Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1607: Coffee without sugar

Gu Yi listened to his words and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, Luo Yihang, Zhen Xining is not as simple as you see it on the surface, don't blame me for not reminding you! "Not to mention that he has evidence for those things, just from the perspective of people. He is confident that he is slightly better than Luo Yihang.

Otherwise, a few years ago, Luo Yihang would not be deceived into bankruptcy by people in the business world. Then their brothers lent him money to make him come back.

The two good brothers in the past broke up.

Because the two women are about to turn against each other...


Gu Hui was slightly emotional and talked to Mei Xiangwei, "Mom, how can you take Xiaobo to propose to Ren's family without my permission!"

Mei Xiangwei calmly fiddled with Chinese herbal medicine and told her daughter, “I’ve asked people about Ren Qian’s child, and it’s very good. The point is that because Xiaobo has a child, the chance of pregnancy is almost zero. Xiaobo Shouldn't it be responsible?"

"Mom, for this kind of thing, don't you just need to stuff Ren's more money? There is no need to catch Xiaobo's lifelong happiness!"

Mei Xiangwei raised her eyelids and glanced at her, "Not all things can be solved with money. Let's talk about matters, such as Xiaobo and Ren Qian's affairs. If the money is fine, will Ren Jia insist on sue Xiaobo? ?"

Gu Hui sneered, "The lion in their Ren family speaks loudly. I said they don't want one million. It must be too few."

"Not everyone is as powerful as you!" Mei Xiangwei retorted her daughter unceremoniously, and then shook her head helplessly.

"Mom, that poor girl Ren Qian, the girl who came out of the slum, how could it be better? Mom, are you confused? Don't you know that there are spooky people in the slum?"

Hearing what she said, Mei Xiangwei put down the herbs in her hand heavily, and looked at her daughter with a cold face, "Gu Hui, how many times have I told you, don’t look down on anyone! The conditions I gave you before are so good," Let you be so defiant and look down on everyone who is not in good condition with you!"

"Also, take a closer look at the good son you taught. After sleeping, the girls are pregnant, and they don’t want to be responsible! You think that after this incident, there will be some high-class ladies who will marry Xiaobo. Are you a daughter-in-law?"

Gu Hui was blushed and blue when she said something by Mei Xiangwei, "I know that Xiaobo's fault is wrong with this matter, but mom, can you watch Haipeng's house after the break?"

Even the mother said that her chances of getting pregnant are very small, so there must be no chance of getting pregnant!

Mei Xiangwei sighed, "After Ren Qian gets married, let her live here first, and I will take care of her body first, and everyone is happy to be able to take care of her."

"Mom! Why bother! Obviously all things can be solved with money, why do we have to embarrass ourselves!"

Mei Xiangwei patted the table, "Is it me who embarrass us? It's not your good son! If you have time, you can tell me not to marry Ren Qian. It's better to go back and teach your son so that he can learn more. wing!"

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi! Mom, you know Xiangpian Guyi!" Gu Hui didn't dare to refute loudly, so she could only mutter in a low voice, what's so easy about Gu Yi's ice cube!

"I'm just going to the ancient wing, what's the matter? Don't look at the difference between Xiaobo and Xiaoyi! Go back and teach Xiaobo! My grandson and grandson spoiled together!" At the end, Mei Xiangwei shot continuously Several times under the table.

Seeing that the old lady was about to get angry, Gu Hui had to shut up and left the ancient house angrily.

Jiuzhou City Light Nuan Coffee Branch

Si Xiaobao rested his chin and swiped his mobile phone Weibo, which is Zhen Xining's certified Weibo. Didn't Gu Yi say that Zhen Xining went abroad for further studies in the previous few years? She almost pulled her Weibo to the end, and she didn't see Zhen Xining's life dynamics abroad.

And other Weibo posts about medicine never show the location.

Maybe people are too busy at ordinary times! After all, Zhen Xining is an authority in obstetrics and gynecology, she is just like her, just graduated from university, and a idler!

I returned the interface to my Weibo again. Recently, because Gu Yi followed her, her Weibo popularity has skyrocketed!

I feel a little bit like being hot everywhere. When my father paid attention to her, many people followed her.

Then came Si Shaozhe, then Shao Jiayi, Bosino, Stingli...So, now she has nearly 3 million fans.

I took a picture of the dessert and posted it on Weibo with the text: It is said that this dessert was invented by a happy little woman. I tasted the taste of love. It was delicious! A certain brother has a wife who knows how to make desserts, what a blessing!

Behind Aite Shao Jiayi and Sidingli, after hesitating for a while, their brains became hot, and Aite returned Gu Yi.

This comment has three public figures, and it is of course very popular.

Comments quickly started building frantically, and after the arrival of her appointment, there were already tens of thousands of unread comments.

A woman sat down across from her, Si Xiaobao put away the phone and took a sip of iced coffee, "Miss Zhen, are you busy these days?"

Her question made Zhen Xining a vigilance in her eyes. After carefully observing the same expression on her, she slowly said, "Resting at home, can’t sleep at night, can’t wake up during the day, you ask me out, how can I get it? Make up!"

This Si Xiaobao is very curious and very good at making weird things. Bao Yujia suffered a loss in her hands. Asking her to come out on the initiative is like a weasel giving a New Year greeting to the rooster. She has to be more vigilant.

The waiter came over and asked Zhen Xining politely, "What kind of drinks do I need, madam?"

Zhen Xining glanced at the iced coffee Si Xiaobao drank, "The coffee is not sweetened."

When her words fell, Si Xiaobao tweeted a few times in his heart. This hobby was exactly the same as Gu Yi's. She should say, Zhen Xining and Gu Yi have a common language? Or is Zhen Xining too deliberate to imitate Gu Yi?

"Come on, let me come out for something." Zhen Xining played with the watch on her wrist, as if thinking of something, and then glanced at Si Xiaobao's wrist.

The silver mechanical watch, the international famous brand logo, is at least several times more expensive than the one on her wrist.

With thick jealousy in her eyes, Zhen Xining put her wrist in her pocket without a trace.

Isn't Si Xiaobao more likely to reincarnate than she and give birth to the right family? If she was the daughter of the Si family, Gu Yi would definitely like her more!

I don’t know how Si Xiaobao, who is the little nine in her heart, is still wondering how to say, "That... are you and Yin Ruoya good friends?"

Every question Si Xiaobao asked was very sensitive, so Zhen Xining had to watch her at all times, "Yes, very good girlfriend!"

See how good she is to Yin Ruoya and let her give birth to a child of a man who loves her.

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