Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1491: Birthday Party at the ancient house

Su Xingyu patted her shoulder, "Just get used to it, let's go!"

The two left with their backs on their shoulders. Luo Yihang looked at Zhen Xining who was still there and walked to her, "Xining, his should have been used to it."

Zhen Xining shook her head tiredly, holding her forehead with one hand, "Brother Yihang, it was Ruoya before. I thought Ruoya would always see me if she didn't come back..." But isn't it? Without Yin Ruoya, there are other women. .

Seeing her like this, Luo Yihang Danfeng's eyes flashed a touch of pain, "Xining, there is only Ruoya in his heart. Even if there are more women around him in the future, they are just passing by."

"Maybe, I am also a passer-by in his heart... But, I don't want to, Brother Yihang, what should I do?" Zhen Xining looked at Luo Yihang in confusion.

Luo Yihang, who is nearly 30 years old, looks a bit more mature than the average person. Because he is the president of a multinational group, he is under pressure and burden many times more than ordinary people.

He squirmed his lips and told her, "Love him... don't give up."

Just like he loves her, he has never given up...

"Sister Xi Ning! Brother Yihang!" A clear voice sounded behind them.

Hearing this voice, Zhen Xining took a deep breath, turned and looked at her with a smile, "Lulu, why are you out?"

Gu Lu held Zhen Xining's arms intimately, and asked her curiously, "Why did I go to the bathroom and the third brother's birthday party is over?"

Zhen Xining and Luo Yihang glanced at each other, not knowing how to answer Gu Lu, and finally Luo Yihang reluctantly explained to her, "You know, your third brother doesn't like this kind of occasion."

Gu Lu nodded without understanding. When she saw Zhen Xining's expression on her face, Gu Lu suddenly raised the decibel, "Sister Xining, what's the matter with you?"

"No..." Zhen Xining wanted to say that she was fine.

But Luo Yihang told Gu Lu, "Your third brother is so anxious to leave because of a woman!"

"Woman?" Gu Lu was surprised. Since Yin Ruoya disappeared, she had never heard of a woman next to her third brother.

Suddenly there was a figure in my mind. The woman I saw last time in the hospital scolded the third brother for being abnormal...

Zhen Xining glanced at Luo Yihang, touched her eyes, Luo Yihang was taken aback and told Gu Lu, "Let's talk, I'll go back first, the company still has something to do with it."

"Well, goodbye, Brother Yihang!" Gu Lu waved to Luo Yihang.

Luo Yihang nodded to the two people and left the ancient home.

Zhen Xining took Gu Lu's hand and told her, "Lulu, the woman next to your third brother is called..."

Knowing that Gu Lu likes herself and plays well with herself, Zhen Xining thought maybe she could use the wayward and simple Gu Lu...

Shengfeng Mansion

Si Xiaobao put the meticulously prepared longevity noodles on the dining table, and sealed a layer of plastic wrap for fear of cooling down too quickly.

Seeing the longevity noodles with full coloring and flavor, Si Xiaobao swallowed very hopelessly. It's just that she just made a bowl and there is nothing more.

Forget it, wait for Gu Yi to finish eating, she will go out to eat something else!

After checking the time, it was seven ten ten, and there was still no movement outside. Si Xiaobao looked at the brocade box in his hand. In order to hand the birthday gift to Gu Yi, she decided to wait for him again.

At half past seven, Si Xiaobao received a call from Dong Guo Rou, "Rou Rou."

Dong Guorou's excited voice came over, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, how did you play at Doctor Gu's birthday party? I asked my brother, my brother still ignores me, cut!"

Gu Yi's birthday party? She glanced at the deserted apartment, "Where is your brother?"

"I saw in the circle of friends, my brother sent a photo to Doctor Gu on his birthday at Gu's house, but I didn't see you, so I called to ask you."

Si Xiaobao's heart sank quickly.

Didn’t he say there is no birthday party? So, he lied to her...

"No, Xiaobao, why are you so quiet over there?"

Si Xiaobao smiled bitterly, "Rourou, send me the picture your brother sent me, let me see it."

"Okay, did your gift go to Doctor Gu?" That gift should be meaningful to Xiaobao and Gu Yi.

Si Xiaobao shook his head, Gu Yi hasn't returned yet, who is she giving it to! "Not yet, wait..."

"Okay, I won't bother you, Xiaobao, I saw that Director Zhen was also here, dressed so beautifully. I knew you were going to Doctor Gu's birthday party. I would pick a dress for you before going! "She thinks about it, Xiaobao seems to be wearing sportswear today! Maybe Xiaobao didn't know that he would attend Gu Yi's birthday party, right?

Si Xiaobao, "...Don't forget to send me the photos."

"Okay, you are so fun, I won't bother you!"

After finishing the call, Si Xiaobao leaned weakly on the sofa, and his head was full of Gu Yi's birthday party.

Before Dong Guo Rou gave her a photo, she dialed Mei Xiangwei's phone, but it was turned off...

Soon, her WeChat rang, and it was Dong Guo Rou who sent the photo.

Si Xiaobao saw Gu Yi with outstanding temperament at a glance. He was handing the cut cake to the smiling and kind Xue Yanting.

Next to her was Zhen Xining, who was very immortal, with a sweet smile looking at Gu Yi's profile.

Beside Su Xingyu and others...

How could Dong Guo Rou see her? She is here, the birthday party is at the ancient house, ha ha...

At more than eight o'clock in the evening, Si Xiaobao got up from the sofa and found all the dolls he had hidden.

Two of them are neatly placed against the wall on the sofa in the ancient wing bedroom.

She packed the nine dolls in the same handbag, as well as her pajamas and other things, packed them all, and carried them out of the apartment door together.

A black Porsche galloped on the wide road. Gu Yi took advantage of the red light to dial Si Xiaobao's mobile phone number.

Just dialed back and forth several times, and no one answered.

When I hurried back to the apartment, it was quiet inside, as if there was no one...

He casually threw the gift Zhen Xining gave him on the side table.

After searching for a while, even the research and development room was searched, but Si Xiaobao was nowhere to be seen.

He stood with his hands on his hips and closed his eyes in the living room. Did he invisibly hurt Si Xiaobao?

In fact, he... was giving two people time.

He didn't hate Si Xiaobao, and even liked Si Xiaobao, he knew it, but he didn't dare to think about it.

He also knew that he was evading like this.

Avoid some things, such as your feelings for Si Xiaobao...

Even if he had been holding her to sleep the night before, he tried to restrain himself from picking some things he wanted...

Because he is not as simple as hers.

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