his side at night. Who knows this Si Xiaobao, he is not telling the truth.

"Hmph, whatever you want, I'm leaving!" Si Xiaobao took Dong Guo Rou and left.

After not taking a few steps, Gu Yi's voice came from behind, "You will do what you say at seven tomorrow night!"

Si Xiaobao paused for a while, forget it, just go, and ask who Gu Yi really likes? If he really has someone he likes, she should stay away from him!

She turned her head, "Don't worry, Doctor Gu, I will go!"

Shengfeng Mansion

Gu Yi pulled off his tie and sat on the sofa irritably, looking at the quiet living room, as if there were Si Xiaobao's shadow everywhere.

Only two days, after she only lived here for two days and then left, his heart would be a little empty...

In the bedroom, the desk where he had placed the computer was mostly occupied by her skin care products, and beside it was the Smurf she was holding the night before.

In the cabinet of his cloakroom, there are several handbags with her clothes inside.

Open one of them at will, there is also a doll hidden inside...

At ten o'clock in the evening, Si Xiaobao, who was depressed, was holding his mobile phone and swiping Weibo. The phone's ringtone suddenly rang, which shocked her.

Caller ID: Big Wing.

Her hand trembled involuntarily, and almost reflexively slid down the answer button, "Is there something...what's wrong?"

"I'm downstairs, come down."

"doing what?"

"You'll know when you come down." After speaking, he stopped giving Si Xiaobao the opportunity to ask questions and cut off the call.

When Si Xiaobao went downstairs, he saw Gu Yi standing under a street lamp waiting for her.

Seeing her come out, cross the road, and come over.

Si Xiaobao didn't change his clothes when he went out, thinking that it was Gu Yi anyway, and had seen her wearing pajamas before.

Gu Yi looked at her, "Asleep?"

She nodded.

Handing her the handbag in his hand, Si Xiaobao took it in doubt, and opened it to see that it contained the skin care products she usually used.

Seeing this, she felt tight in her heart, "Actually... I can use soft..."

What does he mean by sending it here? Don't you want her to go over to him again?

Thinking of this possibility, she almost cried out of discomfort.

Gu Yi raised his head and glanced at the room where the lights were on. "Don't girls like to carry these things with them?"

I know this because of Gu Lu.

That little girl will bring her own skin care products wherever she goes, so she won't be able to use it overnight.

There was nothing wrong with what he said. Si Xiaobao opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

After being quiet for a while, Gu Yi seemed to sigh, "My mother is my mother, she can't represent me, no matter what she tells you, you can ask me what I think."

Si Xiaobao looked down at the toe of her shoe. Does she want to ask? Yes, how can I ask? Ask directly: Gu Yi, do you have someone you like? Do you have a birthday party for your birthday tomorrow, why don't you invite me?

Thinking of this, she pretended to be very casual and said, "It's okay, Auntie and I are just chatting, right...Are you going to have a birthday party tomorrow night?"

Just small talk? What did the small talk make her so unhappy? Why didn't she say?

The man's brief silence made Si Xiaobao's whole heart lifted. What does he mean by not speaking?


In the end, the heart that disappointed her with his two words was painful.

Her trembling hands tightly held the rope of the handbag. Why? Why lie to her?

Who actually lied to her? Is it his mother or him?

But as for who it is, don’t you know tomorrow night?

Si Xiaobao did not raise his head, bit his lower lip tightly, and finally said, "Thank you, I will go back first."

After speaking, she turned and left.

"Si Xiaobao!" He stopped her.

"Why?" She didn't look back, because she seemed to have red eyes...

Gu Yi didn't answer her right away, but just looked at her back like this. In fact, he came to give her skin care products only as an excuse.

But this little girl, as if not wanting to see him, wanted to run away in such a hurry.

"Go back and rest early. Don't forget what you promised me tomorrow night."

Si Xiaobao twitched the corners of his lips and stepped forward, with a relaxed tone, "I see! Go back soon too! It's cold below!"

When the voice fell, Si Xiaobao also walked into the apartment.

Until he got into the elevator, he was sure he was not in sight. Si Xiaobao leaned against the elevator wall before daring to breathe a sigh of relief.

Tears are like broken beads, falling down.

In fact, Si Xiaobao is also very strange, Gu Yi didn't do anything to her, why is she crying?


Even if he was in a bad mood, Si Xiaobao took a leave of absence the next night. Gu Yi asked her to ask for an hour off, and she asked for two hours off.

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