Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1606: Pick a date

Si Xiaobao picked up the fork next to him, poked the hard and dark things in the plate, bit his scalp, resisted the urge to vomit, smiled, "It's delicious! I will cook more often in the future!"

She doesn't want to be an old mother! The man of his own choice is not good at cooking, so he has to swallow it even if he cries!

Gu Yi dubiously picked up the fork she had used, and Si Xiaobao quickly delivered the plate in his hand.

Seeing him take a bite with his own eyes, Si Xiaobao immediately found the trash can and vomited all the food in his mouth.

The same goes for Gu Yi.

Finally, two people look at me, I look at you, and at the same time look at the food on the plate.

Si Xiaobao reluctantly put down his backpack and walked into the kitchen.

The remaining steak was quickly fried and served with freshly squeezed juice.

"Gu Yi, did you deliberately?" Si Xiaobao tilted his head and asked the man who was wiping his mouth after eating the steak on the plate.

The man looked at her suspiciously.

"You are so smart, you know how to cook! Don't you want to cook it for me?"

Gu Yi, "..." Can he say he was wronged?

In the end, Si Xiaobao took the lead out of the apartment. He didn't want to ride in Gu Yi's car, but he was forced into the car.

Pacchini was driving on a wide road, and there was a bit of traffic jam during the morning rush hour.

"Zhen Xining tells you about Jianqiao Garden." His tone was not a question, but affirmation.

Si Xiaobao nodded, "Is what people said wrong?"


Si Xiaobao was heartbroken, "That's not it."

Gu Yi took out the Bluetooth headset, dialed Jiang Yan's phone, and turned on the hands-free, "President Gu."

"Well, what happened to Jianqiao?"

"The buyer has been found, but he is on a business trip outside of the country. He will trade next week and prepare to go through the procedures for the transfer of property rights."

Gu Yi glanced at Si Xiaobao and made sure that she had listened to Jiang Yan's words before ending the call.

"Who knows if you colluded with Assistant Jiang?"

"You mean that from last night to this morning, I shouldn't let you sleep, and should I do something affectionately to believe that I didn't collude with Assistant Jiang?"

... Si Xiaobao wanted to ask, what kind of logic is Gu Yi.

Why is there no collusion, and there is a prerequisite for doing some loving things? ?

Gu Yi held her hand on her thigh and said, "I have sent someone to go to Country C to get the account book for you. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will choose a date for my certificate.

Get a certificate? Si Xiaobao blinked, "When did I promise to get the certificate with you?"

"If you don't get the certificate from me, do you still want to get the certificate from others?" Gu Yi squeezed her little hand displeased.

"Hmph, that can't be said!" Si Xiaobao turned his head proudly and looked out the window, with a smile on his lips.

At this moment, Jiang Yan called again, "Well, say."

Because when I called Jiang Yan just now, the voice was on, and the current state is still, what Jiang Yan said can be heard by both people in the car.

"President Gu, Geng Chengjun lives in a community on the east side of Jiuzhou City. Besides, Geng Chengjun knows medical skills and can also perform operations."

Gu Yi frowned when he heard this, "What kind of surgery will he do?"

“I don’t know the details, because our people saw him rescue a heart disease patient on the side of the road, and then told the doctor who rushed over what to do with the heart disease patient’s operation. Finally, he left in a hurry. Always deliberately hide yourself again."

Heart surgery?

Gu Yi seemed to think of something, his face changed slightly, "Let people keep an eye on him, twenty-four hours, take turns to follow up!"

"Okay, Dean Gu."

After finishing the call, Si Xiaobao thought about who Geng Chengjun was and what he looked like.

Because she saw Jiang Yan the most by Gu Yi's side, and Geng Chengjun was rare, giving people a sense of mystery.

The car was quiet for a while, and Gu Yi interrupted Si Xiaobao's imagination, "Go back to the Oujing Apartment at night, don't go anywhere, you know?"

"No! Gu Yi, I'm still angry." To be precise, she is still uncomfortable!

"Don't make trouble! I know that the reason you know Jianqiao Garden is that Zhen Xining told you. She is instigating our relationship. Can't you tell?"

"Of course you can see it, but what people said is right! You just kept Yin Ruoya's room exactly the same as before. Who knows if you are looking forward to her coming back?"

After Si Xiaobao reminded him, Gu Yi remembered that he had previously explained to the housekeeper on Jianqiao to take good care of the house.

This housekeeper has stayed at Jianqiao for more than ten years. Jiang Yan is also in charge of the usual things, so he almost forgets that he has explained such a thing.

Gu Yi released Si Xiaobao's hand, turned the steering wheel with both hands, stopped the car on the side of the road, and looked at the woman next to him seriously, "I don't expect anyone, I just want to arrive early tomorrow."

Coming tomorrow? Looking forward to receiving the certificate with her tomorrow?

Emma, ​​Si Xiaobao looked at the face close at hand, breathing harder, this man is too able to tease now.

Affectionately told her that he just wanted to come early tomorrow to receive the certificate from her, that Si Xiaobao really had no immunity to Gu Yi.

"Hey!" kissed his cheek happily, "I believe you for the time being!"

The man smiled slightly, pecked her red lips, and then started the car to the hospital.

Inside the hospital

Gu Yi had just arrived in the office and put away the affection that had been with Si Xiaobao just now. He dialed a call with a cold face, "Luo Yihang, she has hurt Xiaobao, I can't just sit back and watch!"

The things that Zhen Xining did before, if he didn't look at the face of Luo Yihang, how could he let Zhen Xining go?

Luo Yihang over there was silent, and he had recently discovered that Zhen Xining was getting more and more wrong.

Also, even if he got her body, her heart seemed to be unable to get close.

Finally, Luo Yihang said calmly, “Your woman is a human, and my woman is also a human, Gu Yi, don’t hurt the feelings between our brothers because of a woman.”

Gu Yi's face was gloomy, "Do you know how innocent Xiaobao is. Zhen Xining hurt her several times and succeeded every time, but how about Xiaobao? Has she ever taken the initiative to hurt her once? Not only did she not know how to repent, she became even harder! Luo Yihang, If you still treat me as your brother, don't care how I deal with Zhen Xining!"

"Gu Yi! If you really plan to be true to a weak woman with Xi Ning, then I won't care!" He loves her, how could he watch Gu Yi deal with a weak woman?

What's more, without waiting for Gu Yi to speak, he asked again, "How do you know that Si Xiaobao is not careful, knowing that Xi Ning likes you, and all kinds of framed Xi Ning in front of you?"

Weak woman? This Zhen Xining is too good to hide in front of Luo Yihang?

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