Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1623: She is angry

Gu Lu's little daughter twisted her gesture for a long time before she said, "I ask your question, don't tell anyone!"

Although puzzled, Si Xiaobao nodded, "Okay!"

"That...sister-in-law... are you familiar with... Bo Shengxiang?" I heard that the big families of the Si family, Si family, Shao family, and Bo family in country C have different family relationships from other places. Often the more three-legged and four-legged families, the more antagonistic the relationship, but it is said that the relationship between the four major families in country C is very good.

"Bo Shengxiang, familiar! That guy! He was a few days younger than me, so I didn't call my sister every day!" Speaking of Bo Shengxiang, Si Xiaobao pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Oh, then does he have... a girlfriend?"

Girlfriend? Si Xiaobao carefully recalled what happened before, "Should... yes, I saw him take a girl to the hospital once before, and when he came out, he held it out."

"Huh?" Gu Lu cried and looked disappointed, "He has a girlfriend, I know, how can he not have a girlfriend because he is so good!"

Si Xiaobao hadn't noticed Gu Lu's emotions yet, and said in response, "Yes, now the handsome guys basically have girlfriends!"

Like her big wings...hehehe.

Gu Lu was distressed and was about to cry, her first love seemed to end with the other party having a friend.

Until Gu Yi knocked on the door and called Si Xiaobao away, Si Xiaobao, a man with thick lines, did not notice, and Gu Lu suddenly mentioned Bo Shengxiang.

Close the door to Gu Lu, Gu Yi lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, "Go, grandma calls you!"

There was no one in the corridor. Si Xiaobao hugged Gu Yi's waist boldly, "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, go and take a look, I'll wait for you in the room!" After Gu Yi sent Si Xiaobao to Mei Xiangwei's room, he returned to their room.

Mei Xiangwei had already prepared things in the room. When Si Xiaobao came in, she put on reading glasses and beckoned to her kindly, "Come on, girl Xiaobao, grandma will give you a pulse."

I heard Xiao Yi said that the two have been together for a long time, maybe Xiaobao is already happy!

Si Xiaobao sat down next to Mei Xiangwei and rolled up his sleeves, "Grandma, there is nothing uncomfortable for me!"

Mei Xiangwei smiled mysteriously, did not speak, and gently put her hand on Si Xiaobao's wrist.

But as soon as he put it on, Si Xiaobao's cell phone rang. I wanted to wait until Mei Xiangwei’s pulse was over before answering the call, but the phone rang too loudly, and Si Xiaobao pulled his wrist back in embarrassment, “I’m sorry, grandma, wait and see.”

"Well, it's okay, you answer the phone first." Don't worry, there is time.

The phone call is Dong Guo Rou, "Hey, Rou Rou."

I don’t know what was said over there, Si Xiaobao’s expression suddenly changed, and he stood up from the chair, “Signs of miscarriage? Su Xingyu, what’s the matter?”

"You come first, let's talk about it. She is in a bad mood now. Come and accompany her first." Su Xingyu looked at Dong Guo Rou, who was pale in the ward, and felt very distressed.

"Okay, I will go now, which ward?"


Si Xiaobao hurriedly walked to the door, only to remember that he was in the old lady's room, and had to turn back again, "Grandma, I'm sorry, Rourou went to the hospital with something wrong, I have to go over and accompany her now."

"It's okay, you go, yes, take this." Mei Xiangwei got up from the chair, found something in the storage cabinet, put it in a bag, and handed it to Si Xiaobao.

"Grandma what is this?"

"This is a tonic for anti-fetuses. Didn't you just say that she has signs of miscarriage? Just drink it with a stew, no need to take other medicine."

Si Xiaobao hugged Mei Xiangwei after hearing the words, "Grandma, you are so kind, I thank you for Rourou!"

Mei Xiangwei was amused by her, "Go ahead, slow down the road, and let Xiaoyi accompany you."

"Well, grandma, goodbye! You rest early!"

Inside the hospital

When Si Xiaobao and Gu Yi arrived, Su Xingyu was leaning against the wall of the hospital corridor, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Si Xiaobao hit Su Xingyu with his bag and said angrily, "Isn't Rourou uncomfortable? Why don't you go in and take care of it?"

Su Xingyu raked her short hair and explained, "She is angry and won't let me in."


Gu Yi glanced at Su Xingyu and followed Xiaobao into the ward.

"Rourou, I'm here!" Guo Rou, the ward in the ward, was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and when she heard Si Xiaobao's voice, she opened her eyes.

The moment he saw Si Xiaobao, Dong Guorou's tears couldn't stop streaming, and she gave Si Xiaobao distressed, and immediately hugged her, "What's wrong, Rourou, who is bullying you! Tell me, I Go and beat her! Is it Su Xingyu, it must be him, right?"

Gu Yi patted Si Xiaobao on the shoulder, "I'll go to the treating doctor's office."

Knowing that he was going to see Dong Guo Rou's condition, Si Xiaobao nodded, and Gu Yi left.

When only the two of them were left in the ward, Dong Guo Rou choked and explained the reason.

It turned out that the two quarreled at night, or because of Dong Guo Hanyu.

After Dong Guo Hanyu was banned from the entertainment industry, he stopped working, thinking about how to hook up with Su Xingyu every day.

Just tonight, Dong Guo Rou found an ambiguous message sent by him and Dong Guo Hanyu on Su Xingyu's cell phone.

The content is all flirting, very nauseous...

Su Xingyu explained to her that she didn't know what was going on. Dong Guo Rou didn't believe it, and the two began to quarrel. During the cold war between the two, Su Xingyu brought Dong Guo Hanyu to someone and explained it clearly to Dong Guo Rou.

Who knows that the first sentence Dong Guo Hanyu came over is that she and Su Xingyu are happy, don't let Dong Guo Rou be the third party in the middle!

Dong Guo Rou was overwhelmed with grief when she couldn't think about it for a while, and she got fetal gas...

Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time and the child was saved. However, I have to stay in bed for a few months.

It was Dong Guo Hanyu again, Si Xiaobao's teeth itchy, "What is going on with the text messages of Su Xingyu and Dong Guo Hanyu, has it been investigated now?"

Dong Guo Rou shook her head slightly, "No, the evidence is here, do you still need to investigate?" She believed what she saw.

Si Xiaobao silently put Dong Guo Rou back on the bed and rushed out of the ward. "Xiao Bao!" Dong Guo Rou exclaimed. Si Xiaobao had already opened the door of the ward and hit Su Xingyu's chest heavily with a fist.

Even though Si Xiaobao used a lot of effort, Su Xingyu just frowned slightly, and there was no more reaction.

On the contrary, Gu Yi walked over with the medical record sheet and grabbed Si Xiaobao's fist. "How do you do it yourself? Tell me if you don't get used to it."

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