Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1490: I don't like Zhen Xining

At six o'clock, I left the hospital and went to the supermarket.

For his birthday, she was going to make him a bowl of longevity noodles.

Since she knew how to cook, every time Si Chengyang and Tang Dantong celebrated their birthdays, she would personally cook them a bowl of longevity noodles...

Open the door of the ancient wing apartment, the inside is still neat and clean.

Although Shengfeng Mansion is located in the city center, it is very quiet because it has a good sound insulation effect, so no noise can be heard.

Si Xiaobao checked the time. At about seven o'clock, she put her backpack on the sofa and went directly into the kitchen.

The black Porsche slowly drove out of Yaocheng Hospital. Suddenly the phone rang, and Gu Yi connected the phone with a Bluetooth headset, "Mom."

"Little Wing, when do you get off work?"

"It's off work." He was about to rush to the Shengfeng Mansion.

"Xiao Yi, then you have to come to the house now, there is something urgent!" Xue Yanting's voice seemed very anxious, Gu Yi frowned slightly, glanced at the time, there are still twenty minutes and seven o'clock.

"What's the urgent matter? I have something to do now, you change time..."

"No, I'm very anxious, Xiaoyi, come here soon!"



Suddenly many cars rushed out, and the parking spaces of the Gu's house were full, so Gu Yi had to park the cars outside on the roadside first.

Gu Yi strode into the old house, a dark area inside, with a thick doubt on his face. When I was about to turn on the lights, there was a burst of singing.

"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~"

With the singing, Gu Yi's eyes were greeted by a large cake with candles and a group of acquaintances...

Headed by Zhen Xining, wearing a white lace dress, gently humming a happy birthday song and pushing the cake to Gu Yi.

Other people who appeared beside him clapping their hands were Xue Yanting, Gu Lu, Su Xingyu, Gu Yuxuan, and Gu Hongzhen.

So, this is what Xue Yanting said urgently?

Blow out the candles, the lights in the living room are turned on, and the whole living room is brightly lit.

Throwing all the gifts from everyone to the housekeeper, Gu Yi was anxious to leave the old house.

Xue Yanting called to stop him, "Xiaoyi, mom has a gift for you, come and go upstairs with mom."

Gu Yi silently followed him up to the second floor. Looking at the crowd of people downstairs, Gu Yi asked Xue Yanting coldly, "Mom, is this the urgent matter you said?"

Xue Yanting didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and smiled happily and told him, "Yes, Mom and Xi Ning want to surprise you! Mom tells you, the whole living room downstairs was furnished by me and Xi Ning! "

Gu Yi looked at the time on his wrist, it was almost eight o'clock.

"Mom, tell me something in advance next time, let's talk about it, you know, I don't like this kind of occasion!"

Xue Yanting seemed to see anger in Gu Yi's eyes. She was a little baffled, "If you don't like it, you don't like it. Why are you angry?"

Gu Yi asked her faintly, "Did you tell Si Xiaobao that there will be a birthday party today?"

Xue Yanting was taken aback, and nodded truthfully, "What did she say to you..."

Gu Yi interrupted her coldly, "She didn't say anything, I guessed. Mom, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again in the future! Also, I don't like Zhen Xining!"

After speaking, Gu Yi was about to turn around and leave.

However, as soon as she turned around, Zhen Xining stood behind them. I don't know how long I have been standing, my face seems a little pale, it is estimated that I have heard all the words of the two people.

Gu Yi did not speak, and went straight downstairs, bypassing her.

Xue Yanting was also a little embarrassed when she saw Zhen Xining, "Xining...sorry, I didn't expect Xiaoyi to..." would be so direct.

Zhen Xining is still in shock with the three words Si Xiaobao, Gu Yi will not mention the name Si Xiaobao for no reason!

She did not answer Xue Yanting's words, but tentatively asked her, "Auntie, what is the relationship between Gu Yi and Si Xiaobao?"

Xue Yanting looked embarrassed, because she didn't know the situation of the two of them, "Xining, Xiaoyi and Xiaobao girl, I don't know the specifics..."

At this moment, the downstairs suddenly fell silent, only to hear Gu Yi's indifferent voice, "I'm sorry everyone, this is the end of the birthday party tonight..."

Upon hearing this, the two women upstairs hurriedly went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, Gu Yi had already left the old house amidst everyone's doubts.

Zhen Xining desperately chased after him, and stopped the man who had left in stride, "Ying."

Gu Yi stopped and looked back at her.

At this moment, Zhen Xining wanted to ask Gu Yi loudly if she liked that Si Xiaobao, but she was not qualified. After all, she is not one of his people and has no identity to ask him this question.

Reluctantly raised his smiling face, "Ying, happy birthday! This is my birthday present for you!"

She took out a rectangular brocade box from her schoolbag and handed it to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi hesitated, "Thank you." He took the brocade box.

"Wing... Why didn't you see the watch I gave you last time." There was also the belt she bought, which he didn't use either.

Gu Yi glanced at her and told her directly, "I'm sorry, someone will be angry."

Zhen Xining didn't expect him to answer this way. She didn't react for a while, thinking that the person might be a woman, she had difficulty breathing, "Is it... Si Xiaobao?"

Si Xiaobao, Si Xiaobao! She hates this name now!

What she asked Bao Yujia to do last time did not seem to cause any harm to Si Xiaobao!

Also... The Gu Yi phone she answered that time was called Little Girl. Was it also Si Xiaobao?

Gu Yi did not nod or deny, "I'm leaving now."

At this time, three men came out of the old house, "Hey, Gu Yi, did you leave like this?" Dong Guoxu looked at him dissatisfied.

"Well, get together again these two days!" Gu Yi glanced at Su Xingyu and Luo Yihang next to him.

Luo Yihang put his hands in the pockets of his suit trousers, glanced at Zhen Xining, who had an abnormal expression, and told Gu Yi, “Xining ran all over Jiuzhou City in order to choose a birthday present for you.”

A young lady ran all over Jiuzhou City for a birthday present, and she knew how much she cared about the birthday party.

Gu Yi looked at the brocade box in his hand, and nodded slightly at Zhen Xining, "Thanks for your hard work, I won't use it next time."

His unfeeling and indifference made Zhen Xining, a superwoman-shaped woman, almost cry.

Luo Yihang's hand in the pocket of his suit trousers quietly clenched into a fist. "Gu Yi, why are you going in a hurry!"

"Something!" Gu Yi finished speaking, and went to the Porsche without looking back.

"Eh...Ah, this Gu Yi, if he hadn't known him for so many years, he would definitely have beaten up this defiant guy!" Dong Guoxu shook his head helplessly.

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